Square Enix is back for the fourth day in a row with a slightly strange Final Fantasy VII Rebirth quote, today announcing you don't need to have played PS5, PS4 title Final Fantasy VII Remake in order to enjoy the sequel. The company says it has "made preparations so that players who did not get a chance to play the first game can fully enjoy Final Fantasy VII Rebirth".
It doesn't say what those plans are, but we have to assume it'll be some sort of retrospective video you can watch from Rebirth's main menu that recounts the events of the first remake. One other approach could be to have Cloud spell out what happened in Final Fantasy VII Remake in dialogue at the start of Rebirth. Either way, co-director Motomu Toriyama assures you can jump straight into Final Fantasy VII Rebirth without playing its predecessor.
The first quote Square Enix offered on Final Fantasy VII Rebirth last week made the most sense, stating it's "working on nailing down a release date" for the RPG, which is currently slated for a PS5 launch in winter 2023. It followed that claim up saying the sequel will offer lots of freedom: "Players will be able to journey across the wide and multifaceted world with a high degree of freedom, experiencing a myriad of different stories along the way." However, the most bizarre quote of the lot came yesterday, when it was revealed the game will have a story! And characters! Wow!
At least now you know you don't need to have experienced what those characters have done in the past to follow this next part of the story. Groundbreaking stuff over here. What will be confirmed tomorrow, we wonder? That you can equip Materia?!
[source twitter.com]
Comments 40
I do wonder if one of the tweets will talk about stuff that carries over into the second game, should you have a save from the first one. Pretty sure that's been a big topic of discussion among players.
Surely playing the remake is essential if not actually required.
The actual preparations for players who did not get a chance to play the first game:
"When you select New Game in FF7R Part 2, we will make sure to redirect you to FF7R Part 1 purchase page. After you've made your purchase you can continue your journey."
Well I mean you don’t have to play GOW 2018 to play Ragnarok and you didn’t have to play Shenmue to play Shenmue II, or Trails In the Sky FC to play SC but still…these are the closest comparisons I can think of atm.
Said it before but I'd like (at least some) of your inventory to carry over from previous (maybe not the gotterdammerung!) . And for those who haven't, maybe a random selection of materia and items/weapons
Why are the folks at Push Square so confused about these posts? It's obviously a 7-day countdown with the final quote coming the same day as Summer Gamefest. We're obviously getting a trailer then.
So it has a story recap before you start
Cloud just goes off on a rant about how he looked for cats for a bit and squeezed past scenery before quickly recapping the 5 minutes of actual plot.
This has been a rather bizarre marketing strategy indeed, and I guess these daily "updates" might or might not culminate in an actual trailer/presentation.
@nookie_egg @MasterVGuides I've been thinking about this a lot too.
I put a lot of effort in to making a god tier gotterdammerung party. I'd like to carry them over to the next game.
I seem to remember Mass Effect handing it well.
Didn't they scale the enemies if you imported a high level character from ME 2 in to ME 3?
@Shepherd_Tallon man I mastered sooooo much materia and everyone was maxed, but that accessory just broke the game 😂 but yeah definitely would hope that 100+ hours of lock down grinding would not just be discarded. I like the idea of scaling everything too.
@Shepherd_Tallon That is a possible alternative to importing your party into Rebirth. You could auto start on Hard Mode, or a harder mode depending on the loadout, in Rebirth if you have a endgame save from Remake. Maybe have a special difficulty just for those who import.
I'm a little bit scared at the moment with the direction FF7 remake is going. At first I was very happy that they will make one (didn't play FF7 and was looking forward to this one). Then it was announced in 3 parts...oh well, more waiting but quality content. Now the second part it's called rebirth, so 1:1 it's out of the question. And this, you can start with the second part cuz you would not miss anything. Sounds to me, bye bye remake....cuz on the way they got other ideas.
Reminds me of Mass Effect 3 when BioWare were saying that now is perfect time to play or some such.
I don't understand why all of the articles are being so sniffy. SE are sharing little updates to gamers long before its release. Communication with fans - no matter how small - is a good thing and something you're always sticking the boot in on Sony for not doing it. Plus it's easy article-fodder for you. Win-win!
Sounds like a recap video or maybe some sort of in-game journal that details the events of the first game. Not a great replacement for playing one of the best PS4/PS5 games, but it’s better than nothing!
I still think it mad they are releasing two anticipated FF title so close together. I'm down for both but it does cause a marketing headache!
Seems like every dev says this about most of their games and it makes sense. They don't want people to not buy their games cause of continuity lol
And in the end its still true like how millions have enjoyed Witcher 3 without 1 or 2. But you'd likely get so much more out of it following the story or the release order
@Judal27 Yeah but TW games aren't one big story that's been split into parts like Remake. TW series is like the typical film series where they'll make a film as a one-off and then keep adding more on if it's successful - like John Wick, Terminator, Star Wars etc. With Remake it's a story split into thirds like LotR. So this is like saying you don't need to watch Fellowship, you can just start with Two Towers.
But yeah I think the people saying it'll be a recap video are right. Since the previous game only covered what was originally a fairly small part of the story, it shouldn't be too hard.
Surely Square would WANT people to play Part 1 to help meet sales targets.
And yes, there will definitely be a story recap/retrospective in part 2
I mean... isn't Rebirth essentially disc 2? Remake ends basically where disc 1 ended. 🤔
Probably some kind of video showing past events or something.
Even if you don't need to play Remake to understand the story overall, I'd say playing is essential to understand the characters and their motives. Recaps don't really cover that stuff well
@Feena Shenmue 2 on Xbox came with Shenmue 1 "the movie" on dvd.
I hope whatever form of recap FF7 will go for will be better than a netflix season recap, where they're like "Here, a sizzle reel from that other season you watched 2+ years ago without any commentary."
It's always best just to head over to YouTube.
If I ever do play this game, it will be after all three games and the DLC are release and package together into a single game, an probably heavily modded by the community to turn it into one coherent game.
There's something in the water over there at Square Enix. Absolute madness.
Kojima does it best. People losing their minds with theories after he posts a music video of a song he likes. Crackpot material from the master. What a guy!
I'm curious to who would want to play this without playing the original or Remake.
There's nothing wrong with it, I'm sure a recap will be fine, but imo, you'll miss out on so much.
This screams “please buy our game even if you didn’t buy the last one, we need this game to outsell FF 7 Remake!”
I am certain this game won’t manage to match 7R1 sales simply because of PS5 smaller install base compared to PS4, given how FF7R was likely heavily boosted by the pandemic. But even then, almost players will want to play the first part, well, first!
Well this should be a treat going forward as everything we know outside of Midgar is now up in the air with the changes that occurred. Still hoping to see a Ruby/Emerald fight in Remake.
@Feena well they are the same name game but different story's in that world, this FF is still the same story just broken up its not a "new" entry. So i would say playing part 1 is a requirement at least a heavy recommendation, or that "previously on" they'll do will be long and just feel really odd
"We're splitting ff7 into 3 separate games that will take over a decade to release! Also the first one is completely unnecessary."
I dream of a day when Squeenix stops shooting themselves in both feet. I know it won't happen, but I can dream.
@Czar_Khastik That's so Squeenix!
@Uromastryx I agree with you but GOW and Shenmue are really similar: I don’t think people not playing the first ones would really enjoy the second entry, a lot of information missing, it is basically half of a story or a game split in 2 (or 3). So technically you don’t have to play it but it’s heavily recommended, as you say.
I don't really see the big deal. Almost every sequel has a recap or things like that to either refresh your memory or allow people who didn't play the first one to still be able to enjoy the sequel. Sure, I'd almost always want to play the previous game first if it's an ongoing story like Horizon Zero Dawn/Forbidden West or Final Fantasy VII Remake, but there's things there to at least make it doable for people.
@Uncharted2007 Disc one ends in city of the ancients!
@jmac1686 Very obvious but they haven't officially confirmed that, going to be a "surprise" to the general audience.
@kyleforrester87 My copy froze and wouldn't allow me to continue once I hit the world map. 😔
@NEStalgia it's working I guess. I mean if they had just released a full remake that followed the story like expected, we'd have loved it and it would have sold well, but people probably wouldn't be talking about it any more.
@Uncharted2007 ah lol. Well. It’s a nice enough place to stop lol
The problem isn't square doing cryptic nonsense. The problem is every single media outlet running it. Everyday.
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