Platform holders Microsoft and Nintendo will not bother with a presence on the E3 2023 show floor according to a new report from IGN. Joining Sony — who hasn't attended the convention since 2018 — it raises more questions about what the expo will look like as Reedpop takes over management of the event. This doesn't stop the three companies from hosting livestreamed events around the same time as E3, but it sounds like first-party titles won't be playable on an E3 showfloor.
Microsoft has already confirmed it will be hosting a showcase in the summer, and Nintendo will likely have a Direct to reveal more Switch titles. Sony could have a State of Play up its sleeve for June, or even a big PlayStation Showcase. None of these events need a presence at E3 itself to take place, so the decision to not attend affects the credibility of the expo and those actually going more than anything else.
Last year, Geoff Keighley hosted a small alternative to E3 in the form of press days surrounding the Summer Game Fest branding. These will return this year, so it'll be interesting to see whether Sony, Microsoft, or Nintendo have their games there instead.
Last year, Reedpop spoke of wanting to "re-establish the traditional E3 week". However, without the three main platform holders on board, that seems like an already difficult task made even harder.
[source ign.com]
Comments 40
Put a fork in it!
E3 is done like a dinner.
I’m glad E3 is finally dead.
They're prepping for the next evolution of video game conferences.
They call it...E4!
E3 has been dead for years, especially the last two shows, some of the worse I've ever seen. I remember the days I'd look forward to each show and stay up to all hours of the morning (UK) even though I had college/work the next day. But lately I just don't feel that connection or excitement anymore, it just feels dead and most games are leaked before the shows so there's no surprises either.
E3 is washed. Turn into a artshow for indie games and reduce the scale of operations. Shine a light on the smaller games.
Although it’s been on a massive decline over the years, I used to really look forward to E3. It was awesome seeing everything announced over the course of a few days and it definitely made everything feel like a big deal! Highlights for me over the most recent E3s was Devil May Cry 5s announcement, the awesome God of War reveal, Sonys pricing announcement of PS4 and the digs at Xbox, Final Fantasy 7 Remake reveal and the Arkham Knight showing.
Ah that's a ahame. I miss the bombastic E3 weekend, it was just so much fun watching with friends, seeing all the announcements & surprises, reactions from the crowd, etc.
Geoff Keighley's borefest just isn't the same. And I'm not the biggest fan of the state of play/Nintendo direct, where the host sounds like a kindergarten teacher addressing the class.
Ah well, it was fun while it lasted.
Alright I give in after defending the need for E3 for so long, it's done. Very thankful for being able to experience "E3 week" many, many times, nothing beats the hype those live press conferences would bring. Good times!
Rip e3. There were times when you were hype af. Maybe the game awards can fill that void though especially if it brings in the game announcements like it did last year
E3’s death was inevitable. It started losing its relevancy years ago, as game publishers started realizing that they didn’t need to share the stage with each other, and online marketing was becoming way more cost-effective than putting on a physical show.
Then COVID came along, and everybody figured out how almost everything could be done remotely. That was the final nail in the coffin.
If any part of E3 survives this year, it’ll be closer to a PAX than the E3s of old, with Reedpop organizing everything. It had its time, now it’s time to move on.
they we’re always done in LA anyway like everything else , so who cares if e3 goes
Sony pulling out caused a massive downward push. It was inevitable Sony just decided to start first
I mean, can you blame them?
Used to love the week we got of round the clock coverage. Sad that it’s dead now.
Honestly thought Microsoft stopped attending E3 years ago and they had their own live event a few blocks down. Really, I did. Maybe I was thinking of EA? 🤷♂️
Why is this a big deal?
PlayStation has State of Play
Nintendo has Nintendo Direct
Xbox has Xbox Showcase
They don’t need E3 anymore.
I quite liked E3. I don’t follow Xbox or Nintendo news usually but E3 was a chance to see what everyone else was up to.
Curious what Reed Pop come up with. Not surprised to see the major manufacturers shy away though.
Sadly, as I’ve been saying for quite some time, they just don’t need it anymore.
In this day & age there is no need for E3.
A ton of games are announced- mostly early, and at the end of the day there’s only like 3-5 games that take up all the conversation.
Why should all these games compete against each other for attention?
Have you own day & those that are interested will buy it. There us no need for E3 in the social media age.
E3 was a amazing video games event.them days was extremely fun.looking forward to what sony have to offer.sony always was the best when it comes to e3.word up son
Ever since they've been going with shorter prerecorded streams, I've stopped caring. and honestly, I don't feel as excited and ready to pre-order as I used to either. I still do with some games, but I'm not actively looking to get excited about games like I was with these conferences. I think the old way produced a lot more hype.
Live conferences that are flashy and give me a line of new games are the best way to go IMO. It makes me sad that they've died and been replaced with something much less exciting.
That's a shame, wonder if anything would bring companies back....free tshirts?!
why share the limelight when youve got games to show. everybody's doing there own thing now and personally i think its better
This is the first E3 since the first E3 (in 1995) I won't be attending. Just doesn't seem worth it anymore. Too much has changed. Not only will it be missing Sony, Microsoft, and Nintendo, but also Zenimax, EA, Bungie, and questionably Activision/Blizzard. I'm curious if any of the major publishers will be there. Epic? Ubisoft? I love indie games, but can they carry E3 without any major publishers? I'll miss the spectacle, but let's be real: it's time to move on.
(Funny to think that the "Big 3" in '95 were Nintendo, Sega, and a brand new entry: Sony Playstation.)
I genuinely think this is a shame all around. E3 was largely for the fans. Just as comicon is for the comic book nerds, and so on. To eliminate attending these shows just to preserve profits essentially says that you, the target audience is not worthy of that sort of investment. Instead, we now get vague, often disingenuous trailers, prerecorded video showcases, and half-baked developer diaries. edited, doctored, made up and otherwise tailored sizzle reals instead of full-on stage showcases, and game play booths.....
Thats if we get any sort of communication, release dates, or fan service at all....
Which Sony has progressively done less and less of even on that front.
It's not about sharing limelight or any other self-defeating excuses you continue to make for these increasingly predatory corporations. It was about coming together to celebrate a medium. This is a loss for the art form, especially when considering what it has been replaced with mentioned above along with that godawful game awards advertising sham.
Ew, so we're stuck with randomly timed non shows not really worth watching. So much for hype week. I was looking forward to a real e3 minus Sony again. Much as I defend it we're getting hardware launch without even a presentation with vr2. Seems everything is flat and anticlimactic anymore. Might as well just join Zuck and live in the headset after all.
@KundaliniRising333 Couldn't agree more. This should be stickied and made a front page article. I enjoy the games but no longer really enjoy being a fan or enthusiast, because the companies no longer are interested in fans and enthusiasts, they just want consumers and recurring revenue streams.
E3 2023 will just be an hour long Ubisoft speech begging people to please buy their company.
E3 has been dead long ago. First it went stale and then they slowly skipped it. Used to love watching them all and read everthing about the games but it's long outdated now and the State of Play/Showcase/Nintendo Direct are so much better. Especially when they come by surprise.
For years now E3 felt like it was using a lot of filler to take up the time. But having a proper State of Play, Showcase or Direct feels like they are actually ready to show things worth showing.
E3 had a good run, I loved them in the past, but the last 5+ years it showed it wasn't relevant anymore. Game companies can now release information at a time it's convenient for them, no more crushing for the show and that is a huge plus.
@NEStalgia exactly
Sad news but not surprising. I'll always miss E3's glory days. We have had the digital events for a while and while they are nice they just don't got the same soul as a great E3 presentation.
God of War 2018's reveal will probably never be topped in terms of absolute hype at this point. The best game reveal I think I've ever seen.
I like the idea of repurposing E3 to focus on indie games since those are the ones who need the exposure. Big players can handle the hype machine in their own shows but indie developers are the ones working on shoestring budgets and any exposure could mean the difference between a profitable launch, or a studio going under.
I tought E3 was scrapped and put in the bin ?? Or was that just my thoughts? Regardless that's where this waste of time should be, thaey charge devs too much, not open to the public, get the worse " popular" Dbags to host it,
E3 you use to be cool 😢
There's just no real benefit to the larger companies taking part in E3. They've all learned that they can do the Nintendo Direct style shows and command attention whenever they want.
I've always loved E3 and watching all the big press conferences, but sadly it's just a relic of a bygone era.
E3 is dead but I will miss it, I stayed up many a late night to catch the news. It was once the perfect week. Bygone era indeed. Everything has been leaked for years now. Now it's in the pile with PlayStation and all the other magazines. Good memories. maybe it's time to bring back the PlayStation magazine, with Demo disks!!
E3 is not dead, they just won't have Sony, Xbox, or Nintendo there anymore.
You guys forget there are still independent studios out there like Square-Enix, Bandai Namco, Ubisoft, EA etc.
Writing has been on the wall for a long time with E3, don't blame Nintendo not showing though, must be a torture trying to flog more life out of Mario Kart, Animal crossing and Zelda. In all seriousness though, coms have changed so much now with timed independent showings on YouTube and gamers being introduced to titles in development much earlier in the development cycle. The big reveals of E3 just Don't occur anymore. It could definitely become more niche though, a greater focus on indie devs as well as a focus on titles and innovations over a longer timescale.
Beats me why so many are gloating about this. It had it's better and worse years, but I do feel like something fun is lost if it should go away completely. It is nice to have something analogue in this all digital day and age.
The three big platform holders are boring sobs in my eyes for letting go of tradition.
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