Forspoken isn’t the first game in video game history to have dodgy dialogue, and it certainly won’t be the last – but for some reason, it’s become the victim of a social media backlash, with no shortage of out-of-context clips shared online to ridicule lead character Frey. Actress Ella Balinska – who plays the character – has seen some of the discourse, but in an interview with The Verge she’s eager to rise above it all. For her, appearing in the game is a simply a dream come true.
“There are things that we all do that might be eyebrow-raising to other people,” she said of whether the character is as cringey as Twitter has portrayed. “I think people always have a positive or negative response to something they're not used to seeing, and that's completely okay because that’s the way we incite change.”
For the record, we liked Balinska’s portrayal of Frey, and noted in our Forspoken PS5 review that the character adds a jolt of personality to a release that can otherwise be quite bland: “The game's riddled with badly paced and questionably directed cutscenes, as characters drone on and on about Athia's generic fantasy lore in an attempt to make Frey care about their plight – it's no wonder she's always telling them to f*ck off.”
Balinska, though, is too focused on the positives to care about the criticism: “I just never would have thought [I’d one day be the star when I was] playing games downstairs with my Mum’s hairdresser’s son while she was getting her hair done. Now, to think that he can pick up this game and play as me, it's just unbelievable. And I hope it inspires other people to realise that if you commit to the bit hard enough, something really crazy can happen.”
What a wonderfully positive head this young lady has on her shoulders!
[source gamespot.com]
Comments 85
The irony is that it's the nobodies on Twitter who are truly the cringey ones.
'not used to seeing' & 'incite change' people are making fun of the cringey dialogue not that the lead characters a woman who isn't white 🙄
She is so awesome! I was gonna buy forespoken a little later but just picked it up today instead.
I haven't seen that much criticism of this game. Other games have had a much worse reception from the gaming community. The suggested negative reaction in this article has been overblown.
I’m not finding the dialogue particularly bad so far, though to be fair I’m in the early goings. The swearing borders on being excessive, but it’s nowhere near the F-bomb per minute mark of the average Scorsese movie.
It does seem like “the writing is bad” has become the complaint du jour. It can be a valid critique, but without at least a little explanation as to what’s bad about it, it rings hollow.
Pretty much all SE games have poor dialogue.
its just expected.
dont see why anyone would expect better
Haven't seen much discussion about the game at all, frankly. I feel like by the end of the year everyone will forget this game exists.
That being said, kudos to the actress. She was handed a script and did her best with it, I don't fault her one bit.
She kinda speaks like race is the issue, but its the dialogue people are complaining about.
Her performance is fine, its the writers who are the issue. Actors can only do so much with a sh**ty script.
@Would_you_kindly What does her not being white got anything to do with it??? Christ...
@stvevan Lol, okay. So you're including Final Fantasy as well then? Please 😂
@Gilgamax305 look at @Jacko11 comment.
Most reviews seem to have a problem with the empty open world and dodgy gameplay, than the dialogue ,ill pick it up when its 20 quid in a few weeks
They can spin it all they want the dialogue really is terrible. They also never stop talking.
@Would_you_kindly yeah I didn't get that comment either ,incite change in what exactly ,games with good writing ?
It's really just shocking how rough the dialog is considering the writing talent that was involved on the team. It's not the actresses fault. I think she might be misinterpreting the issue here.
After the flak she got for the Netflix Resident Evil show, nothing probably fazes her anymore. Good for her. Too many people forget that the actor isn’t the writer anyway; they make the best with what they’re given.
At this point, I buy SE games to see if they can do any worse than some of the Star Wars movies and so far. Yes, yes they can.
@Gilgamax305 FFs dialogues can be terrible. The stories themselves are great. No one will dispute that. But alot of recent SE games have had shocking dialogue.
I’m still baffled by the vitriol this game gets with regards to the dialog. It’s a little bit heavy with the swearing, but that’s about it. There’s plenty of high profile games that have worse writing and have received praise for their storytelling. I mean, sure, it’s not the highest peak in the Square vista, but it’s certainly an entertaining story with serviceable dialog to fit it.
The dialogue is atrocious but it’s not her fault at all so I don’t blame her for filtering the crap out. She can only work with the lines she’s given and regardless it must be cool to be able to see herself in a game this huge. Now we better get Lorraine Pascale Hairdressing Simulator.
@Gilgamax305 Step 1: Person makes an assumption about the intent of another's online activity that might be incorrect or inexact.
Step 2: Another person makes an assumption about the former's intent behind their words, which might be incorrect or inexact.
It's all speculative interpretation but no one seems self-aware about it
That's online discourse in a nutshell. People will say crap sometimes just to satisfy their inner logic. It's infuriating
She actually seems like a lovely person but the problem with the game has almost nothing to do with her, the writers did her dirty and well the developers that made the game.
The dialogue is a bit cringe but that’s what gives the game its quirky personality. I always thought the dialogue in the Metal Gear Solid and Final Fantasy games was cringe too but everyone raves about those 🤷♂️
Edit: I do think it’s getting more hate than usual because it’s PS5/Console Exclusive too.
@tallythwack the gameplay is actually the best part imo. The times when you’re left to explore the open world is when I had the most fun. Also, I haven’t had a single bug/glitch or game crash in my 45 hours playing, which is rare these days.
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Cant blame her for the lines she had to read. No one could make those lines work.
@Gilgamax305 yep the names and dialogue are often over done, or cheese,
the gameplay/story is still fantastic.
Hang on a minute..people here are saying they have not seen much discussion about this game? I've seen loads of discussions on this site alone and the majority of it has been incredibly negative. The dialogue is the biggest culprit and the flat lighting is probably the 2nd along with the bland npc's. I have not played the game yet but i plan to at some point in the future.
I've only played the demo so far. I didn't see any issues with her character's dialogue, I wasn't a fan of the bangles though. Gameplay was a bit rough and the world seemed quite bland. I'll get it when it's on sale.
@KaijuKaiser it must be the overwhelming sense of regret at buying the lesser console. I know some people didn’t have a choice due to the PS5 shortages. It’s sad really. Imagine buying ‘the worlds most powerful console’ and not having any first party games to show off it’s full potential. Only multi-plats, XB1 and 360 games. You’d be angry too 😂
@GagaOooLaLa it's the most powerful console but because they made the series S they can never fully utilise it as all games have to run on series S
thats right , my wifey too sexy to be fussed about anything .
@KaijuKaiser ill put aside the woke/black loony argument.
otherwise i think its also down to heavy marketing and because its a known actress. also once a narrative turns negative its hard to bring people round
@Loamy I honestly don’t think it has anything to do with race (at least for the majority). That’s just an easy excuse for the people involved in creating the game to hide behind (and I love the game). There are loads of successful games with black/non-white protagonists.
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I don't buy games with beautiful women in them. I'm biased against games with gorgeous women.
Why would she care? She got paid, end of story for her I suspect.
Michael Caine was once asked about the (awful) Jaws: The Revenge movie he 'starred' in:
"Mr Caine, have you seen the movie?"
"No, but I've seen the house it paid for."
@KaijuKaiser couldn’t agree more. FFXIV has some of the best dialog in any medium and Koji Fox and his team are the best localizers in the world hands down. FF16 is going to be awesome
Plenty of games, especially from SquareEnix, have poor dialogue. The thing is, SE's games in the past generally had likeable characters, that isn't the case with a lot of its more recent efforts and Forspoken is no exception. Hopefully the team behind FF XVI doesn't mess that one up.
Funny, because I've played the game and I ain't interested. Forspoken is just terrible. The dialogue and voice acting are woeful, but not even important in the grand scheme of things because the gameplay itself is mediocre at best. It just feels like another empty open world with nothing exciting going on and janky combat. I suppose, when you factor in typical Square Enix writing on top of that, it's a recipe for disaster.
Also, it was noticeably downgraded at launch, which automatically puts it into deceptive AAA territory.
"incite change" The only thing that needs to change is that garbage modern writing in a fantasy setting. She's so clueless. Does she even play video games?
@irishwololo Hard to say if it was downgraded or if it was a rush job considering it's a ps5/pc only game. Especially when ff15 a ps4 game looks better on the same engine. Although I haven't seen comparisons myself yet of the pre-release trailers.
Classy response, better then the twitter crowd deserves.
The writing is pretty bad though, not the actresses fault mind you.
What is she going on about? "The way we incite change?". Changing what? Bad video game writing? Bad video game directing? Casting Brits to fake NY accents? It's like the problems went totally over her head. Clearly they went over Luminous' too, so she's in good company.
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Anything with her is bad news from what I've seen. Resident Evil Netflix and Forspoken.
@RedRiot193 Fair enough. There hasn't been much discussion on it that I've seen. I don't know if I'm allowed to share links here or not, so I'll just recommend the video by "ElAnalistaDeBits" (just type in "Forspoken downgrade" after the username and it should be the first result).
I'm all too acquainted with the cringe and can confirm inciting change of any kind can't be achieved through it
No. Some of the dialogue is in a way, believable, but comes from someone no one wants to be around. Not all change is good. There’s nothing good to be gained here.
@NEStalgia I was told by someone who blocked me that however an actor identifies in real life is exactly what the character they're mocapping is in the game as well.
So you don't understand, it's not that Frey is actually an American from New York, she's actually a Brit 𝘱𝘳𝘦𝘵𝘦𝘯𝘥𝘪𝘯𝘨 to be an American from New York.
I hope I clarified things for you!
@irishwololo Yeah sure. I'm not doubting you. Tbh the game just never looked good to me anyways. DF made a video about it too talking about how subpar it looked.
@GreatAuk 😂 lol. Actually I think that becoming part of the plot could actually make the game more interesting!
It's the same problem people had with Pat Somersett doing the "British" Zelda VO. Brits gnashed their teeth at the accent being off for any dialect. Ella did a decent job faking it, but when you know the real NY/Nort Joisey accents well enough, it's incessantly irritating. The forced cliche overly hard "r"s, the occasional totally off accents ("fookers"... 😆)
The only Brit I've ever heard in video game VA work that has such a convincing American accent it actually had me fooled for years until I read she's actually British it's Skye Bennett in Xenoblade 2.
I mean Ella did a very ok job with it, but why was a Brit cast for it to begin with when there's not exactly a lack of starving actors in NY that would have lined up for it? Or why not just set the modern setting in London instead of NYC?
It's just all part of the mess behind this poor game...
What change is she inciting by voicing a foul-mouthed, unpleasant character? What a load of you-know-what.
@stvevan You would think!! Most of the final fantasy are just reading the character's responses. Final fantasy 14 great example. People forget that this is coming from a Japanese company not America. Just like Capcom with street fighter the game is fun but the dialog is always cringe worthy. I see it as it was never her fault she wasent the writer and let's face it square Enix does not have a writer of the God of War or last of us quality. I promisse you no one from that company will be writing a movie anytime soon. People wonder why the jrpg has died off its because exactly this it's a dinosaur compared to the movie the cinema like story and dialog and writing we get here In the USA.
My God, she's hot!😍😍
Obnoxious edgelord dialogue isn’t the fault of the voice actor.
Just like adding progressive characters and themes into TLOU2 wasn’t the fault of the voice actors. That whole thing was cringeworthy and offensive and just adds fuel to the fire that a huge section of gamers are sad little Incels and right wingers.
@Loamy i'll agree with that. I was just generalising to be honest.
I'm gonna love this game when it's around 10 bucks.
Lots of games receive criticism on social media. It’s the gaming media reporting on it for clicks that elevates it to such a high level.
She definitely thinks race and gender are the issues with this game. I won't blame her tho, as the gaming community is mostly racist and homophobic in their nature, so she just assumed gamers have a beef with her character
I saw one of the clips and it seems the character is very similar to Nathan Drake. Idk why she is "cringy".
But yeah. Faaaaacts.
@NEStalgia Same deal whenever a show attempts a "Southern accent," which is rather like a British accent insofar as there actually a dozen or more specific accents being conflated by an audience without experience of the region in question.
I do something find it funny how upset certain UK players will get about certain performances, though. Like Luke's voice acting in the Professor Layton games. The funny thing is his changed voice actor in the UK dub for the game sounds far more artificial to my American ear, like some sort of squeaky British chipmunk.
Princess Zelda's accent works better when you realize she's probably not going for a specific real world accent, and is instead just trying to convey a sense of the character's royal and sheltered upbringing.
Noooo but there’s a pride flag in the background. This game is woke trash.
@GodofCapcom Nathan drake is similarly cringey ohhhh I prefer Lara Croft.
Game failed because it's another third person interactive movie with terrible gameplay, terrible characters and that version of new york? Lifeless and dull it makes division new york look cozy. People in these comments really trying to blame the failure on certain groups nah the game getting lampooned because it sucks.
Haven’t played the new saints row but tried the character creator. Let’s just say it is most certainly “woke” in the changes it made to the depiction of the female form. Sure, they “freed the nipple”, but only allowed certain body types they considered acceptable, the previous games where far more inclusive in that sense.
Regardless of the the situation, can we all at least agree that she is beautiful?
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@SamMR MOSTLY racist and homophobic? What a bunch of nonsense.
You happen to be that one good one though right? You're not those awful things, but everyone else is!
How about Pushsquare? I guess most posters here are racist and homophobic.
She's in two all time legendary bad video game adaptions. This and be Resident Evil Netflix monsterocity.
Truly an amazing talent.
Nah. Nathan is actually funny. Not like bursting of laughter, but humorous. I actually like working with people like that.
@Ralizah Absolutely on southern accents. Plus Even as an American I find the Zelda accent kind of off. Weirder she talked about it being a London accent and that she went to school there and all..... I'm not even a Londoner and have to side eye that.... 😂
@NEStalgia Oh, yeah, if she was attempting to sound like she was from London, she failed.
I still think her voice acting was fine, though. I'm not picky about authentic accents from fantasy characters. Which, I guess, is the difference with the character in Forspoken: she's supposed to be a New Yorker, as far as I understand.
I'd be interested in how many people bashing it have actually played it or are basing it on the demo whuch is nothing like the full game The writing absolutely isn't bad. It's a good tale of street kid come good and i love the interactions between Frey and Cuff. Seeing a couple of clips on YouTube doesnt represent the full game. The graphics whilst they aren't GOW standard there's nothing wrong with them. The magic effects are great. There's a little bit of lighting issue but I'm sure that'll be fixed. And the gameplay certainly isn't bad at all. It's actually a fun battle system. This will become another like Days Gone that people only appreciate once its offered on PS plus.
@SamMR I’m sorry but the gaming community is not “mostly” racist or anything else. Those people are always a fringe minority that have an amplified voice in certain forums.
Most gamers, like most people, are fairly neutral without strong opinions on much and enjoy a variety of different things.
@Father-Noo yes, racism is still around. And some of us experience racism more regularly depending on our line of work. But it’s still fringe. You’ll note the few people who express racism but ignore the majority who do not express it, for example.
Stats show that hate crimes are increasing, as are racist views, but it’s still only around 20% of people who have these views.
The vast majority are good hearted people who hold no hatred in their hearts. But the fear mongers amongst us, including the media and activists, are trying to sell their product. Racism, discrimination and hatred are always big hitters for this.
Personally, I don’t think much of the hatred towards this game is driven by racism. I didn’t even think about the main characters race until reading the actors comment.
why she showing us her rack like that?
@GreatAuk Hello, have you not seen gamers raging about gaming companies (EA , Ubisoft...etc) because they joined a group that pushes for diversity and inclusion in games?? take a look at Reddit and twitter to see what I mean. Plus how gamers reacted to tlou2 where some people automatically hated Abby for her design and Ellie for her sexuality.
@Arnna this comment would be seen as off topic inappropriate and trolling. But I guess since you were generalizing people who lean right to be obnoxious and incels its totally okay to stay up.
@KaijuKaiser That depends on if the economy gets better, and doesn’t continue to go down the toilet
Where people don’t have to choose between a week of groceries or a console. The Series S could very well end up being the savior of this generation for many, and look back fondly upon as something need during a time of recession.
This game is the cringest game I ever watch on youtube, the writer should be fired from the company, with a cannon, a real cannon.
Rather than using real actor for the protagonist, squareenix should use that money for better writer instead.
She's beautiful
Also, no one cares about what those NPC's on Twitter think about anything. I'm glad she doesn't indulge in that crap.
I still hate the game.
I don't think it's her fault the game sucks. That one is on the devs.
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