Hogwarts Legacy's release date of 10th February is right around the corner, and as the appointed time approaches, we learn more about the many mysteries in store for us. Like any good RPG, expect to spend a significant amount of time off the beaten path, engaging in side quests that, at least on paper, sound like they might have more of an impact than one might expect.
Speaking to GamesRadar+, Moira Squier, narrative director on Hogwarts Legacy, discussed the ways in which side quests can impact the main story, noting that "by giving the player choice moments throughout the game, we allow them to tell their own version of that epic story."
While you pull at the central narrative threads at the core of Hogwarts Legacy, decisions made during extracurricular activities will "manipulate the main campaign by virtue of the experiences they've had," says Squier. Moreover, "interacting with someone in a side quest will impact how you interact with them in the main storyline - and vice versa."
Most exciting of all, it looks like these various side quests can be engaged with at will and aren't gated behind main story progress, as is so often the case in other RPGs. Squier explains that "the order in which the player chooses to complete these quests will impact their story and game. Everything is interconnected. So, while it was challenging, it was a lot of fun to do, and it's rewarding to see how well it turned out."
What do you think of Hogwarts Legacy's non-linear approach to side content? Work for extra credit in the comments section below.
[source gamesradar.com]
Comments 77
Please be good please be good please be good🤞🤞
I can't wait to play this game. It looks like a lot of fun.
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I'd buy it but I haven't exactly been interested in Harry Potter stuff or wizards
@Jedihillis Uh oh lol
I really cant wait for this game. Out of all the games that were shown at the ps5 reveal this and demons souls were the 2 that made me the most excited. I just have to find the time but i'm sure its going to be worth it.
@Jedihillis i had to give you a like while your comment stays 🤣
@LimitedPower I'm going to wait on buying this until we get proper reviews.
I may still pre-order soon though, Best Buy offering a free $10 gift card.
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I presume these side quests involve combat and harder sub bosses and such, so, if we can tackle them in any order, that implies to me some type of enemy scaling, which completely ruins RPGs for me usually.
I hope I’m wrong but, well, I’ve already pre ordered the game so it is what it is. Hopefully there are secret bosses or arenas or something that don’t scale.
The more side quests, the more fun.
Things like these sub quests adapting how characters react shows the huge amount of work that many developers have put into this game and we should all applaud that separate from anything else. These devs don’t deserve to have their work cancelled because people think certain opinions of people tangentially linked to the game should be held to the highest importance.
And yes, some might think It’s a shame that Push Square have decided to make a political statement, there was no need for it, and I don’t personally agree with their stance, but we should respect it even if we disagree, and continue to interact with the site because, frankly, people will always have opinions we disagree with in life, and we need to interact with them on a daily basis (Plus, it’s likely just a company position for PR purposes, I doubt everybody in the company feels exactly the same).
I hope that this game isn’t damaged by people who hold the opposite view, and it gets as many or as few sales as it deserves. It looks like the devs have poured their heart and soul into it.
I think that’s a good point, we should be able to have a conversation with people with different views. PushSquare do say “Our goal is to create and foster a positive environment for people – all people – to discuss and celebrate video games”. They should have just left it at that. Making a political stance, does not help create a positive environment. Especially female readers who feel they can’t express their own concerns. This should be a place for all.
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Are these views and opinions strong enough, to stop you playing a game she is associated with,I mean shes gonna be making money off it,if youre provided a review copy, will you throw it on hell fire.
@Jedihillis I agree 100%
PushSquare have clearly said they’re looking forward to this. I’m not, but the state of this comment section looking for a reason to be mad is quite a thing. Literally no one is telling you not to be excited for this in this comment section yet most of the comments are about that. Also, everything is political, you can’t avoid it so seems silly to harp on about keeping it out of games.
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My wife and I are looking forward to this a lot. Not a Harry Potter fan by choice (I was forced into watching the movies, even the horrible Fantastic Beasts movies), but this game looks rad.
Being able to use dark magic really sold it for me. I really just like killing things (in video games).
@R_Ryder how do you work that one out?
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Folks, literally no one is saying you can't buy and enjoy this game and Push Square are still writing and publishing articles about it pretty much every day, why are you all so upset?
The main discourse that I've seen resolves around the simple statement - "if you buy this game, you will be financially supporting a bigot", this is categorically true, whether you agree with Rowling's beliefs or not. Vote with your wallets people, I know I will.
@Christina90 Your comment was removed as you targeted a specific user, going against our Community Rules. If you wish to discuss this further, please contact us directly. https://www.pushsquare.com/contact
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@R_Ryder 100%
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@DreamlandGem that's understandable. But the 2nd comment wasn't aimed at any user.
@Christina90 Please see our Community Rules https://www.pushsquare.com/rules
"Do not discuss moderation issues in public; If your posts are removed or edited you should talk to us about it by using the contact form. Creating another post to discuss why a previous post was removed will not be tolerated." Thanks!
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@starbuck2212 I don't that's what they're doing at all. They're writing and publishing articles because the majority of their audience seems to be interested in this game. Nowhere in the articles to they take any kind of political stance or try to sway opinion on J.K, but they aren't ignorant enough of current social politics to know that this discussion won't come up in the comments, because people on both sides are extremely passionate about this issue. The logical answer to this is their statement at the top of the comments section in which they simply say the views of the site at large do not align with those of Rowling, that's literally all they've said - nothing about boycotting the game or attacking the devs. If anything it is a statement on their ability to separate the art from the artist. Trans rights are a big deal right now whichever way you swing it, and stances have to be communicated in order to safe spaces to be established.
Having recently been on the Harry Potter studio tour with the family we are all pretty hyped for this game. The kids have been re-reading the books and we've re-watched all the films whilst wearing all the Harry Potter merch we can. We literally couldn't be more Harry Potter.
I hope this game sells really well as the developers deserve it for the work they've put in. Equally JKR surely deserves the success too as she's worked hard to create this world that a lot of people enjoy. Some people might not like her views but she's done plenty of research so can at least back them up. Like others here, I have a wife and daughter, and would hope that their voice gets heard in all this craziness that's going on at the moment - they also deserve it.
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It really does sound like the dev team put a lot of love and care into this game. It's a shame that every time the game is brought up, people just can't help themselves but talk about J.K. Rowling instead of the game. Agree or disagree with her, there's little point to just regurgitating your stance over and over again. Feel how you feel about her opinions and move on I say.
Now back to the actual game. I love when RPGs do this sort of thing! It's definitely distracting when you do a side quest involving a character that plays a big part later in the main story but that character acts like they just met you assuming you didn't do the side quest. Love the attention to detail!
100 side missions? That is in comparison to assassin's creed origins? 😏😏
I don't agree that Push Square is wanting to have their cake and eat it too or that they've been milquetoast or fence sitters or whatever, in regard to JK Rowling, she did make the "universe", but there is a massive massive team working on Hogwarts Legacy from all walks of life.
I agree with you. Hope this game does really well and looking forward to playing it on launch day.
The ability to simply finally explore Hogwarts alone is a day 1 buy for me. Hopefully its a great game too
Seeing somewhat of a Harry Potter revival at the moment. I’ve watched all the movies this month and just started reading the first book. This game looks so good. Can’t believe we only have to wait two more weeks! 😁
@ItsBritneyB_tch Wow you’ve really smashed through them. It would be very impressive if you get through all the books before the game releases as well.
What did you think of the movies? Interested to know what someone with no nostalgia bias thinks in 2023.
That sounds great. If those side quests are as good as they say, then it should be a wonderful time.
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@thefourfoldroot1 I agree on the level scaling ruining rpgs. Case in point for me was ESO. I played it about 6 months after release then quit for awhile came back a couple years later and nearly died from a creature just outside the city walls. Why would something that only scavenges near towns level equal to me, a dungeon seeking, world traveling adventurer. Hopefully this isn't the case for Hogwarts.
It happens in a lot of games unfortunately. Skipped Ys 8 because of it. I mean, nothing can be as terrible as Oblivion, but there are a lot of bad implementations from devs who can’t decide on whether they want to make an RPG or an action game.
@Constable_What shes still making money from the game
Side missions are usually introduced to bloat the game to an often ludicrous degree. If they're fun or intriguing, like in TW3 or FromSoft games, then it'll be good. But I have my doubts, and in all honesty, it's a little off putting for me. I could do with less fetch quests.
@Fight_Teza_Fight I really liked them.
The first two movies feel very different to the movies that came after - they had that Chris Columbus charm. And John Williams’ brilliant score helped raise the movies to another level - his absence was really felt in the later entries. I also preferred the original actor who played Dumbledore in the first two movies (Marcus Aurelius from the Gladiator movie). He played the role as a kind, wise and caring old man. The Dumbledore we got from the third movie onward was quite different - I didn’t like how quick he was to anger or him shouting at Harry and I found his actions/motives to be slightly sinister. I don’t know if that’s book accurate but I wasn’t too keen on the change.
I think the fourth movie was probably my favourite though (although I’ve read it’s the most controversial amongst fans of the books - because they changed so much). But I loved the Hunger Games vibe it had with the different trials and the tri-wizard cup. The final scene with Voldemort was so tense and very well done. Can’t wait to read this book to see how different it is compared to the movie.
The later movies I thought were quite dark and I enjoyed them but I preferred the earlier, lighter movies. Those earlier movies seemed more centred around Hogwarts (which I liked) whereas the later movies seemed to branch out to different locations. One of the main reasons I’m looking forward to the game is so I can explore Hogwarts.
But yes, overall I enjoyed the movies. I’m going to give it my best shot to finish the books before the game arrives 😁
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@tallythwack Yeah. She's a billionaire; there could be 100's of games that fail and it wouldn't change that though. But like I said there are many other people involved in realizing the project. Not just her.
it does look good, but definitely not £70-good.
So I guess if you treat the npcs like *****, things get harder or easier. Makes sense, I guess.
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@Elodin then your just not good at eso. eso is my all time fav game. all time fav mmorpg. i took a 5 month break and came back and it was like i never left lol, im champion rank 787 as well so enemies are way up there with me
@popey1980 it isn't £70
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@MatthewJP it is if you buy it on the psn store..even more for the deluxe edition. If you have a physical ps5 then online its cheaper as i have had mine on pre order from base.com for £43 for ages..sucks if you bought the digital ps5..
@Northern_munkey ah true I didn't think of digital. Gotta love Base. com
@MatthewJP yeah its a really good site. They dont always get your game to you on release day but when you are saving a lot of money on new releases its not a big issue.
Excited for release and the previews have gotten me even more excited! I am also curious how the controller features will play out on the PS5.
@Constable_What but she's the creator of that franchise and will have her name plastered all over the credits, if you have such strong opinions about her views ,that you have to publicly come out and share them with others,that certainly reeks of hypocrisy to even put a penny into her pocket ,I personally don't give a flying ***** ,and as long as the game is great, she can have a percentage of my money.
@lankieBD and thats great ,the people who I have a problem with are the ones who are treating the woman like Hitler, and who will still buy the game,and you can guarantee there will be many ,I certainly wouldn't buy a game with any ties to rolf Harris.
@tallythwack I didn't share any strong opinion of Rowling, or are you just talking generally? Maybe reread my original comment again? Don't know what you're on about.
@SerJosh97 lol glad you love it. You missed my point. I don't like level scaling as it wrecks rpg emersion for me. My example was eso. I do like the game. I'm just sad they level scaled most things. Should a rat be able to go toe to toe with someone who beat a dragon? I get the idea that it does make every area playable, just not for me.
@ItsBritneyB_tch I agree about Dumbledore being less likeable throughout the movies (not the books. in fact he was more kind and understanding to Harry after the first 2-3 books). There was a seen which was heavily memed upon in The Goblet of Fire where Dumbledore rages on Harry asking did he put his name in the Goblet of Fire (in the book it was written that Dumbledore calmly asked Harry). But this is of course not the actor's problem but the script writers.
Still no regrets to have ordered the Deluxe Edition. Super excited!
@VivianXD2464 i think its called artistic interpretation rather than being a problem. Even the mighty lord of the rings movies had a certain degree of artistic interpretation and countless other tv series etc.
I'm going to hold off on this till I get a better view. I know a lot of folks really liked AC Valhalla but I found recent AC games completely blotted and this sounds like it's following that model. My preference is firmly 15 hours and move on to the next thing and this game sounds like the opposite of that kind of focused experience.
100 sidequests doesn't sound appealing to me at all. Lot's of content doesn't mean good all the time. I'm very much on the fence with this game, wont buy until released, reviewed, and probably on sale.
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@Thenewguy It so much depends on the quality and variety of the content. 100 sidequests where 70-90 of them are fun and interesting to me (maybe a different mix of them fun and interesting to someone else) sounds awesome. 100 sidequests that feel like the same four sidequests repeated 25x each with different labels on them...that sounds tedious.
@Constable_What I wasn’t a huge fan either but the prospect of using dark magic as me in 100%
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