In contrast to the majority of games that release these days, Final Fantasy XVI probably won't have a day one patch. In other words, the development team thinks the game is complete and polished, and that it doesn't need any post-ship adjustments.
Director Hiroshi Takai told Game Informer that there are currently no plans to update the action RPG at launch, although we obviously wouldn't be surprised if patches start arriving afterwards, as players begin providing feedback. Still, it's nice to hear that such a big budget title be fully playable right out of the box — a genuine rarity in this age of day one fixes.
From the outside looking in, it does feel as though development on Final Fantasy XVI has progressed quite smoothly — especially in comparison to its predecessors. That hasn't necessarily been the case, according to our interview with key members of staff, but even so, the team is clearly very confident in what it's created.
Of course, it goes without saying that none of this will mean anything if players run into problems on release, so here's hoping Final Fantasy XVI is as polished as we'd like to imagine.
Will you be happy to see a game like Final Fantasy XVI launch without a day one patch? Give Yoshida and the gang a thumbs up in the comments section below.
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[source gameinformer.com]
Comments 30
Day two patch will be incoming.
sad that this has to be mentioned, it should be the standard.
but the success of Jedi Survivor has shown that we can expect many more unfinished games in the future.
However, I appreciate FFXVI for wanting to create the best possible experience without an internet connection.
So... they went old school back when games HAD to be complete, polished, and ready on day one... before the always connected consoles stormed the scene. Nice.
Then why make us wait Square? I guess its all the marketing timing BS and physical copy supply chain requirements
@Genghis_Schlonng Why are you in such a hurry it's almost release time already. I rather see this then a 50 GB patch. Even Horizon Forbidden West is a bloody mess with the amount of patching they needed. Instead of releasing so fast do some quality control before the release.
That's a false equivalence. Lots of games have normal day one patches without issues. I guess I'm in a hurry because the game looks incredible and it's been 7 years since the last one!
@Genghis_Schlonng Because they don't want to rush it genius lol
Now that is impressive and something i think we all should like to hear. So many games are getting not only a day 1 patch but in some cases GB’s worth, which is a lot. Look at Horizon Forbidden west, that had lot’s of patches early on. Not saying that’s necessarily a bad thing, but this sure is a thing to be happy about. Not sure i will buy this game and it certainly won’t be day one as I’ll be all in on Diablo 4. But this has my respect and i wish more dev’s polished their titles as much as possible for launch. If they still need a day 1 patch, it is minor and not fixing things that shouldn’t have launched.
This is shocking! But great. I really hope the dev team get some hefty bonuses for delivering quality and on/ahead of schedule!
@Genghis_Schlonng because it's absolutely wise. It would be overshadowed by Zelda. Now it has its own slot.
I’ll believe when I see it. Or, more accurately, I’ll believe it when I read the reviews. I still don’t trust any AAA game to be without issues at launch, so I wouldn’t be preordering or buying day one, even if I did have the $107 CDN (taxes included) to buy it.
Famous last words in most cases.
But I do have some faith in the team that the game will run like butter on day one.
Can’t say that about too many other developers at the moment.
Day one patches don’t bother me that much. So long as they are small. If the game is properly polished a 1 gig or so patch isn’t a big deal to me. A game can always use more polishing.
It’s the games that launch where the Day One patch is literally 10 to 20 gigs or more where I get angry. Because it’s clear that the game wasn’t ready to be released when the day one patch is so large. Like CyberPunk. That was some nonsense.
Horizon’s individual patches were fairly small. About 700megs to 1.5gigs for most of them.
The problem is when you add them together. That’s where it looks terrible. They dropped like 10 patches in the first month. I played it at launch and didn’t find it terrible. But the game needed another month of spit shine. Plus that would have gotten out of the way of Elden Ring.
And to be fair to Horizon, at least it did eventually get polished over the course of the first month. Elden Ring is still a bit of a mess one year later and FromSoftware like always refuses to address it.
“We can add a Ray Tracing mode that barely hits 25 frames per second for PS5 and Series X but by God we ain’t touching the performance mode that rarely hits 60 even when players look at the sky box.”
No game is perfect and there will always be bugs and glitches but as long as they're not game-breaking nor they hinder the gameplay experience, I'm fine with it.
It's just sad that we're at a time where day 1 patches are a norm for AAA games and this is kind of a news. Don't get me wrong, I really appreciate the devs wanting the game to be playable with almost no issues upon launch.
At this point I’ve accepted it as a fact of life.
So long as they are fairly small I don’t get mad anymore.
The always online console paradigm that the 360 and PS3 introduced has been a blessing and curse for gamers. I like that my PS5 caches data for the store when I have it in rest mode and will update and install patches and system software when I’m asleep.
But developers and publishers have used that knowledge to just say “screw optimizing these games; let’s drop it six months early.”
There’s got to be that one QA guy at every studio who rips his hair out in these situations. He knows the game is busted and begs for a delay. But his managers tell him to go hump a tree and stop bothering them.
@OrtadragoonX i agree, good and fair points. Not sure why from software is like that. But that seems to be their style. I am happy to hear FF16 has taken the time to polish it and have it in a respectable way for players on day 1. Maybe it still get’s a small patch or two early but seems like they took care of anything big. Time will tell, but again great points and i agree 😀
Here's hoping it doesn't need one.
Super nice, I also remember ff7 remake also didn't need day one patch, japanese games usually really polished on release day 😃
Yeah i'm sure the online communitys will tell them otherwise day 1. There is always something over looked and nothing is ever 100% perfect. Hogwarts shipped in a really good day 1 condition but still needed some pretty big tweaks here and there.
PR talk far as I'm concerned sadly, we'll probably still be seeing patches over time.
Shame that. I'd love a 'added turn based combat' day one patch.
If games were complete on release, I would consider buying games at launch.
@Flaming_Kaiser how was forbidden west a mess? I played it at release and never noticed a thing.
Hardly ever preorder games, but £33 quite the bargain for this one so made an exception. Can't wait.
Bold statement... congrats to them if it turns out to be true, but for now I'll stick to "I'll believe it when I see it" - been burned too many times by recent releases to trust on words alone that this one will be any different.
As for the game itself... not really a fan of the series until now, especially of the turn-based combat... but this one promises to offer a different gameplay style, so I'm waiting for the complete reviews before deciding... gonna be deep in Diablo IV for a while anyway, no rush.
Sad that this should be applauded. Glitches and bugs are always a thing but ever since patch culture, companies have been lazy with their releases.
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