Not only is Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater coming to PS5 as a remake, but the original PS2 version is also launching on Sony's current-gen console alongside the original Metal Gear Solid and Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons of Liberty as the Master Collection. "Sneak back into the original games on PlayStation 5" in Autumn 2023, an image revealed.
The Master Collection includes:
- Metal Gear Solid (PS1)
- Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons of Liberty (PS2)
- Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater (PS2)
The images below are taken from the Master Collection; they are the same PS3 remasters from the HD Collection for Metal Gear Solid 2 and Metal Gear Solid 3. A press release calls them the "HD Collection versions".
Interestingly, this is called "Volume 1", perhaps suggesting more games are on their way. Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots on PS5, maybe? Let's hope so.
Comments 80
Change nothing just put it out
Master miller
So excited for this.
And judging by the box art we are getting Substance and Subsistence instead of the OG releases. Which hopefully means Subsistence will have Metal Gear 1 and 2 MSX included.
Never trust anyone on the codec. They’re usually dead.
“I call it stalking. Here’s how you do it.”
Thanks Master Miller for teaching me how to walk.
Man, I've already replayed MGS1 countless times. Am I really going to replay it again? Hell YEAH!!!
I’m ready to put my controller on the floor again for the 30th time.
For now. Hopefully they’ll remake Shadow Moses and Sons of Liberty over the next few years as well.
No Lou2 multiplayer, I can't effin believe it... 😥
It’s like I’m 12 again. I’m so excited!
“Kept you waiting, huh?”
“Next time you can do a strip search on me.”
“I’ll hold you to that doctor.”
@OrtadragoonX I think they will base it on the HD collection that includes the MSX games.
It would be cool if the ports of the older games could be on PS4, Switch and PC/Steam Deck also.
Vol.2 Could have MGS4, Peace Walker and updated versions of the two MGS5 games...
Hope this is multi-plat. I own the previous 360 BC games on xbox since long before they got delisted, but MGS was never on XBox and would be nice to have a complete collection there.
Wonder what would included in a Vold 2... MGS4 and 5, Rising and Peace Walker... ? nah they likely will have 3 volumes total...
Although few would play them, would like it if the MSX2 games made it into one of these collections.
Yeah I’m pretty shocked factions wasn’t there.
An honestly outside of the Spiderman 2 trailer and Metal Gear announcements, this was a very disappointing show.
@Sequel the Metal Gear 3 in this collection seems to simply be a remaster/port (expect 4k/60 on current gen consoles)
The Metal Gear... Triangle? Alpha? Anyways the remake is a whole different sale. Will make the whole "Persona 3 remake" thing a lot less weird whenever that gets unveiled.
Cool.metal gear collection sounds nice.word up son
I told you it was 2 volumes. You can go check my post
Glad to see that the originals are going to be coming back as well. Having the remake is nice, but the originals are also super important things to have as well, especially with their bonus content
@LiamCroft really confusing article. Are MGS 1 and 2 games being remade?
Are the collection of the older games coming to other platforms? It would be really nice to play these games on a Switch or Steam Deck.
Glad to have these back on modern platforms. Looking forward to revisiting MGS1, especially. Hopefully MGS4 comes in the next collection.
Seriously, Release MGS4 on something else beside ps3 sony.
@PlatinumKing "original Metal Gear Solid and Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons of Liberty"
'This is good... Isn't it?'
Funnily enough, this was the announcement of the show for me. I've been wanting a way to readily play these games for ages on modern consoles and this looks to be exactly what I've been looking for, absolutely ecstatic! Only little worry at the moment is that it seems to be PS5 exclusive right now (seems a bit odd to make a collection like this and not also release on PS4, no?).
Never played any MGS.
Will MGS have the VR missions expansion though.
@Tharsman Vol 2 including 4, Peace Walker, and yes, probably Portable Ops.
Until the Spiderman 2 gameplay, this was the big announcement for me. MGS last console it was available on was the Vita/PS3. So thrilled to have this coming to PS5!
@LiamCroft lol. Yeah I read it mate, just saying it’s not clear what you mean ✌️
@Robocrop_Duster yeah that is the only thing that will peak my interest, no interest in playing these over again tbh
One of the best things!! I miss those classics so much!!
@PlatinumKing "Not only is Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater coming to PS5 as a remake, but the original PS2 version is also launching on Sony's current-gen console alongside the original Metal Gear Solid and Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons of Liberty as the Master Collection."
I don't know how much clearer it can get than what was in the article itself.
MGS 3 is being remade.
The original MGS 3 is also launching for PS5, ALONGSIDE the ORIGINAL versions of MGS 1 and MGS 2.
Excited to see more of MGSD:SE.
But these remakes, I got the MGS Legacy Collection for PS3 and still very happy with that, but I don't think there's been a HD version of MGS1?
Never played any of these games but I adored Death Stranding so I really want to try them out. I'm really glad it's possible to play the games as they were meant to be before diving into a remake.
One word; Epic. I hope it comes to PS4 as well.
Least with it being Vol 1 there will be more, MGS4 maybe in the future?
Love the PS1 original but not enough to buy it with the two others. Didn't care for the series after 1.
Ugh, and mgs4 remains trapped on a single system. I have a more complete collection on my ps3. This looks like a lazy cashgrab to me.
Been there, no need to go back.
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I’m strangely more excited for this than the remake of Snake Eater. Looking forward to this very much!
I have the old(snake),old, old PS2 collection. Much better because it has the ape escape mini game and uncensored content.
@belmont @Tharsman @Ralizah @Robocrop_Duster @Snake_V5 @tameshiyaku @Orpheus79V @Athrum Do you think a hypothetical Vol. 2 would also include Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance, in addition to Metal Gear Solid 4 and Metal Gear Solid: Peace Walker?
Also Portable Ops seems unlikely, since it wasn't included in the PS3 remaster collection.
@KidRyan one thing to notice from the official site: the site lists the 3 titles +? (Literally, plus question mark).
It’s possible there is one more game in this collection.
All I want from these is:
I already own MGS on every currently available platform. They need to provide atleast some upgrade to make it worth it
so you play all 3 then cant see how it all ends as metal gear solid 4 not included
I’ll buy this for sure. I will also likely replay the series in 2024 because the release slate is apparently barren next year on PlayStation.
Was hoping for the ape escape mission to return but if there just ports of the HD releases that not gonna happen.
@KidRyan Yes, it is very possible since there is not PS4 or PS5 version. Personally though I hate this game and I would very much prefer Portable Opps.
Will get this when it goes on deep discount for sure. I have the HD Collection sitting on my series X and play 2 and 3 regularly. Will be nice to go back to MGS.
Yes! No more Kiefer!
But... Why release a remaster of 3 along with a remake of 3. Can't wait for this collection though.
@ApostateMage yes!! David Hayter all the way!
If you look on the PS Store for this it also lists Metal Gear and Metal Gear 2 too. If this truly is only Volume 1 are we getting MGS4 and Peace Walker on PS5 eventually (I hope so, I haven't played MGS4 for AGES because my PS3 broke) and if so will MGS4 go multiplatform too and finally end up on Xbox?
This was probably the best announcement of the show for me. Can’t wait to revisit these classics, and trophy support for Metal Gear Solid for the first time I believe.
@KidRyan The person that leaked these to me told me there were 2 volumes with the 6 main games. He did get something wrong through, he told me volume 1 would be the Solid Snake games and volume 2 would be the Big Boss games.
It would be cool if 1 is tweaked a little to look cleaner and maybe have smoother controls. But I’m fine either way. Last time I played it was on the PSP. Lol.
Exact same crap 2011 version payed them on a vita these should be free they are 20 hear old games
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@OrtadragoonX never been a game called shadow moses and they already went back thier in mgs 4
Can't believe they are gunna try charge us for the god awful HD version was horrible they should be free they are over 20 years old
The official Konami page mentions it also includes Metal Gear 1 and Metal Gear 2 (Probably via MGS3, as it was always in there).
Dude I know that.
It’s what I always refer to MGS1 as. Shadow Moses, the setting of the game, is what really defines MGS1.
So when I reference it I usually call it Shadow Moses.
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@KidRyan I would guess possibly. I could see a Vol. 2 having just 4 & 5. Witch would be stupid. I'd love to see portable ops get a release outside of the psp. That was a awesome game.
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MGS1 inclusion is a big deal for me personally. I'm looking forward to seeing its gonna run with cleaner visuals.
I doubt MGS4 would be included in any volume. It's highly likely it requires a full remake due to its development with the PS3 CBE in mind. Porting that would be a nightmare and a buggy mess which is why it would be a remake and not a port.
This "Master Collection" so far are just ports and not remakes, so "vol2" is probably Peace Walker, Rising Revengence, MG1 and MG2.
Personally I still have the Legacy Collection on PS3 and a physical copy of MGS1 so I'm good either way.
I'm so ready for this, but, they cannot just be straight ports of the games.
We do not, for instance, want a PS2 Classics emulated Sons of Liberty or Snake Eater when the already superior HD Remaster versions exist. It would surely be less work to port those versions.
Equally, the MGS1 cannot be just the PS1 Classic version. It needs sorting out, upscaling, assets cleaning up, etc.
@KidRyan Portable Ops is more likely than you might think. PSP emulation is easy.
@Orpheus79V @Robocrop_Duster @belmont I've never played Portable Ops before, what was it like?
@Athrum I'm assuming they were counting both parts of Metal Gear Solid V as two separate games?
@KidRyan Nah, Ground Zeroes and Phantom Pain would be as one game. He told me Vol1 had 1,2 and 4 and Vol2 had 3, Peace Walker and V.
@KidRyan It is a Peace Walker lite with a simplified recruit mechanism. I really enjoyed the story in Portable Opps. The story was not written by Kojima so some fans say it is not canon but it doesn't really contradict anything.
@KidRyan It's a lot like Peace walker. It came out first. Peace walker had the same type of cutscenes and was expanded on portable ops with refined gameplay and larger world. But you can absolutely see the lineage drawn from it with PW. I felt it was one of the best stories on the franchise if you played snake eater first. It felt like the perfect continuation from that game. Unfortunately it's still exclusive on the PSP or digitally on Vita.
Odd that it's PS5 only, although it's possible other platforms (like PS4 or Switch) could be announced later.
The 1st time I did the remote control missile in metal gear it was astonishing!!!
@Robocrop_Duster @belmont No opinion myself, I've never touched the franchise before.
Thanks to both of you for your explanations though!
I hope on Metal Gear Solid Collection Vol. 2 they add ports of Metal Gear Solid: Portable Ops, Metal Gear Solid: The Twin Snakes and Metal Gear Acid 1 & 2.
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