Wow, this just never ends! In its ongoing attempts to sate the FTC — which is currently scrutinising Microsoft's $69 billion acquisition of Activision Blizzard — the tech giant has been forced to disclose internal documents and emails, placing a spotlight on the company's behind-the-scenes planning.
Just days ago, emails revealed that Microsoft was weighing up the idea of buying SEGA's game studios and Bungie. Then, there was an email about potential plans to "spend Sony out of business". And now, we've got documents detailing "Project Phoenix", which was seeking strategic approval in 2019.
Project Phoenix would see Microsoft acquire Square Enix, in a move that would theoretically allow the company to gain ground in Japan. The documents mention three key properties — Final Fantasy, Dragon Quest, and Kingdom Hearts — that could be used to bolster Xbox's popularity in the region. It almost reads like fanboy fiction.
Historically, Xbox as a brand has always struggled in Japan, a country where Sony and Nintendo have dominated the market for decades. It would undoubtedly take a colossal effort to upset that status quo, but Microsoft has tried to do it before. Back in the Xbox 360 generation, it secured a number of high profile, Japanese-developed titles in a bid to wrestle appeal away from the competition. Things obviously didn't go as planned, so it's interesting that even many years later, Microsoft was seemingly willing to try and conquer Japan all over again — albeit with a much bolder approach.
The document goes on to say that, if acquired, Square Enix's games would be used to push Game Pass — as per usual. Projects would also "preference" Xbox Series X | S in terms of development.
As is the case with all of these internal bits and pieces, it's unclear what actually happened to this proposition. We imagine that most big businesses are in possession of documents just like this, always weighing up the next industry-shifting strategy. Still, as has become abundantly clear, Microsoft isn't afraid of splashing its cash — and the purchase of Square Enix would have no doubt had a dramatic impact on the gaming landscape as we know it.
[source eurogamer.net]
Comments 136
Thank the gods this didn’t come to pass. Oof.
@BeerIsAwesome Which, to be fair, fits Microsoft's historical approach of "just throw money at it and maybe it'll work out for us".
At this point this is not even news. Every company has said 'meh maybe we will do x' at least once. Stop obsessing over it.
Why am I no longer surprised.
Glad the big Japanese companies have stayed independent.
MS certainly dodged a bullet on that one.
Microsoft really being Draco Malfoy trying to outdo Harry by buying Nimbus 2001 for everybody to get into the team.
Need someone more knowledgeable than I to go over the whole "Japan doesn't let foreign countries buy it's companies" history. I think those laws have changed but they may have been a factor.🤷
Interesting that they mentioned Kingdom Hearts as one of the key properties. Didn’t know that there are that many KH fans out there.
Must be nice to have FU money laying around to destroy the competition.
@Max_the_German Kingdom Hearts is huge, isn't it?!
I think Square etc would've been too patriotic to sell. They would've published one or two exclusives for Xbox and that'd be it.
@Triumph741 Tell that to the FTC!
Microsoft would of still lost.but glad square enix is not with them.and it doesn't make sense.it make sense with PlayStation.thats a fact word up son
The mere idea of Microsoft considering purchasing Kingdom Hearts disgusts me.
absolutely no surprise.
this explains why the relationship between SE and MS is so devastated.
I still think when all the Actvision crap is over that Sony will announce they have acquired SE.
Maybe that goes someway to explain why Sony have gotten exclusivity on a few Square Enix games in the past few years because they knew MS were sniffing around.
I think a lot more people are beginning to see how insidious this all is with MS listing all these companies they've considered purchasing.
There whole narrative of "we won't take games away from people" is an utter lie. The very fact that they even considered buying companies who have historical IPs on both PlayStation and Nintendo systems just for the sole purpose of brute forcing their business strategy onto the industry is gross of the highest order.
@Triumph741 this goes further than how you're attempting to down play it. Don't be dense for the sake of proving a point.
Lmao. MS considered everything except making good games😂
Thankful that Square isn't going to sell out that easily. Wouldn't want neither Sony nor Microsoft buy SE
Monopolysoft. Kotick said today he regrets completely ignoring the Nintendo Switch by not putting CoD on the hybrid. I'd hazard a guess Kotick is only saying this now so he can get the deal done so he can end up with more millions in his bank. Funny how he wasn't saying this when there was no huge acquisition happening with his company
Sure does paint that prerecorded video appearance from Jim Ryan at the FFXVI launch event (“we value everything that we do together”) in a whole new light.
This coming just days after Microsoft whined that Sony is keeping FF16 from.
Another example of MS being typically American and thinking throwing money around will make you successful. Will they never learn 🤦♂️
Sounds like they were maybe going to attempt a 'hostile takeover' and SE maybe caught wind of it and that is why their relationship soured lately.
@TheLotteryMan1 Brutal 😂
Surely Sony have had similar discussions. If either one bought SE then the big losers would be Nintendo owners. SE have a great relationship with them and I'd be sorry to see that go.
So why didn't it happen then? What makes them think Square Enix wants to even sell. I think Square Enix would want to be purchased by Sony anyway even if they were willing to sell.
Isn't it obvious MS will at least entertain the idea of buying any studio and/or publisher willing to sell?
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Sony need buy them before Microsoft try get they’re dirty America hands on them.
Microsoft, overall, seems incapable of actually nurturing studios. The only thing they really have going for them is their massive, massive, bank account.
Square wouldn't have had to say yes. They make too much money from nintendo and Playstation to contemplate this.
You could see Microsoft pushing towards this as there was a period a couple of years back when all the FF games were getting added to gamepass, before something suddenly changed.
Taking Microsoft's logic for buying Bethesda because Sony was seeking exclusivity on Starfield, perhaps Sony got wind of this and made an alternative proposal to strengthen the relationship where it concerns the likes of final fantasy
Wonder what happened with the rumours of Sony buying them out. Sure felt like that news was coming. Sucks for Microsoft they can't just buy Sony and Nintendo to make the decent games for them 😂
Lol we can't produce our own games, so we'll buy out anyone else's. I don't know how Xbox players could have respect for Microsoft at this point. This is a big joke to me. They stink
@4kgk2 yeah so they can become part of Sony America in California! Sony wouldn’t even have to make this a HBO series, FF16 already has 2 movies worth of sit and watch baked into it. I kid i kid, but for real!
@Jswift56 Sony probably waiting for the Activision deal to be over before buying them.
@HonestHick I never get you Xbox fans trashing Sony games for feeling like movies. don’t you guys want games with great writing and narrative on par with a big blockbuster film.
It's interesting that PushSquare it's not even mentioning Jim's testimony, e-mails and many other details that are important but show how Sony did shameful things also. On the other hand, every little detail that makes MS look bad gets a full article here. This website has become pure console wars. Such a disappointment, I used to like this one...
@Foxx_64740 Sony ain’t trying to buy up the industry like Microsoft is.
@Foxx_64740 The same thing is happening over at Pure Xbox. Let's not act like it's just Push Square doing it.
@Foxx_64740 hardcore agree. Way too many red meat articles around here.
@Cashews it's all made up words to get the deal done though isn't it. Why wasn't there no deal put together between Activision and Nintendo for CoD to be on the Switch before this attempted acquisition. No need to resort to words like calling me goof, I'm a fully grown adult not a teen
@number1024 @Rafie @4kgk2 I'm not acting at all, I'm reading the news about this merge on The Verge because both Pushsquare and PureXbox just publish the "good side" of their respectives companies. It is what it is, I know, but I used to like to read the news here, simply stating... I'm not into this console wars stuff but apparently many folks here love so...that's it
@RBMango You and me both dude
This is why it is so important the ABK acquisition is blocked. If it isn't, it means that buying two publishers in two years to try and hurt competitors is not a red line and Microsoft would just continue with their strategy of spending their way to dominance (the only way they operate).
But don't worry, guys. Microsoft said they are the feisty, permanently-in-third-place, super-mistreated underdogs!
(P.S. part of the danger of this merger going through is it would kick off a period of industry consolidation unlike we've ever seen before. I would fully expect Sony to "circle the wagons" and start securing their partners because if ABK is on the table, every publisher is.)
Thankfully they didn’t…for now. I don’t think Nintendo would’ve liked that either.
And you wonder why so many PS fans want Sony to acquire Square?
Because Microsoft is trying to buy their way to a monopoly. They are a company I can no longer support in any way. Plus they are going to ruin fable. I will be boxing up my xbox series x and putting it in the Closet.
@Cashews why? Square-enix is a brilliant developer.
@Max_the_German Kingdom hearts is a massive franchise despite Square's best efforts to confuse people with spin off's and naming conventions
The real question is will Square-Enix would allow it. I bet the CEOs and the higher up would laugh them out the door.
@XenonKnight And people are desperate for it to happen so they can get all games for 'free'.
@Razrye888 Because they're typically hemorrhaging money. They'd be dead if it wasn't for FF14.
@Max_the_German Despite how much people like to think KH is some small niche franchise that everyone clowns on it's not the case. It's extremely popular and one of Squares biggest series next FF and Dragon Quest
@4kgk2 I’m not a Xbox guy, or just a Xbox guy. In fact i do love the story driven games with big budget story telling. I even intend to buy FF16 on PS5, which would be my first FF buy in like over 12 years or longer. But i do like pacing in my games. I don’t want all CGI trailers telling the story and i do want action. I think FF16 from what i have watched and heard is a decent balance of that. Thats why i said i kid i kid, cause while it’s borderline there of being a movie, no one can deny FF16 has action in it. The fights look incredible to me. I like to look at the Last of Us as a great example of excellent story telling and balance of telling the story and letting you play. Sony first party in general is great at balancing the action and story telling. Thats why i buy a PS. But i have to choose what day’s i want that gaming experience over just playing faster competitive games. Balance and variety is the key. Hence i own all 3 consoles so i can have whatever experience i want. 😊
Now I genuinely want square enix to be bought by sony just out of spite.
Such a lack of vision coming out in these emails.
Wonder if this is what soured the companies relationship? Square currently avoids releasing on Xbox like the plague, and rumor is there is internal bad blood.
Literally everyone was on the table it sounds like. Nasty business. I'm glad it hasn't happened with Square or Sega and hope it never comes to that.
Seriously Microsoft. Chill bro!
@ThorsHammer Maybe, I know something like wouldn't help it and sales of ff15 didn't help thing too.
Sega doesn't want to be Bought out by microsoft.
Microsoft's answer to everything seems to be throw money at the problem
Now more than ever Sony need to start locking down a couple of Japanese developers/publishers that are relevant such as Square Enix, Capcom, From Software and Namco.
Microsoft can buy any western Studio/Publisher they want but for the love of god keep their hands off the Japanese ones. Hopefully Nintendo would join Sony in blocking any potential deals though considering they rely heavy on third party exclusives from Japanese devs.
All things considered this ABK deal needs to go through to help put some shackles on their potential future acquisitions. If this deal fails though then they will set their sights on hurting Sony buy buying someone like Sega, Square or Capcom.
"Spend Sony out of business".
Jesus, this is competition at its worst. With all the money to invest in building the industry up, THIS is what MS came up?
I really hope acquisition fails.
Everyone is echoing a lot of my thoughts that I jotted down in a different article a few days ago.
Microsoft wants to use every shady business tactic they can to make bank and wipe out the competition.
Didn't know you could go around calling people names on here, not that I'm offended by it as I've grown out of that nonsense years ago but why are some allowed to get away with it. Do you have to press the report button it if someone resorts to childish bully tactics on here, I only joined last year so I dunno. I've always tried to be respectful towards others on here no matter how much I may disagree about something
@get2sammyb just a reminder, that Simpsons episode aired in the 90s. We should all know what kind of company Microsoft is by now.
@4kgk2 #42 nope, I want games to be games.
If I wanted to watch a movie, there are literally thousands to watch at any time.
No art form has ever elevated itself by aping other art forms, so why should videogames?
I don't understand why this is a surprise to anyone. Microsoft will have a nice neat spreadsheet somewhere (in excel of course) with every developer on the planet on it with pros and cons.
Sony will have the same (probably in Google sheets 😂). Although Sony's will be a lot more refined due to financial constraints as they don't have the same pockets as M$.
This is just business, I have seen the exact same research and data capture on possible acquisitions for the company I work for.
I don't understand why each one of these "what if"s has to become a separate news article.
@UltimateOtaku91 Falcom (ys, legend of heroes), Spike Chunsoft (danganronpa), and Level 5 (ni no kuni, DQ8) should have been no brainers imo - particularly before they fumbled those partnerships after the Vita and surrendered the handheld market to Nintendo
This would've been more fun and less monopolistic than actiblizz, that's for sure lmao.
Microsoft trying to gain ground in Japan - meanwhile New Sony bins their Japanese studio, effectively handing the market on a plate to Nintendo. Can't make this stuff up...
It shouldn't be surprising that they have had discussions with a lot of these companies. I imagine Sony's list is very lengthy as well. They would not be doing their due diligence if they did not regularly guage the market for potential fits.
@Rob_230 Yeah those too, although I think Level 5 would more likely be acquired by Nintendo, same with Spike Chunsoft considering their next game is switch exclusive.
Again as I said in the other article, please post the full story and not just bits and pieces to incite the mob. This is irresponsible journalism.
Isn't Kingdom Hearts owned by Disney? Unless they have a contract with sole rights to develop the games, Disney could just take Kingdom Hearts away from SE and hand it over to another developer. It was the same situation (I believe) with Crash Bandicoot and Spyro, in the PS1 days, since ND and Insomniac only had the rights to so many games before their contract expired. Sure, KH is synonymous with Square, but they don't own the IP (outside of their characters).
@MasterVGuides Well it's an awkward situation in terms of who owns the Kingdom Hearts IP, the actual game IP is owned by Square Enix but they have to have permission from Disney to use their IP's in the game.
And if Disney did own kingdom hearts then they couldn't make another company make it as they don't own the Square Enix made characters that appear in the game, so really it wouldn't be Kingdom Hearts.
Hope that makes sense, basically Kingdom Hearts can't exist without Disney or Square Enix, and if one of them says no to their IP's being used then Kingdom Hearts will be no more.
@UltimateOtaku91 what is Level 5 even working on?
@UltimateOtaku91 Disney needs a ***** load of money they are willing to work out a deal.
This has got to start raising some eyebrows, surely? It just proves Phil was on a buyout quest even with publisher's that weren't actively looking to be bought out (SEGA, SE ect) just to take games away from a rival platform.
But hey. FOR THE GAMERS!! - Phil Spencer.
As I just said over on PX. It's funny that they all thought this would show Sony's 'dirty laundry' but behind the scenes Microsoft have been hiding much more nefarious plans. It doesn't look good for them and shows they're up to their old tricks.
@XenonKnight who working on?
And yeah Disney are willing to let anyone use the IP's aslong as there's mega money in it for them.
If any of y'all think Sony and Nintendo aren't exploring and proposing potential mergers and acquisitions every single damn day, you have literally no idea how business works.
This is not eye-opening, this is not a bombshell, it's run-of-the-mill, routine business.
@UltimateOtaku91 I was asking about Level 5 because I can't find any info on anything they are working on. And early next year they have to buy that 33% of hulu NBC still owns and NBC wants 20+ billion for it.
@XenonKnight They are making a new Fantasy Life for the switch, a new Professor Layton for the switch and a new Rpg called Decopolice for the switch and PS5.
They are making quite the comeback, I believe they are also releasing a new inazuma eleven game too.
I'm sorry, @ShogunRok, but you are so over egging the 'spend Sony out of business' comment. Surely you, as a journalist, must surely know that the full comment and the context should matter?
Just to be clear, the full comment from Booty was: "A different view to the general view below might be that we (Microsoft) are in a very unique position to be able to go spend Sony out of business..."
So he was not even saying that this is what Microsoft were looking to do. He was saying that this is how it could be perceived. I get that you want to get people interested in your articles, but don't you also owe it to people to be accurate in what you are reporting?
Was watching a video (not related to gaming) recently taken in a parking garage in Tokyo. Not one single American make vehicle. Japanese seem to not have much interest in U.S. companies.
Not saying good or bad, but rather just the way it is.
@Fiendish-Beaver how much is microsoft paying you to be there Astroturfer?
Considering the overall drought of blockbuster games coming from Xbox, and understanding that games like the latest TLoU and Horizon ran around $220 million, I’d find it disappointing that the majority of what Xbox is trying to do is capture existing or in development IP instead of actually creating a creative environment and developing good AAA games.
$76 billion would be enough to develop roughly 345 AAA blockbusters. Instead, you get Redfall, janky Bethesda games and Call of Duty.
I’d look at my Xbox with absolute disgust if it were my primary console.
@sd7232 Anything imported into Japan cost alot more too. Just look at how much more thing cost in Alaska & Hawaii.
It’s been over 5 years since Microsoft acquired 10+ studios for Gamepass content and were still waiting for the killer apps to come!
Just give us Project Gotham racing, Perfect Dark, Blast Corps and the games these studios have been sitting on
@lacerz well said and I’m glad I sold my XBOX ONE X in 2020 and converted to PS5 as primary console
@lacerz (I’d look at my Xbox with absolute disgust if it were my primary console.)
I feel absolute disgust with my xbox series x and it could never be my primary console. And that is part of why I needed to box it up.
@Luigia Forza horizon is a type of Project Gotham racing game.
@BeerIsAwesome Yep. I think we are as infatuated with JRPGs as they are with Western culture. It's like an American getting a Kanji t shirt or tattoo and having no idea what it says, which they do with English words, as well.
I don't understand what you are saying, @XenonKnight. Are you saying that no one can have an alternative view to the echo-chamber that is repeating things out of context? If something is said which is factually incorrect, are we just expected to ignore that because it is not what people want to hear? I'm at a loss, to be honest...
@Fiendish-Beaver you come here to push a love of microsoft on everyone. Tell microsoft they can win my support back of xbox/game pass by stopping this buy of Activision-Blizzard and make good games. And by not fling up Fable.
@KaijuKaiser Define "buying up the industry".
They purchased Bethesda, and are trying to buy Activision Blizzard...if those two constitute the whole industry, then the industry is f'd.
@UltimateOtaku91 Hopefully one of these days Level 5 and Sony Can get together and finally make Dark Cloud 3 And Rouge Galaxy 2 a thing.
@rjejr yeah, that's not a thing at all. Has been happening for years.
Seriously, @XenonKnight? Push love? That is such a ridiculous thing to say. Is pointing out that something is being reported incorrectly the wrong thing to do just because it not what people want to hear? So your view is that we should all just be cheering for Sony, even if what we are cheering about is factually incorrect? I own a PS5. That more than entitles me to express an opinion, if you are suggesting that I need that right. However, my overriding view is that having spent just shy of three decades in law enforcement, that facts and the truth matter. Without fear or favour, as the saying goes. Just because it's unpopular to not follow the narrative, does not make me wrong...
Wow, tuning in late to this headline. First Sega then square-enix... Sheesh... crisis averted for now I guess.
The only publisher I want Sony to get is Konami, to kick it back in shape and snag all those tasty franchises. Square, Sega, Capcom and Atlus should remain autonomous that everyone can enjoy them. Anybody getting defensive or tribalistic of any system should re-evaluate their value system.
@tameshiyaku I think deals for games is better then a buyout of Konami, why would Sony want all the nongaming crap Konami owns.
Stay the ***** outta Japan. Sony/Nintendo please work jointly to bring the Japanese together against xbox
@Areus Well
Its all down to Sony, this is one rare Japanese IP they actually own so it would be in their best interest to utilise it and maybe do a remake of number 1 to get people into it.
I was 10 when it first came out so I missed out as I wasn't playing jrpgs at that age, so I'd love them to do a remake.
@Rmg0731 I fully support this and a ps6 version of Zelda would be great too.
@UltimateOtaku91 Sony should be looking at rebooting many old ips.
@ShogunRok works for strippers
Jesus... this company's only strategy is to buy everyone out. Says a lot about their incompetence.
@Enuo I mean to be fair to xbox, Sony making FF16 a timed exclusive, still doesn't sit right with me.
Timed exclusive sucks, especially as a PC gamer myself.
@Keyblade-Dan Yep Kingdom Hearts is Square's 3rd biggest franchise in revenue now that its sold all of the European side
@LightningLeader So are MS the only ones that are allowed to buy large publishers? Do we just have to sit back and watch as they buy up more from their 'shopping list' and more and more games are gradually excluded from PlayStation? No one ever said anything about Sony buying publishers like Konami, SE or Capcom until MS went out and bought Bethesda and then announced the ABK deal almost as soon as the ink was dry on Bethesda. Do I want Sony to buy up SE or anyone else? Not really, but if there was a chance that MS were going to go for them after ABK has closed then I'd much prefer that Sony got in there first. Only one company has created this mentality so you can't complain as PS fans wanting Sony to respond to make sure others don't end up in the hands of MS.
It's almost as if the cma knew Microsoft were going to be shady and try to corner the market. Who'd have thought
@Indefinable Microsoft's past conduct shows that they would do this kind of crap.
@Ludacritz Unfortunately, the strategy is working. This is the first time in years I've even considered buying an Xbox to play Starfield. But yeah, buying pubs is just not where I want the industry to go. Won't be supporting the platform anytime soon.
I know Sony is a cut-throat business too, would probably be doing much of the same if they had a trillion dollars.
@Foxx_64740 "Pushsquare and PureXbox just publish the "good side" of their respectives companies"
Pretty much 🤷 that email were Jim was saying he's sure cod isn't going anywhere acquisition or not is pretty damning.
MS is mad. At this point in time I hate them.
@2here2there Your not the only one who hates them. Alot of us do. Hit them where it hurts boycott them.
Even if Microsoft wins everything that has come out has just been dragging their name through the muck. They can't ever claim to be "for the gamers" ever again.
Dragon quest ,final fantasy owned by ms ,please video game gods no ,4hr dragon quest game straight onto game pass,ugh...as a grown ass man with 5 kids, this is annoying me far more than the current cost of living in the UK 😂 im a nob ,but I've been playing video games since the 70s,and they've seen me through some very real,tough times ,so just no.
@2here2there yeah, these actions which are tantamount to bullying Sony out of the console market ,are really pissing me off ,far more than it should in reality ,Sony do make similar exclusive deals with third partys ,but the difference is, they also make some of the best first party games in the industry,they make games we love ,the only game I rate from ms ,is gears, I had some great times on the first game back in the day ,made some great friends from it ,forza is ok,but what else have they done ,that stands out ,halo stopped being great after halo 2 ,now they're trying to buy excellence,because they're incapable with all there money of making a truly great gaming experience,i own an xbox ,but get stuffed ms,im done with your nonsense.
I think that strategy will kill squareenix since most japanese people won't buy xbox, and most xbox fans don't play jrpg.
@wiiware Microsoft is ok with that as long as they can kill Playstation.
MS is bad and that is why all this information is coming out. They have been investigated and fined numerous times for their anticompetitive practices. Did you forget their Embrace, Extend, and Extinguish strategy used to kill competition? They used it against Netscape Communicator in the past and got caught.
Sony is not the one buying whole publishers made of 20 studios. Ryans's comments are mostly like yeah we will survive... yeah we will be fine without CoD... maybe... Maybe we can buy Bungie...? CoD probably won't go anywhere... Those are just the words of a helpless man consoling himself and his team. That is it. If Redfall, Starfield, and Elder Scrolls can be made exclusive then so can CoD. It is up to MS and what Ryan believes or thinks does not matters. He cannot predict the future accurately.
On the other hand, MS's internal emails show that they initiated their plan to kill Sony in 2019/2020 when they pointed out that they are in a position to spend Sony out of business by buying all the publishers who make games for them. The company is pure evil and what makes it worse is that they have the money and political power to put those greedy evil plans into action.
LoL. So true. Not even one of these documents reveals how Microsoft was thinking about creating new blockbuster IPs, reviving dormant franchises, or forming partnerships with some company to offer unique features or services for Xbox, etc. They are all about: BUY THIS! BUY THAT! KILL SONY!!
@OneWingedAngel well I respect your opinion but for me both companies just want to squeeze my money until the last cent. And no millionaire CEO like Phil Spencer or Jim Ryan should be seen as a poor "helpless man" but if you feel pity for Jim, be my guest... I think I've read fewer fairy tales than you, so I see the world differently
Thank you for a civilized reply. It is very rare to get a respectful reply on the net. There is a long history behind my views and opinions on Microsoft but that is a story for another time. I don't even use any software by MS including Windows. Anyway, I am not posting an essay about how Sony earned my respect and MS earned my ire over the decades. I just leave it at that I have been playing games since the NES era and have seen the industry evolve (or more like devolve) into what it is today.
@LightningLeader uhm, didn't you even read the rest of my comment. My point was, since Konami has been struggling over the last year's (mostly by it's own bad decisions) an acquisition that would give them more direction could be good, while I believe all the other big companies should remain independent.if Konami finds proper footing with mgs delta and the silent hill games, then they should also stay multiplatform.
I play on each platform anyways. Maybe read before commenting.
Once again,the company that keeps repeating the narrative ad nauseum that Sony is the sole console bully exercising a monopoly via timed & other exclusives,whilst literally spending billions buying up AAA multiplatform Publishers & IP's & only via court documents proves behind closed doors it has a hit list of more Third Party AAA publishers & IP's it wants to take off the competition & make exclusive to the Microsoft ecosystem!🙄
Geez projecting much exercising your monopoly & buy up the major as many of the 3rd party players as you can get away with Microsoft?!
@awaltzforvenus I agree.
Bethesda is way better then Square in my opinion.
Especially now when Square don't even have Crystal Dynamics and Eidos Montreal.
@OneWingedAngel by the way FFVIII is my favorite game of all time and I just love Squall and Rinoa's story, loved your profile pic
@GeneJacket it's funny how our comments about big companies constantly researching potential acquisitions are ignored because they don't fit the narrative on here.
Microsoft probably made an offer to Square-Enix and SEGA, but both of them probably laughed at them really hard like Nintendo did in the early 2000s. No big japanese developer would take Microsoft seriously.
@hi_drnick I know it's been happening for years, but somebody always explains it.
There are restrictions though. Not sure if a software company would fall under tech, it does in my head, but Japan may not want a company like Microsoft buying a company as well known as Squenix. 🤷♂️
@SacredPYRO I would expect nothing less...the children that occupy the comment sections here don't want objective fact, they want an echo chamber.
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