We already photo documented our PSVR2 unboxing experience – spoilers: there’s not a lot to it, and that’s a great thing – but if you need a video to tide you over until 22nd February, the official PlayStation channel has got you covered. As you can see, it’s a pretty uneventful experience, but the hardware itself is beautiful.
One tidbit mentioned here that we hadn’t considered is that the packaging is designed in such a way that it doubles as a storage case. Most items you buy are practically impossible to put back inside their boxes once they’ve been removed, but PSVR2 is actually really straightforward, and therefore you can use the original packaging to keep it all safe while you’re not using it.

When you also consider the recyclable materials used, we’re actually pretty impressed by how thoughtfully this product has been put together.
[source youtube.com]
Comments 30
I was looking at this video over lunch. The PM presenting is obviously very proud of the whole package.
I love that the box actually serves a purpose too.
It's a very nice touch.
really? slow Friday?
a box that has all the bits in, can astonishingly be used to store the bits in?
what will they think of next?
That's a very smart idea and I'm going to make sure that I'll not throw this box when I'm unboxing my PSVR2 when it arrives
You've done well to get 2 articles (up to now) out of a cardboard box
@stvevan I don’t know about you, but I can rarely ever get things back in their box the same way once they’re out.
Might get it in a year or two
@Shepherd_Tallon She also has Eczema
@Bamila Planing to get those in 3rd quarter of 2023 with drop in price, issues solved and pleathora of games added.
All those third party companies currently developing some sort of storage for psvr2 🥺
I will just get a headset stand like for my PC VR headset. Also have the controller charging dock in the preorder.
I would have a harder time trying to find a spot for that big box in our apartment than just leaving the headset out
That's actually a really smart idea.
I just use a little plastic container with clasps on the top for my Index. Keeps it safe and dust free while not in use.
I mean it's good, but my PSVR is kept nicely in the original box as well. Other than the cables being messy it works really well.
Sorry but I really don’t feel any hype whatsoever for this, I had the first one and I really tried to liked it but I couldn’t, aside from the janky setup and overall quality from the first-gen I just didn’t feel compelled enough to play in VR, sure the first time felt amazing and there’s a few games that are impressive such as Astro Bot, but it quickly became a gimmick or a ‘party trick’ so to speak.
Also, why did Sony dropped handhelds entirely if the Vita managed to sell almost 20 million units but stuck with VR when the first one only managed to sell 5 million?
@IOI are you sure your numbers are right? I thought PSVR sold more than 10m and vita closer to 15m. Could be wrong, though.
I'm going to try this life hack next time I buy a pair of shoes
@naruball pretty sure VR was around 5mil
@naruball The Vita stayed at 16 million (idk why I thought it was 19 million), but the VR did sell only 5 million when Sony last reported it.
To be fair that's a very well designed box and looks very easy to put it back in, which is very rarely the case. Bring on the 22nd
Im buying one as an investment knowing I’m going to play it for a few months then sell it.. never experienced VR before but I can sense the gimmickyness of it.. I’ll put in on OfferUp or Craigslist if I hit hard times.. only way my wife will let me get it anyways 😂 watch us fall in love with it.. especially my 2 kids
First PSVR had a packaging that also doubled as a handy storage box tbh
@WolfyTn Try Resident Evil 8 and you shall see if it's a gimmick or not heh
Actually she calls it a “closs”, which is endearing and hilarious as it reminds me of my grandad who we used to mock for this good-naturedly. One of the Asian stereotypes that is actually true.
I guess it is helpful that they have designed it so you can just drop the headset and controllers in. I thought it strange to comment on it, then remembered all the times I’ve got polystyrene innards which she’ll a product but it’s impossible to get the item back in!
To package the original PSVR into its box is an impossible illogic puzzle. Not ideal for selling. Carrier bag it is.
It's news that you can store things in the box they came in? Lol
Missed opportunity not to end the video with a little Astrobot climbing out of the abandoned box. Or perhaps a headcrab?
It looks like it'll be a lot easier to repack than the VR1 but there's no way that box will fit near the TV. I had the VR1 on the shelf next to the PS5, covered in a cloth. Will do the same with the VR2.
Box will go in the loft with all the rest.
Wow, a box that can be used as a box! Another Sony innovation! 😂
Not a very rugged or durable box to use often if you actually intend to often use your $550 machine through... . I'm hoping me zipper case I had for vr1 fits it.
@IOI I think because they see vr as a new market and can position as an early leader in it while they see Nintendo having immobile dominance on handhelds.
@Victor_Meldrew lol I try to force myself to say cross and um successful 40% of the time.
@Victor_Meldrew It is a cross, not as in the Christian holy cross, but as in "criss-cross." It's also absolutely what is known mathematically as a "diagonal cross," but if you want to go down the religious route, it is a St. Andrew's cross or saltire. For example, the Alabama state flag has a saltire on it.
@WolfyTn If there's one thing I can promise you: You may or may not like it but you won't say it's a gimmick.
@WolfyTn Never tried VR before? If it doesn't make you want to hurl in the first few minutes I think you're in for a treat. Apart from one go on Virtuality in the early 90's the VR1 was my first true experience, blew my mind despite the relatively low resolution (though high compared to Virtuality!) and poor controllers.
I'll probably game more in flat than VR but a there's really nothing like VR. It's something you have to experience to appreciate.
So heres some facts of the 40 million ps4 users only 5 million bought the psvr1 headset. Theres roughly 16 million ps5 users and sony thinks they will sell 2 million psvr2 units? The fact that you can still preorder means they dont have the demand for it yet. Also selling it now when its past the holiday season? Only the true vr enthusiasts will buy it, casual console gamers have some curiosity but unless they have a big income will be hesitant to purchase something that costs more than the console. Pcvr gamers will spend thousands because they love vr. I however like flat gaming on my console on my couch or bed on the big screen. So u pc vr users need to go back to whever you came from as the console exclusives will stay on consoles.
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