Update: Bandai Namco has declined to comment on whether Dragon Ball Z: Kakarot's PS Plus version was intended to include its free PS5 upgrade. In other words, you're only getting the PS4 version.
Original Article: Dragon Ball Z: Kakarot released on PS5 earlier this year, and offered a free upgrade for PS4 owners. It was probably fair to assume that the PS Plus Extra version available today would include the new-gen upgrade, then. Unfortunately, that’s not the case, as only the PS4 version is being offered for subscribers – at least, at the time of writing.
This isn’t the first time there’s been an inconsistency like this, although usually Sony is quite good at making any next-gen upgrades available to subscribers. Immortals Fenyx Rising, for example, includes both the PS5 and PS4 versions, and is also available today. We’ll try and reach out to Bandai Namco to see if this is intentional or not, and we’ll update if we get a response.
The good news is that there’s an absolute avalanche of new stuff for members to play today, so even if you decide to pass on Dragon Ball Z: Kakarot for the time being, you won’t be short of alternative options.
Comments 26
That's too bad, but largely expected.
It's not like the game is stunning visually, so in these cases my main concern really is just the loading times. Are they long on PS4 and did the PS5 version improve them? If the answer to those questions is yes, then I probably won't bother playing the inferior version.
Any updates on life is strange 2 ? Only the demo is available for me
@Gaia093 From our review: "And it all plays best on PS5, no question. This current-gen port offers a 60 frames-per-second performance mode which brings some welcome fluidity to battles. More frames means more responsive controls, and that's a big improvement considering just how rapid the combat can be. The graphical upgrades are decent as well, with enhanced character models, environmental detail, and lightning effects resulting in a genuinely pretty game at times — if you can overlook some distractingly muddy textures."
So you can download the PS4 version to your PS5 but you can’t then upgrade to the PS5 version? So Sony knows if you “purchased” the PS4 version, physical or digital, then you can upgrade it or you got it via PS++ and you can’t?
I only ask b/c I’ve been wondering if that’s the holdup with HFW:BS preorders not existing on the store, and still no price anywhere. Maybe people who bought the PS4 version and upgraded for free won’t be able to buy it, which seems stupid, or they could charge $10 more, to make up the difference for all of us who saved $10 buying the PS4 version then upgrading for free.
If Sony can keep this PS++ upgrade from happening maybe they can mess w/ HFW:BS as well, seems technically possible. And it would explain the delay. The longer they wait, only about 28 days now, the weirder it feels,
How is no one surprised by this? I am more surprised when they include the PS5 version along side the PS4 version (like Haven Immortal)
Thanks for covering this problem guys 👍 hopefully itll get sorted i thought ps5 upgrade was a paid upgrade not free so to me it must be a problem or something why we crnt get access to it. But it is suspiciously on sale aswell so maybe trying to tempt people to upgrade to ps5 version by paying for the sale price
I’m guessing it’s because the PS5 version is newer than the PS4 version, unlike Immortals Fenyx Rising, where both versions were released hand in hand.
Well.. not sure if I'm gutted about it.. would be nice, that's for sure. But I'll survive. Barely.
@get2sammyb I'm not sure what this reply accomplishes because nothing in that paragraph alludes to what I asked about loading times. As I implied, the lack of any of the other improvements mentioned there is not a deal-breaker for me.
I didn't know I was gutted, but good to find out something about myself.
@naruball the article doesn't actually mention any gutted PS Plus members, I suspect the title is either referring to PushSquare staff themselves, or commenters on the main "new PS Plus games" article. Or maybe it's just a case of referring to self in the third person, but by describing one's self rather than by name
Local man disagrees with the premise of this article
@Gaia093 Was just sharing what we said about the game in the review. There's no mention of loading times so can't comment, but I'd assume they'll be faster.
Meanwhile MLB THE SHOW (a Sony made game) is free for Xbox Game Pass players (regardless of gen)
Good going PlayStation (:
And this is why I'll just be buying the Complete Edition with all DLC when it's on sale for dirt cheap ($30 or cheaper).
@Ultrasmiles I initially started to download the demo to Life Is Strange 2 yesterday. When I realized my error, I searched for the game again and saw there were two entries and the full game was also able to be downloaded. Don’t know if that helps.
it’s a ps4 game , how about ps5 games now ?
That's cool. I didn't want to play it anyway. Bamco has done everything in their power to make trash anime games.
@Saitama117 game's pretty great though, a really good re-telling of the story, for the first few arcs at least.
Removed - inappropriate
@Ultrasmiles it isnt a demo, life is strange is episodic. You only ever get episode 1 and then you have to buy the other 4. And that's likely what Sony have done here. Life is strange 2 on disc has 4 episodes with s code for episode 5 but they ALL expired 1 year after release so you have to buy it. I have checked literally 20 copies in cexs and all expired even one that was new and sealed. Its only 4 quid but still, a year is a joke.
@Cherip-the-Ripper I just wish a better developer could get their hands on the IP. Every anime game bamco makes looks no better than the PS3 era.
@Kyevo8814 tells how you really feel.
Er, I'm not, can't say I'd even look at it.
But I thought PS players buy their games, unlike those supposed industry killing, game pass lovin, Xbox fans? Ah well...
Unless the PS5 version has exclusive content, is "gutted" the proper word here? Why do we even clamour for backward compatibility if a cross-gen title's newer version becomes such an absolute preference regardless?
@Ichiban Because most people don't mind the Game Pass model and are happy something like Extra is on PlayStation.
The people you're criticising are those that take any opportunity to hype up a meaningless rivalry even when it's not relevant (in case I'm not being clear it's you, you're criticising yourself).
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