PS Plus Premium has today brought back a PS1 Classic in The Legend of Dragoon (as well as Wild Arms 2 and Harvest Moon: Back To Nature), but you do not need to subscribe to the top tier of Sony's service to play any of them. The three games are up for standard purchase on the PS Store, meaning you can circumvent a membership and buy them like any other PS5, PS4 title. This option has been made available to some PS1 Classics, but not all — therefore, it's worth taking advantage of if you're in the market for a blast from the past.
They cost the following on the PS Store:
- The Legend of Dragoon — £7.99 / €9.99 / $9.99
- Wild Arms 2 — £7.99 / €9.99 / $9.99
- Harvest Moon: Back to Nature — £4.99 / €5.99 / $5.99
If you do subscribe to PS Plus Premium, then you can enjoy these PS1 Classics alongside another 14 PS5, PS4 games. The lineup includes Horizon Forbidden West, The Quarry, Borderlands 3, and Scarlet Nexus, and much more.
Comments 56
I need champions of norrath.... (insert sad face)
Well done Sony 👏👏👏
And sensibly priced.
Sony's handling of PS1/PS2 classics is a joke that gets worse with each new generation
@Cutmastavictory Such a good game! I'd take that, and the sequel (or was it prequel?) over the latest Baldurs gate re-releases.
If you're interested in the PS1 classics some of them can be had for cheaper if you buy them on PS3/Vita. Wild Arms 1 is £3.99 on PS3/Vita and £7.99 on PS4, for example
Thankfully all the Sony releases seem to give you the option to buy and I hope it will stay like this
It's nice that sony didn't follow nintendo that didn't sells their old game and lock them only for their subscription.
Man I really want to play gba games on switch but I didn't want to pay $50 for their stupid subscription, $20 for barebones online with no (new) free games is okay, but $50 is too much I think.
Great news, all of them should be available to buy
Really wish Nintendo would follow Sony's lead on this front. Good stuff Playstation.
If only Nintendo would do that with their NSO games...
@Kanji-Tatsumi You can go to the PS3 or vita store and buy Wild Arms for 3.99. Then the game will be available to download for free from the PS4/PS5 store. Sony is allowing previous classic purchases to carry over from the older stores. The fact these stores are still open means you can take advantage of the cheaper prices. I had Toy Story 2 & Resident Evil showing as “free” on PS5 because I own on PS3.
I was going to add that it’s like going back to the Vita. Does this mean any PS One games bought on that device will be playable on PS5, if they are added at a later date?
Ah I thought this was a standard.
Was purchasing the PS1 games not an option in every region? Or did you need to have a Premium sub in order to buy them before now?
@Shepherd_Tallon There doesn't seem to be any set rule for it. Some classics are only accessible through Premium, others you can buy standalone.
N.i.c.e. yeah im definitely buying legend of dragoon.word up Son
@ShogunRok Ah I hadn't realised. I was able to buy the ones I wanted so I never gave it a second thought.
Thanks for the explanation!
@Cutmastavictory and return to arms
@helbertpina seems hit and miss. I own syphon filter 12 and 3 on vita, as well as few other ps1 classics. Syphon filter 3 shows free of charge, but none of the others do. I'm on ps4 and ps plus extra, but do the purchases on the app, for reference.
@Cutmastavictory dude same. We have dark alliance 1/2 just need them to complete the set on modern hardware
@Korgon lol no Nintendo got games from a decade ago still fully price sensible pricing is not for them
I was more just referring to the ability to purchase older games separately instead of subscribing to a subscription service. But your not wrong in that Nintendo does not like to discount their games much at all.
I agree with posters saying all these games should be available for sale and not locked down behind the service. A lot of people complain that Game Pass will lead to a future where we can’t big games, but they sell everything in their service. It’s Nintendo and Sony selectively forcing rental-only for some games.
@Korgon word I would love to buy the upcoming gba fire emblem games instead of subscribing to switch online
@J2theEzzo @Cutmastavictory Baldur's Gate: Dark Alliance 1 & 2 were multiplatform whereas Champions Of Norrath and Return To Arms were PS2 exclusives, created by Snowblind of DA1 fame and published by Sony Online Entertainment, so maybe it's Sony sitting on these titles?
Pricing is a bit of a joke. Pretty sure MGS5 the complete edition can be bought for less when it’s on sale. If you could otherwise stick your PS1 disc into the PS5 and play it through an official emu app I would understand. Must be hard for those with a library of PS1 games and being asked to pay out again to play a game they already own on a Sony console.
@sanderson72 Sony sold the everquest game though, so who knows who those games actually belong to nowadays.
Thats great, more options for gamers! I most often play old games a bit just for the nostalgia and then drop them, but I might buy them if I dont go for the top tier when my subscription ends.
@Shepherd_Tallon Hasn't been that many 3rd party psp/ps1 classics thus far,most of the Sony published ones seem to release with an option to purchase regardless of your PS Plus level.
The main exceptions I'd seen were Bandai Namco tying Tekken 2 behind Deluxe/Prwmium & sadly Capcom with Resident Evil...whilst the latter apparently can be purchased via ps3 & be added to your ps4/5 library,never saw Dino Crisis on the EU/AU PS3 store,so I fear if it ever arrives it'll be subscription only!😕
Whooooa. I was expecting them to be like, double that price. Amazing!
Sony should do this for all 'classic' games similar to how MS allows you to purchase GP games without needing a sub. And I'll keep going on about it, the PSP games especially deserve to reach a wider audience and Sony needs to start putting more of that platform's best games out there.
@wiiware If you've got 7 friends or family members NSO is worth it on the family plan. Max out the plan and pay $4-$6 per year. Lol
I just booted up my PS4 for the first time in months if not a year, and I can't believe that they are gone and you have to subscribe to get the classics.
Yet I booted my PS3 up last week and bought Legacy of Kain Soul Reaver for PS1 for like £4, was even going to get MGS4 for it as well. Think I'll look into the disc versions for PS1/3 classics from now on Im not subbing to online I'm no even interested in online play anymore
@Nakatomi_Uk Uh...can't tell if trolling or a bot? 🧐
@TowaHerschel7 Why would I be trolling or a Bot
@invictus4000 Yeah, nintendo family plan is really cheap if you have a lot of relatives or family that have nintendo switch, but unfortunately nearly all my gaming relatives & friend only have ps5 or ps5 lol.
@sanderson72 Aah yeah... I remember when SOE was a thing! They put out some solid action rpg games back in the day. The only other real diablo competitor in my eyes. Sadly missed!
@Nakatomi_Uk That's smart. I have a few ps 1, 2 and 3 games that i bought on ps3, that I'd still like to have on my ps5, but without either of the last 2 consoles, it's like they'll fade to nothing! Ps3 was a beast! For all it's problems, still one of the best console generations, in my humble opinion.
@ShogunRok @LiamCroft Uh...I have both The Legend of Dragoon and Wild Arms 2 on PS3, but it appears Sony has silently stopped letting players who have the classic games on the same account on PS3/Vita download the PS4 upgrade for free. You might want to report this in an article.
@TowaHerschel7 ya I've noticed this too. Except I was surprised to see I was able to download Hot Shots Golf 2 for free. There really is no rhyme or reason and it may be region based.
hard to congratulate sony for somethg that should have been the bare minimum from the start. clearly, the premium tier is not working out for them and they are changing their strategy reluctantly. as for the price? wow! they are charging $13.50CAD for the legend of dragoon on ps4/ps5 but it costs just $6CAD on ps3/vita! do you mean to tell me that the exact same game but with trophy support justifies a 2X price increase? come on now
Even though I have premium (thanks to the sale last month) I will be giving this game a try as I never got a chance to play it (I would have if Sony sold it on the PSN store for Europe) and if I like it I will buy it just to own it.
Happy to hear they can still be bought separately! I have PS Plus Premium until April 2027 though, so I'll just be redeeming them thru that.
Legend of Dragoon is 9gb? Seems way larger than other PS1 games on PS4
@TowaHerschel7 maybe and hopefully it’s a bug, I could upgrade Legend of Dragoon but Wild Arms 2 is asking for $10.
@BlaizeV whaaa? i have the game ripped on my computer in .bin/.cue format (uncompressed) and it totals 2.20GB. the compressed eboot (official ps classic release on PSN for ps3/psp/vita) is only 1.1GB. so yea, i have no idea how the file size could balloon to 9GB other than there being some anti-piracy and encryption junk files added to the ps4/ps5 release.
I am having a similar issue. I was able to get Legend of Dragoon and Harvest Moon for free since I paid previously, but it’s asking $9.99 for Wild Arms 2, which I also paid for previously…
Anyone have any insight into this?
The only ones I'm interested in can't be bought 🤷♂️
Let's do this for Tekken 2, please
Hopefully not being able to download available classic titles that were previously purchased on PS3 is just a bug that gets fixed. I've already bought Wild Arms, Wild Arms 2 and The Legend of Dragoon back on PS3 yet Wild Arms 2 cannot be downloaded without buying it a second time while the other two have downloaded without issue.
@theepictorkoal Weird, I bought Legend of dragoon on PS3 and was able to grab it just fine on PS4.
@Kanji-Tatsumi does it come with a RAM pack? Cause Tandy's is shut.
There is a much cheaper work around. If you buy any of these titles on a ps3 (99p each original release) , you can download the ps4/ps5 version for no extra cost.
I wouldn't bother with legend of dragoon at the moment. Several bugs/glitches. Can play game just don't use dragoon magic as game crashes.
@carlos82 yeah, made them all available 😉
Wouldn't mind buying ridge Racer ll psp
What about all the other PS1 games?
I feel like the overall selection of PS1,2,3 games is pretty pathetic. Like why bother if you’re going to half-ass it?
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