There’s simply no question that Insomniac Games is carrying this generation for Sony. We’re not belittling the efforts of PlayStation’s other first-party studios, but it’s worth acknowledging that Marvel’s Spider-Man 2 will be its third release for the PS5 thus far – fourth if you factor in the dramatically overhauled Marvel’s Spider-Man Remastered as well.
And in addition to the upcoming Marvel’s Wolverine, it sounds like the Burbank-based developer has a third unannounced project currently in production. Erin Eberhardt, a former Blizzard staffer, teased the title as part of a Full Sail University seminar, which has been shared on social media. She’s currently a Project Director at the developer.
She reiterates twice that the game is unannounced and that she’s unable to talk about it, so we’re fairly confident this isn’t Marvel’s Spider-Man 2 or Marvel’s Wolverine, as otherwise she’d likely just say so. She’s also eager to stress that the game she’s working on is AAA, so this isn’t a side-project – presumably it’ll be its next big thing.
Obviously it’s almost impossible to predict exactly what this game could be, although a couple of years ago the developer was hiring for a multiplayer game, so the timing would align considering Eberhardt says she’s approaching her one year anniversary at the studio. Sony has obviously been searching for a multiplayer hit, and Insomniac Games is certainly no stranger to the genre.
Understandably, we’ll probably need to wait until Marvel’s Spider-Man 2 is out before we learn any more about what’s next from the Ratchet & Clank maker – and, heck, it still needs to give us a proper taste of Marvel’s Wolverine, too. Nevertheless, it’s exciting to learn that Sony’s most industrious studio is already working on its next, next big thing.
[source twitter.com, via resetera.com]
Comments 73
I hope it’s a new resistance or a X-men live service co-op game.
Sunset overdrive 2 with a big multiplayer mode.
@UltimateOtaku91 no way Sony will green light Sunset overdrive 2 the first game fail and it was associated with Xbox.
I'm wondering if it'll be a smaller Ratchet and Clank release featuring Rivet, similar to Miles Morales.
Or even similar to Quest for Booty if we want to stick with R&C lol.
@4kgk2 You want them to be working on three Marvel games at the same time? Surely at that point Sony might as well give the studio to Disney
A remake of Resistance does sound good though along with a collection of the trilogy, Is time for Sony to bring out at least one of their fps ips!
@4kgk2 it flopped on a console also considered a flop, but still manged 1.2 million sales after the console was only out for a year, plus Sony registered the trademark in 2021 for it. Also it wasn't a badly reviewed game so I don't see it being too unlikely for them to release a sequel or a remake of the first with multiplayer.
Best studio in the game right now. They have a cadence that NOBODY can touch. 1st, 2nd or 3rd party. Let's go Resistance!!
If its Ratchet and Clank related and multiplayer then I think it will be like QForce but bigger and more open.
Hopefully whatever it is has nothing to do with Marvel in any capacity. I liked Resistance, always loved Ratchet and Clank, and had a good time with Sunset Overdrive. I’m just not a fan of Marvel/DC. Looking forward to whatever is next, unless it’s a third Marvel title.
At this point I’m just going to accept that there’s not going to be any first party output for VR2.
Sunset Overdrive is their worst game. I normally click with their games but Sunset did nothing for me.
For the love of the lord, let it be Resistance. PS 1st-Party needs more variety, especially with first-person games. Either reboot the series or remaster the trilogy. If not, would it kill them to toss 1, 2 & the spin-offs up on PS+ Premium?
Just let it be a new ip, so far it's just sequel after sequel with sony developers.
The folks over at Insomniac Games are absolute machines. Whatever they're putting in their coffee, I want some of that. Would not surprise me if they're working on something new with their release cadence, especially with how amazingly they've carried PlayStation the last couple years. Can't wait to see what they got cooking🙌
Not another marvel tie-in, please
It almost has to be that MP game they talked about a while back. Please let Resistance come back!
Insomniac is PlayStation mvp.hopefully resistance collection.or any resistance game.word up son
If it’s new Resistance then I’d be all in for that. Loved the first two. If it’s a new multiplayer only game as rumoured then meh.
I did not personnaly enjoyed the only resistance game I tried, but pretty sure it was because of the platform (PSP which only had 1 stick), my tastes (not much into shooters) and anyway it was made by Bend studios and not Insomniac if I am right. But based on the number of requests in the comments, I hope it is related to Resistance.
Hope it’s a new R&C game. We need more colourful, action-platformers on PS5.
I could play a new R&C game every year and never get bored of them.
Man, I’d really like to see either a new Resistance game or a remake of RESISTANCE: Fall Of Man. Honestly, I’m quite surprised we haven’t seen a remake or remaster of the series to this point as that’s one of the best FPS of all time IMHO.
The developers that never sleep!
I think Sony Needs To find a developer who can do for Jak and Daxter and Sly cooper What Toys for bob did for crash and spyro.
Sony is wanting multiplayer games and shooters because they are worried about Microsoft buying all the others so my guess would be some sort of online looter shooter. Probably a Resistance tie in
Please not another Ratchet game, unless they totally overhaul the series.
Imagine if it was a Superman game...
Insomniac are a power house. Best Sony first party studio. Their output/quality ratio is amazing.
Resistance 4 with a seperate F2P multiplayer for everyone would be epic, hell i'd settle for a Resistance trilogy remastered. Why Sony has forsaken Killzone & Resistance I will never know
Fuse 2: fuse harderer confirmed!!
Has to be a new Ratchet and Clank.
It's going to be a reboot of resistance, With Xbox still pinning there hopes on acquiring Activision........... Sony will want there own FPS franchise IF cod is eventually made Xbox/PC only
@4kgk2 i would pre order a Resistance reboot on PS5 in a heartbeat. I still really like that franchise and miss it a lot. The enemies looked really cool, some of the gun idea’s were so so. But if they rebooted this series and knocked it out of the park, I would be so happy.
Fuse. Please let this be a remake of fuse. I played this a fair bit on my ps3 and i dont think it got the love it deserved. Insomniacs overlooked game. Just dont ever remake disruptor..god that was awful.
Don't get the fascination with resistance. Always thought gameplay and story were missing a certain Oomph (for lack of better words). Yes, weapons were creative yet never felt impactful and the giant set pieces never made you feel like you were actually there but we're just doing there thing in the background.
My hope is that they do something new and unexpected.
@Areus Blueproint Games could do it and Sony own them also as they have redone Uncharted and Demon Souls so I believe they could even remaster older games like Resistance and Ratchet.
I actually quite enjoyed Sunset Overdrive. I’d like to see them do a non Marvel IP personally.
A new IP would be nice. Installments and re-releases within existing franchises feels a little stagnant.
Whatever it is, I'm looking forward to seeing it. Just hope it's not Sunset Overdrive as I didn't like that game. With all the projects Insomniac are taking up, I really hope they don't leave Ratchet And Clank behind. Just something I worry about from time to time since a lot of Sonys great IPs get abandoned for newer things.
Makes you wonder what the heck are the other studios doing when Insomniac could have 3-4 games released this generation so far and they have none yet.
At this point, Naughty Dog must be starting to feel a little embarrassed…
They played around with VR a bit in the years where they were a little out of favour with Sony (after Resistance 3 failed compared to Sony’s expectations / massive marketing budget, and Ratchet series was on a downward trend) so possibly a PSVR2 game… maybe?
A Resistance reboot may make more sense, but personally I’d like a new IP or more Sunset Overdrive
Excess wrote:
Why? They are different studios with different goals. Almost no one manages Insomniacs output.
In fact ND should be proud of consistently putting out some of the most well reviewed games in history that move the medium forward.
Insomniac is Sonys flag ship studio since the launch of the PS5. They are unstoppable.
Hopefully it's another Ratchet and Clank game. Rift Apart was amazing. I need more of that. Outstanding Platformers.
@Nepp67 You mean minus Returnal, Fairgame$ and Concord.
Great team at Insomniac, Sony are lucky to have them. Whatever this AAA is I have high hopes for it! Insomniac games always keep me playing till the early hours & missing out on sleep but it's usually well worth it!!
How big is the team?! wow!
Is it a new ip or a ratchet game I wonder?
A Resistance collection with all games remastered + full PSVR2 support would be awesome. Those games had some great weapons and environments that I think would be really cool to see in VR!
Also, I'm surprised to see people didn't like Sunset Overdrive... that game was like a more fun and less dour Infamous game to me.
Resistance & Clank
Finally some games for the console.
@UnusedBabyWipes Agreed. Resistance all the way.
Ratchet & Clank: Rift Apart is still one of my top 5 favorite games on the console, I hope it's a new game in that series.
I would like to see a new IP but wouldn't say no to a new Marvel property because I like superheroes.
Naught Dog really should get its ***** together at this point!
Not a huge surprise. Spider Man 2 development is likely winding down and moving into bug testing mode, so a lot of those staff can get started on something else.
Remake and reboot Resistance! Sony need to start establishing a shooter of its own to compete with CoD when it gets pulled from under them in 10 years time. Show MS you don't need to BUY everything to compete.
Gears already has a formula of ideas to build a new reboot of resistance that could have potential to win gamers over.
@Snake_V5 I rather see anything that does not include any superheroes.
Resistance 3 was awsome also Resistance 1 on the PS3. 😁
@Northern_munkey I completely forgot they made that game but good call! Fuse was a lot of fun in co-op and definitely an overlooked and underrated game. The weapons were absolutely amazing. The black hole gun and the mag shield were SICK!! Would definitely be awesome to see a remake of that for sure.
Pleasedon'tbeMarvel, pleasedon'tbeMarvel, pleasedon'tbeMarvel.
The best acquisition Sony have made imo. Makes the price they paid for bungie look a bargain.
It's sad how poor the output is from Sonys other studios compared to Insomniac.
Couple of years ago there was a leak for a remastered Sunset Overdrive for PlayStation I seen. I'm guessing it wasn't real by this point but sure wish it was. Seems like a no brainer for them. The game is good, it's already made, and now Sony owns the rights to it.
Insomniac’s on fire!
While I would love another Resistance, they’ve said numerous times that they were finished with the story they wanted to tell.
And I agree with them. Resistance 3 ended on a good satisfying way. It came full circle.
My guess is that this is a R&C Rift Apart sequel. It would make the most sense. That said, I'm still waiting on that Sunset Overdrive remaster....
I'd really dig a Venom game if he isn't playable in Spiderman 2. Otherwise an X-Men Legends type game would be sweet.
@Deadlyblack I would love a new Ratchet & Clank game with Rivet as the star. It would be a severe missed opportunity if they didn't release one at some point, and even another regular R&C game given how they left things in Rift Apart.
It would be a real shame and honestly a joke if we only got one Ratchet & Clank game per generation. We didn't even get an actual new one on PS4. I know they really overdid it on the PS3, but still, Rift Apart really showed that there's plenty of life still left in the series if done properly.
Well I look forward to 2030 when whatever this game is gets released, Sony has gadgets and ps5 pros to sell us so we can stare at them while waiting for one gane
Is it PSVR2 supported? Maybe it's a smaller project like Song of the Deep anyone play that 2016 Gamestop published (first for their program at the time) Metroidvania on PS4/Xbox One? No. I didn't know about it either but picked up a copy years ago and it's alright for what it is. For a Spyro team sized game of around what 10 people or something I think or less it's great for what it is from a genre they like.
Also hey a AAA Indie sized game like that by a small team still part of the studio then examples like Bloodstained or Mighty No9 or Azure Striker by veterans that pulled away from their original studios to form new ones. Not saying it's groundbreaking it's just interesting to think about.
Or mobile. They haven't done a mobile game in a while I think. Wouldn't want to see that but wouldn't be surprised either.
Insomniac and Obsidian know how to manage their teams for multiple games in usual time spans and it always impresses me even if I don't play all their games (Obsidian discovering theirs like Alpha Protocol was fun, Insomniac I had almost all their games and I don't care to own them all most don't appeal to me nowadays) that many other studios can't anymore without outsourcing or just too big a scale of projects/whatever management happens in them.
Doubt Ratchet it's too soon, their teams are Spiderman/Wolverine busy just like Rathet 2016 and Sunset Ovedrive 2015 busy with Song of the Deep in-between and their VR games I think after or somewhat around the same time (unless they overhaul it like Crack in Time did I'm not happy with Insomniac's stance on Ratchet at the moment.
Sure Rift Apart was a revival after the 2016 game but we have waited since 2013 for the story to keep going, conclude or actual do something with the series, 2009 if we don't count the experiments and Nexus being a shorter title but still it's own experiments while still the 4th entry in the Future saga story).
So a safe game like Rift Apart with the longest dev time of a Ratchet game is just sad. 2016 wasn't that long and it was a remix of eh half the game and ok quality of life and good Clank levels, what a pathetic game even if for newcomers it's not a game for fans. It was 10 months I think even besides the delay of the movie.
It's either a new IP mostly a smaller project I bet, mobile or console or a VR game maybe.
Why buy Insomniac and have them not make a VR game, they made many on Occulus and besides the other developer Sony has for PSVR I forget the name of that did Horizon Call of the Mountain, we have Asobi I assume with a new Astrobot like VR game maybe? London studio are busy on something else too so who knows.
Just a bunch of guesses based on what I think are likelihoods but not 100% accurate that people may not have thought of.
Fuse/Sunset Overdrive I'd be surprised if they got a sequel I'd be into that but I doubt it.
Insomniac are on another level, I can't wait to see what they have cooking.
It seems like IG can release 1 game a year at this rate. Surely Sony's other big studios can handle at least one SP game every 2 years? Sucker Punch, Naughty Dog, Gurellia, Santa Monica, Blue Point, Bend. That'd be about 3 First Party SP games a year for the PS5. Why aren't we getting that many?
I'd love to see a R&C collection released but would also to see the Resistance trilogy on PSVR2.
@Excess last of us 2 remake , last of us mp game , something else last of us related I think , and something not last of us related , they’ve said they were working on multiple games
I'm guessing it's either Resistance or a new IP, and they'll get started on a new Ratchet and Clank after finishing either Spider-Man 2 or Wolverine.
I would love to see a new take on "Song of the Deep"
@Fyz306903 hopefully it won't be too long before we see what those studios are working on , it sounded like Naughty Dog, Gurellia both had like 2 or 3 games they've been working on , santa monica has been working on a non god of war game too. don't forget firespirte, and asobi.
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