![Assassin's Creed 4 Black Flag Remake](https://images.pushsquare.com/352d079a5a3de/assassins-creed-4-black-flag-remake.900x.jpg)
Assassin's Creed IV: Black Flag is easily one of the most beloved games in Ubisoft's long-running series. The seafaring escapade of Edward Kenway first released on the PS4 and PS3 as a cross-gen title — a launch game for the PS4 — all the way back in 2013. And now, almost a full decade later, two unnamed Kotaku sources are saying that Black Flag is getting a remake.
Now, it's worth noting that this supposed project is still very early, according to the aforementioned sources. The report states it won't be complete for "at least a few years" — so don't go expecting to see a reveal at the next Ubisoft showcase.
Ubisoft Singapore — the main studio behind the regularly delayed Skull and Bones — is apparently "heavily involved" with this now rumoured remake. Which we suppose makes sense, seeing as that team played a major role in developing the original ocean technology that made Black Flag so impressive at the time, with its dynamic wave animation and realistic boat-bobbing physics.
It'll be interesting to see how this all plays out, because like we say, Black Flag is widely regarded as a high point for Assassin's Creed as a franchise. And, let's be honest, it's only a matter of time until Ubisoft starts remaking the classic Assassin's Creed games.
What would you like to see from a modernised remake of Assassin's Creed IV: Black Flag? Sing some shanties in the comments section below.
[source kotaku.com, via eurogamer.net]
Comments 64
This is literally the best game and Assassin Creed games that Ubisoft has ever made. The fact it has not received the GT5 or Skyrim treatment is surprising.
Hmmm, not sure if it'll age well with some of the missions. Great fun though
@theMEGAniggle They'd definitely have to bring some of the mission design up to modern standards. The biggest problem with Black Flag was the tailing objectives. Other than that, though... Great game.
It's still a looker even now so a remake would be glorious. Throw in Freedom Cry as well and I'm sold.
@AverageGamer no its not.
I still haven’t played Origins, Odyssey or Valhalla and it Black Flag still doesn’t make top 3 AC games 😂
Its good but its massively overrated.
Excellent - it was looking a bit dated
If this ever sees the light of day, I will be thrilled.
I always thought AC2 was the best AC (until I played the remaster). It’s still a top entry but the ending is super messy. Removing a full sequence and selling it as dlc never sat right with me. Black Flag is #1 for me now. How they went from those boxy, static ships in AC2/AC Brotherhood to sailing the high seas in AC3 (and more so AC4) was incredible.
10 year old remakes! No thanks
Can’t see it making sense to do this one and have skull and bones release at some point.
I don't think it's needed. I played AC IV last year and it holds up very well. They should put resources in the much requested AC 1 remake.
I'm fine with one of the finest - AC VALHALLA. The best out of the open world trilogy.
@Jacko11 Origins, Odyssey or Valhalla are vastly too bloated. Rouge was mix, Unity was broken, no one even mentions Syndicate, AC3 was a mess, AC2 and Bloodline was dope, Revelations was just a good send off. I don't really know where AC1 fit into this. To keep things simple, I'm not counting the mobile, handheld, or 2D games... But was Black Flag is definitely the best if not in the top 3
All these companies should just quit making new games and just start doing full remakes from their PS3 libraries until they get to this point and then just start again 🤪.
I'm confident that if this is true the only reason they are remaking ACIV and not the other games is because they know Skull & Bones is going to fail financially and they want to reuse the tech developed for that into something they know will sell; it's smart and I'd play it.
Jesus.... Why
Big publishers are so subordinate to the infinite growth corporate model, they are literally avoiding creativity.
Such a waste this influx of cash grab "remasterakes" has and continues to be.
Out of all Assassins Creed games to remake Why would they remake this one and not the The Original especially since its the closest timeline wise to mirage.
Trying to stop the inevitable backlash and hate Skull and Bones would have gotten for not being BF remade.
Honestly, I'm down for this. I like AC4 Black Flag but the gameplay kinda feel outdated, at least compared to the more recent AC games.
But why? You can play the PS4 game on the PS5 still.
No thanks. This is a last crossgen title. I love Black Flag, but this is on par with remaking TLOU in that it is totally unnecessary.
Why? I thought we all said we didn’t buy PS5’s to play old games and remakes. Here we are! I mean i am sure it will do well and look great. But just not sure thats the best use of talent. But it will make money. So there is that.
I loved just watching the Jackdaw gently bobbing on the crystal waters of the Caribbean as you explored the little islands. The game looked really good (in its time). Also, the sea shanties were jolly darn good.
The TLOU remake got a lot of hate for being unnecessary and so should this game if its real.
I would’ve preferred a trilogy remake so I could play those for the first time. I started with Odyssey, skipped Origins and then Valhalla. No clue if I’ll even like these but I’m still excited for Mirage
I would prefer they to remake Unity but guess this is to remind people why they were once excited about Skulls and Crossbones
@DualWielding Unity still holds up much better than Black Flag. The assets are much higher quality and they did so many amazing things with it. Honestly, the overshot the hardware at the time and it needs a current-gen console to run it well. It is pretty amazing on a PC at 1440p/4k.
@evan23 I want a follow-up to Unity. I actually enjoyed that one despite the bugs and glitches. It has probably my favorite parkour mechanic as well. Traversing Paris France at the time where the Eifel tower was recently built would be great to experience.
oh boy another remake huzzah and confetti.
I'm one of the only people on the planet that hasn't played Black Flag so this is good news to me!
@Ashina Yes, I wasn't a fan when it initially launched but coming back to it later after some of the bug fixing and on stronger hardware, I thought it was a great game.
Why not remake the original AC instead? Its aged pretty poorly and could do with a ground up remake. I get Black Flag is very popular but it really doesn't need a remake.
@AverageGamer I mean that's your opinion, i love Black Flag probably put it in my top 4 AC games but i rate Odyssey, Unity and Brotherhood above it. As for why its never received the GTA V and Skyrim treatment well its because those games print never ending money and are gaming cultural behemoths.
Haha, it's only a matter of time until Assassins Creed games leak before they even exist at this rate xD
@ShogunRok I can see most people putting it down after that tailing mission when you first become an assassin, which is only like an hour into the game 😂
Funnily enough for a Ubisoft game, it's the open world where this game excels
Easily the best Assassin's Creed. Matt Ryan was exceedingly well cast in this role.
@WallyWest Exactly And it's the only game not available on modern Hardware.
If they do a good job Im all for it, love that game and have been meaning to replay it but havent gotten around to it so good news for me 😁 still take Jackdaw for a cruise sometimes, very relaxing and the shanties are awesome!
Hm. One of my least favourite ones to be honest. I think people underestimate how much Ubi bloat is in it as well.
I'm all for it. A sucker for remakes.
@Areus Its on X1 and Series S/X and even has 60fps on S/X.
This can't be real, it's just too stupid. Remaking a PS4 launch title? Is this where we are?!! Nah it must be a troll, has to be....
The gameplay of black flag was great. Story was a little mediocre but improved upon the flat story of AC3.
My main issue here is of all the AC games that would need a remake, I would probably pick from the earlier titles.
Still I always say - NEVER say no to a remake.
TLOU part 1 price was complained about but eventually the price comes down and becomes far more accessible.
Also I always advise waiting for a game after launch anyway. They're really buggy nowadays and can use a grace period for polish.
What I would pay to next gen the sh*t of out singing Randy Dandy Oh! again. continues to shanty
Not the one I would have picked personally. Not because it's bad. I friggin love Black Flag but I feel like that one still holds up well. The original makes more sense since it's currently unavailable on PS4/PS5 and could definitely stand to use an update more in terms of gameplay.
That said, I could see myself breaking down and picking this up. I love Black Flag!
remake the first one
I presuming they're making this in case Skulls and Bones fails lol
Why not just make a Black Flag sequel?
Wow, they're really grasping at straws. I know everyone loves Black Flag, but I think over reliance on Assassin's Creed is part of why they're in a financial situation to begin with. There's only so long that the series will be able to be their lifeline.
another remake that doesn't need to exist.... this is a ps4 game for crying out loud.
Unpopular opinion: AC4 was the least interesting game in the series. The story is all over the place. Missions are uninspired and repetitive. The ground parts essentially mimic AC3 (which everyone hated) and the sea part becomes tedious quite fast once the novelty is gone.
In summary, everything that makes it AC replicates what has been done for AC3 plus sea navigation simulator.
There is a hugr audience for this game, though, so it's probably a good idea financially.
@UltimateOtaku91 But it sold nicely didn't it? I guess the vocal minority didn't slow it down.
I enjoyed Blackflag but agree with others that the first should be remade with the same engine as Valhalla.
This is the Assassins Creed game I enjoyed the most but I'd rather just see a 60fps patch for it more than anything
@RenanKJ I wonder if it's popular because of people like me who, aren't really fans of the series but enjoyed this as a pirate game
@AinsleyE You seem to be the only one realising this. Without the Skull & Bones problems I very much doubt this would be happening (if it is). Overall a pretty smart decision to help recover some of development costs which they probably unlikely to recoup from the sales of S&B.
Hilarious how I remember when it came out everyone hated it, now it's "easily one of the most beloved games".
And why .. For what... Just play the original. Jeez crist why is so much time and money wasted on useless remakes
This isy favorite AC game. Hope it's next gen and not and not a PS4 port.
@Jacko11 na bro black flag is the goat
@Ichiban lol black flag wasn't a PS4 launch title dude it came out on PS3
Maybe they want to make Skull and Bones an expansion to this game and cancel the main project. Or take lessons with this one so AC IP is once again being used to experiment new things
But it's a given that this is just going to be a soft remaster, in the sense that it's the same game with sharper resolution and more detailed textures, right? I can't picture this being a full reboot. In that case, I don't much care for it. Black Flag was fine, a solid 7/10, but that's really all I can say about it.
I'm glad I've played it, enjoyed it and finished it. But don't plan to play it again. Rather I someday replay Desmond's story, especially Altair's AC1.
Don’t know why they do 4 when you could buy 4 from last Gen and not the 1st that’s super outdated now and clunky even compared to 2
So it looks like TLoU Part 1 was so successful that other publishers are looking in to remaking late 7th gen games that were remastered for 8th gen.
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