Final Fantasy VII Rebirth will be spread across two discs when it launches on PS5, Square Enix confirmed — seemingly with some amount of pride — at the end of the title's new trailer. This suggests that the anticipated sequel is simply too big to fit on one Blu-ray disc, despite the fact that these days, discs are essentially just another way to install games on your console's drive.
This isn't anything particularly new, however. You may recall that Final Fantasy VII Remake, back when it first released on PS4 in 2020, also shipped on two discs. Disc 1 was used to install the necessary data on your machine, while Disc 2 was used to actually play the game. We assume Rebirth will be doing something similar when it releases next year.
So, er, something to look forward to if you're a fan of physical media? Just pray it doesn't take over an hour to actually install in the comments section below.
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Comments 37
This is a good thing if they know the file size is going to be that big. This is how it should be. If you buy a physical game, don't make it so you have a 50GB download as soon as you open the package.
@Uncharted2007 Yeah, that's right. All it means is it's at least about 50gb, if disc 1 is dual layer.
Edit: you edited your post! Before it said Remake was the same.
I haven't bought a physical game in years.
@KaijuKaiser Has more to do with the backlash EA got with star wars. Game is doing well, but people were pissed. Square's been making a good name for themselves by releasing complete titles on release day with no patching required.
It would take exactly the same time as a digital version to install.
Last paragraph is kind of misleading. While true Disc 1 for FF7 Remake was just installation data, but so was disc 2. You always install the game. The original PS4 version was pretty huge approaching 100 gigs in size. There was no download required either. The complete game is on that set of discs. PS5 version had 100 gig discs so it was easy to accomidate that with the ps5's compression for 4k textures.
The second disc doesn't exist to just play the game. It's just your license at that point. PS4 doesn't use discs to play any games. All discs have ever been is a means of content delivery. That hasn't changed in 100 years, we've only been requiring installs in the console space for the last 18.
@NotSoCryptic That's right. But technically the play disc could only have 100mb of data on. It just means the game is over 50gb, not that it's 100gb. It's a weird boast when most games are 50 to 100gb nowadays. FFXV on PC was about 150gb.
@Matroska Yeah, it was already stated in the main article so the information wasn't needed.
Cannot wait for this. Probs most anticipated game atm
@KaijuKaiser I was thinking they were absolutely hopping on the nostalgia wagon when pointing that out.
And it worked on me at least. I could hear 13 year old me all the way back in the 90s.
"This game is on three discs!? It must be massive!"
Isn't this the first PS5 game in history to need 2 discs?
@Splat good for you buddy
Ever since the days of data limits on disk size or cartridge size have been a thing of the past, square-enix has kind of used excessive space. Their pc ports sort of reflect this.
I doubt it's two gameplay discs. one is probably a front load of data like remake part one was. Remake part only one?
They're sorta jumping the remake rails with the rebirth title.
I'm just bummed that they look like they are going to do the sort of xenosaga (lv 1 each episode) approach instead of having your stats or anything actually carry over.
The "no need to play the first game" thing kind of dummies it down too, in terms of continuity. I mean you're already taking one story and splitting it up into 3 parts and now you can just totally pass with a recap? GTFOH.
/end rant. Please send pizza rolls 😫
the entire ff7r will span 4-5 discs then? that is quite impressive.
Glad that the game is using two discs instead of needing an internet download to function at all
Man I don’t know about this whole FF7 remake lark, the first part was lots of filler and a complete ruination of the original story and now it looks like they’re doing something similar with Tifa.
The way they handled this whole messing with fate and time did not land for me at all, looks like they’re going to double down.
On a positive note though, the famous locations look absolutely awesome. Juno in particular!
@GhostInAJar I'm treating it as a whole new game just with a world I love. It's clear everything's going to be wildly different with it being in a new timeline. Chances are Aeris won't even die
It's really not that impressive to be on two discs.
As already mentioned, many games have an install disc and a play disc. So if the norm is occasionally 2 discs, then I'll get excited whe it's an 8 disc release..
I'm basing this on old playstation games being on a single disc, (the norm) and then the final fantasy games that came out on 4 discs. Four times the norm is impressive! Being on the 8 disc games, lol.
I put money on there being a day one patch that needs the internet!
But I guess if you aren't online it will never know!
If the file size is too big in digital, I hope there is a way to split the download or something. I don't know how my storage will be when I get the game...
Physical Disc I love to see my games in Blu Ray book case. I never buy any Digital games unless they are under $20 and not on physical media. I do have 100's of PS Plus games digital. I joined PS Plus on PS3 and added every game to my library.
Is there a reason why we are thinking multiple discs means less to download to the HDD?
There's still going to be a day 1 patch... the 2 discs means absolutely diddly squat as to how ridiculously big that day 1 patch may or may not be.
This just screams of marketing. "Look how big our game is" message without the negativity of "how many GB did they just say I needed?! That's crazy!"
It's clever, I guess.
But at some point, near launch, we will still have the "how many GB did they just say I needed?! That's crazy" for the patch. So it's all irrelevant in the end.
@Nem Not necessarily, on a fast fibre internet connection the game will download and install far quicker than by disc.
@MrHabushi No. It will download faster, but it won't install faster.
The download and the disc copy are just ways to transfer the data to your hard drive. The installation is done after the files are copied. It takes the same time.
Isn't Remake like 95GB? I recall it being one of the biggest games I've had eating my SSD. Just means most of the game wasn't really on the disc and this is.
2 discs??? Probably won't want the digital version then 😂😂😂
I guess it's time to invest on a SSD. FF7R alone is already at 90GB+
I'm hoping they manage to Inject some fun into the gameplay unlike the first game .
I want open world, the options to level grind, masses to explore and finally...FUN !
@Nem Games install as they are downloaded, hence why you can start playing many games before they finish downloading or installing.
@MrHabushi There is an initial download and install and then the main download/copy. Which is why you can play these initial versions of the games.
Regardless, it's the same. The game can't install before the files are copied, this goes for the initial package and for the full package for the full game. The installation part is actually pretty fast. It's the copy that takes a long time, be it a copy directly from the disc or by download. The installation happens on your ps5 once files are copied.
I'm sure this makes sense. The PS5 can't run unfinished programs or half downloaded files. It would give an error/crash.
@Matroska I highly doubt it'll be 100mb on the second disc. It wasn't that way for rebirth. Coming from a background in game development myself and working the build systems for part of my career. The team will usually try to save space some place else to get that 100mb's on to the disc. It's when you start approaching 1gig that it becomes a bit unwieldly. Then again producers suck so who knows (they have a tendency to make bad decisions like, print 1meg to a disc in order to make a deadline, instead of delaying a month).
Given Square putting so much time and energy into this, I'm guessing FF7Rebirth will be 98 gigs on one disc and 50-75 gigs on the other. They are pulling out all the stops including making the world way more open than FF7 Remake was. I would not be surprised if they ended up using 200 gigs either. At least we don't have to worry about the duplicate data problem like in the past, prior to PS3, even less so on PS5 (data duplication was less of an issue on PS3/x360, but still useful on hard drives for access times, which was half the problem with duplication prior to PS3 as opposed to the whole problem).
I'm excited either way. There was a lot going on in that trailer, They showed us as far as cosmo canyon. I believe they'll stop after cloud hands over the black materia, settling the Rebirth part of the title. Unless the rebirth has to do with the fact that the entire team is dead at the start, becuase they are the cast from the original game, our new cast has taken their place. Effectively doing an edge of time scenario like in Chrono Cross.
@NotSoCryptic Oh yeah, totally agree. I'm just saying in theory it needn't be that much more. I'm sure it'll be massive because, most likely, they can't reuse the same textures and assets to the same degree as Remake where everything was in one location (albeit a large one).
@Snake_V5 I believe so yes! PS4 era I know both RDR2 and FF7 Remake were on 2 discs each.
@Nem No, that isn't how it works. As said, it copies from disc or downloads and installs at the same time. The only time it uses a separate install process is for game updates. You can most certainly play games before they've entirely finished installing, it's a common feature.
@MrHabushi No, you don't understand what i said. A download or disc copy is not just one big file, it's several.
It is literally impossible for a system to run an incomplete file. As i said, many files. What i called the initial batch gets downloaded or copied first. From those files the installation starts while the remaining files are being copied. Not one file. Several batches. They get processed in succession.
To make it easier to understand, the download/disc copy is divided in several smaller bits that allow the installation and the download to progress in stages.
The installation itself is done on your console as the files get downloaded/copied. Whichever one does not influence the installation speed. The installation is a program being run on your console with the files it has. It will always be the same, which is the speed of your SSD and hardware.
What can change is the speed the files get thransfered to your SSD. Be it through internet or the disc drive.
@Nem That might be how other systems do it but that isn't how the process works on the PS5 at all; you've already changed what you originally said about it being installed after the files are copied. In any case, your initial comment was mistaken; a downloaded game can very much be installed more (or less) quickly than a disc-based one because it's a single process.
And yes, a system absolutely can open incomplete files while they continue to download.
@MrHabushi I did not change it. You were the one that assumed by files i meant only one huge one.
No, it cannot. What you are saying is false. The installation happens on your ps5. That is what an installation means. You can't install files you don't yet have. The download/copy speed has nothing to do with the speed your ps5 runs programs once it can read them. It will always be the same.
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