In Marvel's Spider-Man 2, we'll be playing as both Peter Parker and Miles Morales throughout the adventure. The two superheroes have a lot in common but, as we saw in the recent gameplay demonstration, they also have unique powers and abilities. The demo showed off how fast it'll be to switch between characters, and while that was a scripted event in a story mission, the open world will let us chop and change as we see fit.
Speaking with Eurogamer, creative director Bryan Intihar elaborates on how character swapping works in Marvel's Spider-Man 2. "When you're playing the main story, we control when you switch between Pete and Miles... it's done in service to the story when we're making those switches, for sure," he says. "You'll be able to - in the open world - freely switch between them with a simple button press."
So, when you're in the middle of a main mission, there will be set moments when control moves between Peter and Miles, but if you're just free-roaming around the city, you can swap Spideys whenever you want. And it sounds like there will be reasons to do so: "We have content designed around Peter, we have content designed around Miles and we have content where you can play either," Intihar says, adding that the game also features unique and shared skill trees for the two protagonists.
He adds that the fast character swapping in the open world is "really, really awesome", and something they "wouldn't have explored previously". This probably boils down to the fact this is the first Spider-Man title that's exclusive to PS5, with no PS4 version limiting the scope.
Are you excited to switch between Peter and Miles in Marvel's Spider-Man 2? Tell us in the comments section below.
[source eurogamer.net]
Comments 59
I will immediately switch to SpiderPig
Really hope Miles gets his Spider-Verse suit again.
Removed - unconstructive
Removed - flaming/arguing
Sorry Miles but this is a Peter game for me.
Miles is very cool and all, but Peter is the OG, and I foresee that I'll be playing mostly as him. That being said, Miles did have a cool set of abilities, if perhaps a little OP.
I'm guessing Miles' tree will tap into his powers, whereas Peter will have more unlockable tech gizmos to balance the two of them. Or more symbiote powers, depending on where they take that in the story.
At the moment, while both are very cool characters, I feel like Miles needs his own game to have the room to breathe as a character. Maybe it's just me, but Peter is the Spider-Man that everyone knows best, and I think most people will play as most of the time.
Hopefully they have separate side missions/ collectibles.
Not much of a choice, there is only one Spider-man.
@KundaliniRising333 Guess you're not too excited for the game then 😅 it will be a great fun game but not goty material which is fine not everything has to be.
As for Rocksteady yeah they should have but thanks to management they were forced to make a live service SS game which will flop severely which in turn will result in job cuts and potentially studio closure 🤦
@naruball Seriously...
Removed - flaming/arguing
I'll try and play both spider-men equally, but I'll probably gravitate more to miles tbh.
The demo didn't convince me, but the fact that you can switch characters at any time is really really good. If you prefer one playstile or another you won't get stuck with the character you like the least.
N.i.c.e. its just like the incredible grand theft auto 5 wih the swapping of characters.word up son
I'll play with Spider-man
Peter all the way ^__^
Just saw Across the Spider-verse recently and gotta admit, the movie got me excited to play this and will keep me busy until the sequel
Anyway, both characters will be great and can't wait to play as both. Peter as the more veteran Spidey and Miles who is still getting the hang of being a Spider-Man
@naruball It's literally all they do at this point. Some people just stay miserable.
A very good and natural development. I always like games with multiple protagonists, adds to the variety in gameplay.
That's a very good call. That decision will make many people happy.
@KundaliniRising333 maybe swap to another site mate. Hahaha! Jokes. Just had to make the comment.
@Juanalf i really think it will be fav for GOTY, wat will beat it??
I'll probably play as Miles more than Peter: I am not as big a fan of the symbiote as some. If this swapping game play is actually fun, I hope they add one of the Spider-Women in Spider-Man 3 (Spider-Verse 3? Spider-Man 3: The Spider-Verse?).
@TheArtfulDodger. Are you serious? I can’t tell. Surely Tears of the Kingdom.
@KundaliniRising333 those backpacks you speak of provide a nice little slice of Peter Parkers life, kind of like a bit of back story in a weird sort of way, so they're not as useless as you are making them out to be and there is 55 backpacks in total not 100s. Screwball though can shove those photobombs right up her you know what where the sun don't shine
@naruball Wasn't there a Bruce Springsteen song. Born to Moan?
@KundaliniRising333 quick swap to a different article where you actually care about the subject matter instead of sharing your disinterest with people that are excited for this game
Sounds great! I wonder if it's going to be just like GTAV with us sort of picking up whatever the other character was doing while you were playing as the other Spider-Man. Could be some great little moments if they do that.
Like maybe Pete will be talking to MJ before saying he has to go do Spider-Man stuff. Or Miles will be playing something on his phone before deciding its time to be a hero again. Looking forward to it!
@naruball Its always weird coming across someone one this site that has those negative GameFaqs vibes.
This place is usually pretty positive.
@KundaliniRising333 ah so hundreds of riddler trophies are fine, but close to thirty backpacks is bad. If ya don't like it, don't play it. The majority of us are gonna enjoy ourselves.
Removed - flaming/arguing
This sounds great! I'm thinking it'll be like GTA but in order to progress the story you'll have to play a specific Spider-Man. Kinda like how in Ultimate Spider-Man you played some missions as Peter, then as Venom. I'm confident both Spider-Men will have their own side quests and stuff.
Neat. Not sure how much I will use it. It will depend on how much of a collect-a-thon the game will be. Nice that the option is there, though!
For both Spider-Man games, I focus on the main story - with a small focus on side content: Trophies aren't an incentive for me.
Since the quick swap is likely made possible largely due to the PS5's fast SSD, I wonder how the eventual PC version will handle this considering the need to support slower storage. Perhaps what may be a brief fade to black on PS5 will be replaced by a loading screen on PC, similar to GTA 5. I just want to know that Sony isn't hampering their studios' games to ensure compatibility with PC, which is my only concern regarding their PC initiative.
@KundaliniRising333 I’ll bite. What do you consider a “more interesting game”?
The question is will we be able to switch between Kraven an Morales spiderman when they team up to down venom control parker?
@Stevemalkpus there’s that an Spiderman 2. Starfield is Xbox big game but we have no clue how that will be. Could be another Redfall!!
@xDD90x @xDD90x I suspect ratchet An clank dimensions transversing will be lot slower in the PC, notice how they barely show it in trailer.
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Having it as possible drop in and out co-op with full game progression and missions suited to one or two players would have been good. Rarely games do it anymore. But here's hoping for the third for that
Removed - trolling/baiting
@KundaliniRising333 I concur that disagreement is fine, and in this case I disagree about Spider-Man. He’s one of my favorite comic book heroes so the source material does indeed play a role for some.
I’ll be firing up Diablo 4 tonight, FF16 probably early July. After that, I suppose I will give Starfield a go as well. I did enjoy the open world AC games but Valhalla was so bloated I wore out on them so perhaps Mirage will be a good change of pace for me.
Seems like another solid 8/10 game. Not really going to innovate much on the last 2 games but I am sure it will be a fun story.
I don't want to hear the "only a PS5 SSD" could do this though. This is a PS4 game scaled up with 4K texture/res and RT. GTA 5 character swap worked fine even on a PS3.
@FatalBubbles @KundaliniRising333 so wholesome 🥰
Very cool feature. I forget GTA5 has that feature. To me I always think of and wanted a feature like Battlefield 2 Modern Combat's (or I guess Driver San Fransisco too) swap feature (it won't have the transition effect and I assume you also don't go to a door to transition between characters? It's maybe a web swing in animation or wherever Peter/Miles last were in the city or something?) to others across the map.
So glad Spidey has a similar swap characters feature to offer for whoever you want to play as, their own skill trees and so on to be either of the two you want to be (besides I assume just whatever missions they have for those characters too right?).
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@Yagi that's always been part of their charm. Not for everyone, but it's what Spidey sounds like.
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@knowles2 Don't believe PS5 SSD marketing stunt.
@Darylb88 GTA V though used it's character swap as a loading screen that took the best part of 15 seconds to load in. SM2 though looks instantaneous as especially with how quick the characters travel as well.
Removed - flaming/arguing
I'll be playing as Miles Morales as much as possible!
Don't get me wrong, Peter will always be my fave Spidey...but Miles powers are way more OP and fun to use imo lol.
@KundaliniRising333 constantly complain on almost every article and then call everyone who disagreed with you a child. It's funny because you come across as an intelligent guy when I read some of your comments. Sometimes though you have to realise that not everyone is gonna have the same tastes as your own and when constantly complaining and the negativity on almost every comment, doesn't look good. I could choose to complain on every game that's not to my tastes but I don't because if something like Diablo is not for me, I straight away realise oh there's many gamers that also really enjoy Diablo so I'll try to be respectful at the very least
Hopefully you can ping a location on the map to the other Spider-Man and then swap to them to do whatever quest or challenge as a form of fast travel.
@Beerheadgamer82 There is a huge difference between negativity/complaining, and experience-based critique. I am allowed to offer criticism or even skepticism.
Let's be real here it has nothing to do with even reading or understanding another point and perhaps maybe offering a counterpoint or start a meaningful discussion on it. It has to do with the recognizable forum name, and the running narrative that anything I say is predominantly negative. If you associate criticism, skepticism, concerns, or even merely a view or ideas that differ from your own, as just all within the umbrella of negativity; then that's really on you and anyone else whom jumps on that bandwagon which seems like it is really a perception issue and a refusal to be open minded.
Comments like this and the rest of the "negativity/complaining" trolling merely add fuel to that bandwagon and in all reality is a form of fruitless bullying whether you want to believe it or not.
The character swapping mechanic in GTAV was very well implemented and quite forward thinking for its time. I'm hoping it's implemented just as well here, maybe introduce a new layer of creativity to the level design and allow for players to pick multiple approaches.
The first couple of games established some great foundations. I'm really hoping this game builds on it in more than just superfluous ways.
@AdamNovice Yes it's faster because of an SSD but the point was that this could be implemented on a PS4.
@KundaliniRising333 Considering your comment was removed for being unconstructive I would suggest to think otherwise.
@Darylb88 It could but it would be a loading screen. Plus traversal would have to be slowed significantly, there comes a point where developers have to decide how there willing to compromise.
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