The good news: it's looking like you won't be forced to delete several games in order to fit Armored Core 6 on your PS5. The bad news: FromSoftware's latest still isn't what we'd call 'small' in terms of file size. In fact, it's pretty much bang in the middle of what most players would deem reasonable, weighing in at a not-so-terrible 43.3GB, according to the ever-reliable PlayStation Game Size.
For what it's worth, the PS5 version is reportedly less chunky than its PS4 counterpart, which comes in at slightly larger 55.7GB. That's the PS5's Kraken compression technology having an impact, we assume.
Funnily enough, the developer's previous game, the universally praised Elden Ring, is about the same size as Armored Core 6 on Sony's current-gen console. Our PS5 SSDs thank you, FromSoftware — especially in a such a packed year where games like Diablo 4, Final Fantasy 16, and the upcoming Baldur's Gate 3 (supposedly) each demand a huge chunk of storage space.
Will you be downloading Armored Core 6 when it launches on the 25th August? Link your brain to the mechanised construct also known as the comments section below.
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[source twitter.com]
Comments 16
I'm so glad I got another 2TB of Storage. AC isn't not huge, but with BG3 coming a couple weeks later, it's such a great QoL improvement.
Honestly I am so curious about this title. Still not sure if I’ll get it or not (that release slate is absolutely brutal for those of us that like to play EVERYTHING), but I can’t wait to read reviews and try it for myself.
43.3 GB, not great, not terrible.
From's games are never that big in file size, i remember Sekiro being pretty puny overall.
Let’s be honest this is going to be fromsofts lowest selling game for a long time. I think they aren’t very good at reading what people want tbh? Bloodborne 2 fgs
@Mikey856 Let’s be honest, there are many, many Armored Core fans out there, who have been waiting for a new game in the series for years and years. Plus all of the new potential players garnered from FromSoftware’s recent success. It may not do Elden Ring level of sales, but let’s not count the game out quite yet.
This is it AC gang. Our time has come. God I hope we get PvP like 4 answer had.
Funny enough there's Souls mechanics in the old Armored Core. You could be fast but squishy or a fat rolling weapon platform. Never had as much fun in deathmatch and I'm not usually a PvP person.
I need to add/upgrade my ps5 ssd but I think in the end I'll just use it to install/hoard more games, not to play it
@ear_wig @Mikey856 I disagree, I think this is going to be a hit. Also, isn't bloodborne their lowest selling modern (post demon souls), game?
@Mikey856 Low, perhaps, comparatively speaking, but lowest? I don't think so. They've really cemented their reputation as a great developer, and a lot of people new to the franchise will want to hop aboard, after the success of ER and Demon's Souls' re-release. I, for one, have always enjoyed AC, and am looking forward to giving it a go!
@J2theEzzo I know there are fans of armoured core out there but they are mostly my generation, late 30s early 40s right? Fromsoft isn’t know these days for making robot games. It’s know for creating an entire genre. And yes while bb was low selling sure( it never left ps4 platform). Can you imagine a second releasing now . It would be a huge deal surely.Personally I like a good mech fighting game btw 👍
@Mikey856 they did say they're waiting on Sony for a bloodborne 2
Ordered a load of 4TB drives for all of my PS5s. So not worried about file size
@Mikey856 Bloodborne certainly seems to have acquired a huge following, and maybe because it's also associated with early ps4 days, almost like a late lineup addition. Compare that to Sekiro, though- which undoubtedly is still a great, and very From game, but I imagine sales for that were probably less than a typical Souls title? Which even still, were always fairly niche originally- until ER happened, anyway!
I reckon since then, many more people are open to picking up and trying other stuff from them, especially as AC is fairly easy to get into, from a purely hands-on perspective, though it can be as near-impenetrable as you like with building your own ideal mech.
Not bad, and this might be one of the few games I might have to buy. I just hope it isn't too hard.
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