Sony has gone ahead and announced which games are coming to PS Plus Essential and Extra in March 2023. Usually, we get confirmation a bit later, but we suppose the latest State of Play broadcast has presented the perfect opportunity.
Here are the PS Plus Essential games (available from the 7th March):
- Battlefield 2042 (PS5)
- Minecraft: Dungeons (PS4)
- Code Vein (PS4)
In truth, it's a bit of a questionable Essential lineup. Battlefield 2042 is obviously desperate for some reinforcements following an incredibly rough launch in 2021 and a slew of ongoing problems post-release — but subscribers might breathe some life into it.
Meanwhile, Minecraft: Dungeons is a spinoff that was met with some lukewarm reviews from both critics and players, and the same can be said of Code Vein — an anime-styled Soulslike from 2019.
Thankfully, we think things get much better with the PS Plus Extra titles. We've listed them below, but we assume more games will be announced closer to the drop in the middle of next month.
- Tchia (PS5, PS4)
- Uncharted: Legacy of Thieves Collection (PS5)
- Immortals Fenyx Rising (PS5, PS4)
- Rainbow Six Extraction (PS5, PS4)
- Ghostwire: Tokyo (PS5)
Tchia is a brand new and anticipated indie title that focuses on exploration. Uncharted: Legacy of Thieves Collection is an obvious win, Immortals Fenyx Rising is a fun open worlder, and Ghostwire: Tokyo is well worth a look thanks to its unique action. Rainbow Six Extraction has struggled since its launch just last year, but it can still be entertaining with a few friends.
What do you make of March's selection (so far)? Give us some initial impressions in the comments section below.
Comments 88
Wanted to try ghostwire 👍 nice list!
Immortals and ghost wire for me, very nice!!
I was hoping they’d add some VR2 games- maybe ports. But I’m happy to play Ghostwire finally
Pretty cool to see Tchia launching into the service.
Kind of expected Ghostwire after a year in the wild and I was rewarded!
Solid list. Might try out Battlefield 2042 and see how its improved.
@Excess yep, very happy to see it. I would have bought it for sure. Looks like light hearted, feel good fun.
Wow, Scarlet Nexus and Ghostwire are the two games I didn’t buy because I hoped they’d end up on Plus! Uncharted 4 might be a nice revisit as well.
Absolute 🐕💩(I'm only taking about essential) yep that's all
Minecraft: Dungeons?!? Ghostwire Tokyo?!? I’m shocked. I thought Sony didn’t think Microsoft would ever allow such things. 😱
Some VE2 games would have been nice, but that would likely have annoyed people who had bought the games at launch. Don’t see myself playing flat games for a while. Should never have started Hogwarts.
Thrilled about the Legacy of Thieves and Ghostwire inclusions! Those alone make it a good month for me.
@Grimwood Uncharted was included before, but not the PS5 versions
Playstation really killing it with the Extra tier additions lately and next month looks great as well.
Uncharted, Tchia, and Ghostwire? Amazing!
Nice to see Tchia on the service! I hope it turns out to be good and the exposure helps the devs behind it!
Immortal is a good addition too.
Underwhelming tbh. Like the whole State of Play...
For me the Essential trio seem quite good; I’m typically rubbish at FPS especially multiplayer, but I’d give it a go as it’s on Plus. Looking forward to trying Minecraft Dungeons and Code Vein, especially MC Dungeons
Uncharted, Tchia and Ghostwire are really great announcements
I already have Code Vein since I bought it back in 2019. As for BF2042, I'm not a huge fan of multiplayer fps games with the exception of some of the old CODs. Was never interested in Minecraft: Dungeons so meh month in terms of the PS+ Essential games.
@RudeAnimat0r yeah me too after they did death loop the same way
Mentioned a couple months back Tchia be ideal day one on PS Plus and some time before that I mentioned I wish they'd show PS Plus games coming to the service in these shows cause its the perfect ideal advertising for it. I can see Tchia being such a fun unique experience on Plus
Essential selection poor for me this month. Good additions for extra but played most of them. I liked Ghostwire and immortals is a bit of a hidden gem
EA are still trying to make people play 2042 huh.

Despite the March lineup being pretty meh all things considered, the overall package is pretty solid: Tchia on release date (getting major Stray flashbacks) and the Uncharted Collection are pretty good nabs if you ask me!
Removed - flaming/arguing
@Leonhart Thoughts on Code Vein? Love me a good ARPG but I seem to recall playing a demo and thinking both the dialog and the combat a bit stiff. Will definitely jump in when it hits the service.
@Boucho11 excuse me?
@Americansamurai1 I figured it was part of the exclusivity deal they signed back in the day.
I'm excited to try it. It looks cool, but held off on buying it
That's a good line-up for Essential and a great one for Extra (and I suspect that's not all for that tier)
I understand Ghostwire since it's the final month of their contract but Minecraft!? They're giving Microsoft hell right now and they managed to snag Minecraft?
@UnusedBabyWipes I mean Sony gave them The Show lol. Money is money for both of them.
@RudeAnimat0r yeah I'm definitely want to play it, too many great games right now. Currently playing Hogwarts, definitely buying re4 next month. Want to play thru the quarry, tchia, and ghostwie.
@UnusedBabyWipes GP does get MLB the show now
@GymratAmarillo beat me to it ha
Tchia and Fenyx it's enough for me from that month.
Don’t really see how anyone can legitimately complain about that ps+ list tbh…
I was thinking about getting Immortals Fenyx Rising and Code Vein, back in December but figured I'd wait, since I knew I'd be spending a lot of time on Hogwarts Legacy. I'm happy that I waited!
Code Vein is a great action rpg. Multiple endings, crazy weapons and dungeons.
@GymratAmarillo @Beerheadgamer82 Well in The Show's case, Microsoft's talking to MLB for the GP deals, not Sony I reckon. For Dungeons however, I'm still scratching my head though I'm glad more players are gonna experience it.
Tchia is an amazing day 1 drop, so chuffed with that one, made me glad I renewed Extra. One of those games that looks beautiful but I doubt I would've shelled out for. Ghostwire excellent drop too, I haven't played 👌
I got Ghostwire Tokyo for fathers day last year, and can't stress enough what a great game it is, loads of stuff to do too. I still go back to it just now and again just to wander around 😁
As someone who only has the essential tier that is a fairly disappointing selection for me personally. At least I'll be able to continue focussing on clearing the backlog.
@UnusedBabyWipes could be but you have to think this, MS has no business talking about the MLB business with other companies that sounds completely illegal. Sony paid for the licence and just like MS does with other companies if they want the game for gamepass they needed to talk to Sony. Now, MLB asking PS for the game to be on Xbox so they can make all the money possible, that's something realistic to think.
Tchia Day 1 is a win!
Sony definitely ‘bringing it’ these past couple of months!!!
Some great games there which I've not played. Maybe I will finally get round to playing Uncharted 4 and Lost Legacy.
I very nearly bought Code Vein recently, phew. That game alone makes this a good month for me.
This was the only good announcement from the SOP.
Yeah! Ghostwire Tokyo, time to dust off the PS5 at last..
Too many good games at once! Just started HFW, want to try Scarlet Nexus, now all this.
Wow, something here for everybody! Great list
I'm excited to revisit uncharted with the PS5 enhancements! Also ghostwire Tokyo looks like fun game. As far as Battlefield 2042 is concerned I'm actually looking forward to seeing how much it's improved. Overall it's a solid lineup! ✌️
Removed - flaming/arguing; user is banned
Code Vein!😂 Guess I had to be initiated into the "buy a game only to see it hit IGC not long afterwards" club one day, but this being the first PS4 game I've bought in almost five years is priceless. But overall, this "lukewarmly reviewed" game quickly joined the roster of soulslikes I rank high above Dark Souls itself (as seems to be par for the course with the team behind the monster hunting games I rank high above Monster Hunter😄), so it's an objective highlight of the month and, I daresay year anyway.
Granted, that leaves me little to look forward to in these announcements overall - the rest is either on Switch like Minecraft Dungeons and Immortals or multiplayer-focused like Rainbow Six Extraction and seemingly Battlefield 2042 or exclusive to PS5 users like Ghostwire Tokyo. But at least there's Tchia for now.
Great selection of games! I would have happily paid the $30 for Tchia, but not going to complain that it's now "free" for me lol .
I'll also be redeeming Code Vein and these other games...
Uncharted: Legacy of Thieves Collection
Immortals Fenyx Rising
Ghostwire: Tokyo
Ghostwire exactly a year after release? Good lord Sony is actually killing it lately. I'm so glad I didn't buy any of the recently added games.
@awp69 Deathloop was already added last year
Thats an impressive lineup, very happy!
Oh nice been tempted by ghostwire and was hoping it came to plus. Glad i waited now, although currently hooked on vr so going to have to tear myself away from that lol.
I really want to try out Tchia!
Tchia is interesting and I am keen to play that but I have the rest so not a great month for me, great for those that haven't got them though. Essential is a bit rubbish, Battlefield with no SP is useless but we have had a few good months already this year so can't really complain!!
@sentiententity Agreed. Not enough time.
I wanted to play the Code Vein demo but it didn't work on PS5. I assume the full version will. And I'm definitely trying it out.
Did they announce any Dualsense features for Battlefield 2042? I played it on Xbox for a bit when it joined EA Play but quickly moved on from it. I will give that a go if it does support the dualsense
Really looking forward to Tchia. It looks very relaxing and comfy. Code Vein is actually pretty good but has repeatedly been like £6 or something. Immortals Fenyx Rising is very good, I loved playing and actually platted it. Very underrated.
PS Plus Extra continues to be the sweet spot. Another great drop with more to be added, no doubt.
Ghostwire Tokyo and immortal Fenix Rising are sure plays for me, when I have the time!!
Tchia lands on Extra day one? Wow, if so.
It's nice to get ghost wire tokyo, I always want to try that one.
Already have ghostwire uncharted collection and immortal phoenix rising, be warned about phoenix, it's a puzzle a thon bore and drivels on forever 🙄🙄
@bowzoid what type of game is this I wonder?
Tchia and code vein I need to look up I guess, only thing interesting/ that I haven't got
@huyi Tchia is a game based on exploration. With all kinds of ways to traverse the map in a swift, effortless and fun way. Has shades of BotW in there. You can even turn yourself into items found in the world. As a day-on release on Extra, this is awesome news. Can't wait to try it
BF 2042 can get bent!! That is EASILY, far & away the worst gaming experience I have ever had! And I say that with over 240 games (almost all of which are are platinumed or 100%) on my account over the past 13 years or so. I can’t hate that game enough and more so Dice / EA for what they’ve done w the BF series over the past 2 or 3 releases. This game isn’t even worth the price tag of ‘FREE’. And I’m off my soapbox…….
I will say though Ghostwire and RS: Extraction were a LOT of fun and Fenyx Rising was a good time too. Actually, I REALLY enjoyed RS: Extraction- surprisingly good, fun title! All in all, a pretty solid month if you have the Extra tier……..except for that one stinking turd they had to sneak in there for Essential.
Super stoked to see Legacy of Thieves! Can't wait to play Uncharted 4 on next gen hardware. Ghostwire Tokyo is an awesome and underrated game for anyone that has not played it
For anyone that has not played Immortals Fenix Rising, do it!! It is a fantastic game with a great art style and music. Although many reviews compared it to BOTW, I saw very little similarities. In fact, I like it better than BOTW. Be prepared for the Ubisoft open world formula map though.
I will concur with others saying that now that it is free I am glad others will get to play Ghostwire: Tokyo. This game struggled in the review cycle to impress people and just like HFW, got buried under the avalanche that was and still is Elden Ring. Ghostwire is a fun title with more to offer than it has been given credit for. It also has an easy platinum (I know it's easy because I got it). however, I would suggest looking at some "how-tos" to help with some of the graphical weirdness and the "laggy" shooting mechanic.
@cburg Agreed. Sad we won't get a sequel though
So my decision not to pick up Ghostwire: Tokyo pays off next month. Nice.
I'll kick the tires on Tchia and see if it's worth my time. Nice to see another day 1 indie, I guess, but for whatever reason I'm not nearly as excited as I was for Stray. I guess we'll see.
Imma be honest I've been meaning to get the full code vein for a long time, glad I've pushed it off until now holy crap, and Minecraft dungeons did look fun but I never wanted to get it, so getting that for free looks alright
Glad Tchia is on the list.
With PS Plus lineups like this, you might as well just stick with a subscription and not buy new games. Wait a year for big releases to arrive and then play them. So many games and there are only 24 hours in a day. There's so much to play and catch up on for previous games within a single year.
Minecraft Dungeons was pretty fun for a couple of hours then it got repetitive. But I don’t have it on PlayStation, so I can’t complain.
Ghostwire I played the trial and gave up way before it was ended. But maybe I could give it another go now that I can take my time. I hate being rushed and I suspect that has something to do with me not liking the game.
Why I’m writing this, no one cares.
Essential will do nicely for me seeing as how I'm downgrading to it but Tchia looks like it'll be worth a look. Enjoyed what I played of immortals before aswell. Pretty decent offers on both sets of tiers. I see the comments are still full of entitlement.
Great games. I want to play Ghostwire, Immortal Fenyx and Tchia.
@awp69 Minecraft Dungeons and ALL the other Bethesda games are a surprise, but not Ghostwire Tokyo and Deathloop Microsoft Will release them on XGP on usar after the PS5 release and Sony probably has a clause that has the right to put on a subscription service before other companies, similar to RE Village
between this month and march, ps plus extra has been kicking it up a notch.
I really didn’t like battlefield 2042 because it didn’t have the story mode so yeah the only games that I’m going to play is ghost wire Tokyo uncharted collection and tchia
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