Sony will host a new State of Play in the relatively near future — or so fresh findings on Reddit would have you believe. Eagle-eyed users are referencing a photo from Hideo Kojima's personal assistant (posted today, the 27th September), which shows the director sat at a desk, editing footage of some kind.
Now, here's where it gets a bit speculative (but at least believable). Kojima appears to be cutting a trailer for Death Stranding 2, and if you really squint, the file name seems to read 'State_of_Play', followed by 'DS2_trailer', or something of that nature. We tried to enhance the image to the best of our abilities, but it's unfortunately just a bit too blurry to be used as conclusive evidence.
Still, it would make sense, wouldn't it? A fresh look at Death Stranding 2, maybe another gameplay demo for Marvel's Spider-Man 2 (which is out on the 20th October)? Hell, we could be in for a Sony-based showcase. After all, we still don't know much about the Japanese giant's plans beyond Spidey — but we're not getting our hopes up!
The last State of Play aired just a couple of weeks ago, so if this 'leak' turns out to be accurate, we wouldn't expect the broadcast to take place until mid October, or thereabouts.
Do you believe in this blurry image? Thank Kojima for his service in the comments section below.
[source twitter.com, via reddit.com]
Comments 70
Sony really needs to show off what games they are working on because I've seen so many people say they have absolutely no hype for PS beyond Spiderman 2.
The games might not be released for ages, but at least fans can get excited about something.
I've been saying for a while now they will have another first party show this year, the last one was for their live service plans and the next one will be for their single player games.
This must be another PlayStation showcase cuz there is no way we could be getting another State of Play already
I think an appearance at The Game Awards is far more likely.
It's kind of tough figuring out what Kojima is up to and what to expect from him going forward. Yes, DS2 is being worked - and I am sure that he has a new trailer to cut for the game.
Kojima also met with all the bigwigs at Xbox during TGS. It's always possible that Kojima will do what Kojima does and work on a completely non-sensical trailer to cut for that project as well.
At this point, anything goes with this studio.
That does look like it says State Of Play - but obviously it's hard to be 100% sure just from that.
Assuming it is, it would probably be at least a couple weeks away if he's just editing it today.
So excited for Death Stranding 2!To think the first was a game I never took much interest in until I received it as a Christmas gift.It turned out to be one of my absolute favourites!
They just had an SoP, theres not another one this year. Kojima has a nice posture tho lol
Games will come and I assume will be shown after Spiderman 2.
Why are people so eager to see whats coming, its not like games will be here sooner.
@Neverwild so people can actually be excited and interested in what PS has to offer? So people can actually feel justified that they have bought a PS5 that will actually have games releasing for it soon? It's pretty obvious why people want to know what games are coming for the expensive console they've just spent hundreds of pounds on.
Release date of Dragon's dogma 2 and ps5 slim ?
If the CMA approves the Activision acquisition in the final decision next month, Sony's share price will plummet. So if Sony has games to show off that aren't just Spider-Man 2, it would make sense to have a State of Play or PS Showcase ready to announce the day after the CMA announces their verdict (Sony announced the May PS Showcase the day after the EU approved the acquisition).
If the CMA blocks the acquisition then the State of Play/PS Showcase could just be delayed or cancelled.
We still need a release date for rise of the ronin Stella blade, Concord, and death stranding 2.
If people dont believe Sony will have more great games coming then maybe they should have more faith.
Sony and Nintendo has shown they can deliever all the time but people are so quick to turn.
Gaming is more stacked then ever and people complain, maybe start play something outside of Sony first party.
Like most games that comes to playstation are third party games and it is alot now.
They might be waiting until after spiderman 2 releases. Especially if they plan on showing wolverine.
Kojima is the only person that could get me to buy ANOTHER game this year. Death Stranding and FF7 in the same year is about as happy as I could be with a release year.
They just had one, this could just be the early stages of making a trailer for another SoP that is months away.
We have been shown a couple of live service games so to say nothing is wrong.
Games will be shown but most likely after spiderman 2.
Plus there is alot of third party games out now or that will come soon so people will have lots of games.
@Powerplay94 Its to improve your posture I think haha
How can you be sure?
What if it is next Fortnite or GTA5.
@PlayStationGamer3919 you guys want all the live service games to fail so badly it’s sad.
@lightningbolt79 people have been saying this since the PS5 was announced, then the next thing comes and they say "I have no hype for PS beyond X game"
All doom and gloom until the next thing pops up. Everyone has the shortest attention span, the smallest backlog and the neediest needs.
But yes they do need to show us some gamesssss, I would like a nice variety of single and multi-player games
I'm looking forward to Silent Hill 2 remake, Death Stranding 2, the new WRC and .... and..... well, I can't think of anything else at the moment. No idea when 2 of those are releasing though. Could use a state of play, send help.
You sure have better eyes than me all I can see is FA lol
"Colin was right"
September 2023
A November showcase would make sense build up excitement for Christmas, post Spiderman 2, show this trailer and something from wolverine, an what we can expect in 2024, more FF7 remake footage.
@4kgk2 didn't they say concord was years away?
@QuietintheCorner As long as they don't just start doing live service games and use the money their single player games as well.
@knowles2 the game supposed to be coming out 2024.
After recently going back to post-game Death Stranding for the platinum trophy I'm pretty excited for the sequel.
@GamingFan4Lyf there was leaked footage of his new horror game that's supposedly the Xbox exclusive
@lightningbolt79 I'm not even really that excited about Spiderman 2. Sony seems to believe that the future of their platform is live services, which have been shown to be quite unreliable, not to mention generally pretty poor. Yeah, they need games badly, because this generation has probably been the absolute worst, going all the way back to the fifth.
@UltimateOtaku91 Lol prepare to be disappointed…
@Grimwood I'll admit I'm a bit out of the loop with probably more than I'd like to admit.
I did forget to mention MGS Collection, Alan Wake 2, and Turok 3. Outside of all those I'm just not really following any other games or planning to get any others. I'm really burnt out on open world games so Spider-Man 2 is out of the question for me. I really never got into the first despite fully realizing that game is oozing quality, care, and love. Someday maybe...
I'd say that's pretty solid list though if I even actually buy all of them before the end of the year:
-Silent Hill 2 remake (?)
-Death Stranding 2 (?)
-WRC (November)
-Alan Wake 2 (October)
-Metal Gear Solid Collection (October)
-Turok 3 (November)
I sort of want Call of Duty as well because I haven't played one of those campaigns in YEARS. I'm sort of itching for that again but can't bring myself to spend the money... That's a me problem though.
@knowles2 Concord releases in 2024, Fairgame$ is the one which doesn't have a release year.
I’d be surprised if there isn’t a SoP.
Now ABK deal is over the line, Sony no longer need to hold their cards to the chest. No need to look weak etc.
Fully expecting them to show what they have in the pipeline
Hopefully something different, no interest in Spiderman, managed 14 hours of the 1st game and then couldn't be bothered to carry on.
Not expecting anything form Naughtydog this year or much of 2024. it's the one I'm most intrigued with though because we simply don't know what's coming from them for a long time now which is kinda unusual. Factions 2 is one hell of a big question mark, TLoU3 another huge question mark and a brand spanking new Naughtydog IP another question mark. The rumoured GoW Ragnarok Atreus expansion. What's Bluepoint doing. There's just so many question marks from so many 1st party atm which is not the usual norm. We usually know of 1 or 2 1st party games coming soon long before a 1st party is about to be released (Spiderman 2) but we know absolutely nothing after Spiderman 2
Someone needs to get Kojima a better chair, I don't think that's very ergonomic.
Definitely could do with a state of play centred on first party to round things off so we know whats coming up.
Why would we need to see another gameplay demo for spider man 2? We got plenty of it lol
I dont get excited for anything from Sony anymore. They usually never say anything interesting just repeating the old so why bother tuning in. I just look at the wrap up afterwards.
Kojima is trolling because there is no way
he could work an entire day in that chair with such small backrest.
Did we forget that Kojima is both King Troll and master of media manipulation 👀
This isn't an oversight within a simple twitter upload from an assistant, it will have been perfectly set up and framed this way to create debate on when we get to see more. And it's worked 😁
@Toot1st Interesting.
I can only imagine the online reaction if the Xbox exclusive game Kojima is making ends up being the game that Kojima envisioned for Silent Hills (obviously without the Silent Hills name and some slight reworking).
Seems a bit far fetching for me, but I do agree I think it's needed. I want to see what Sony have got coming 1P wise after Spider Man. I also want to see where is Stellar blade lol
@GamingFan4Lyf Don't forget the Xbox game uses the cloud in some element. I'd be intrigued to see how that works with a horror title.
I feel like this will be a Mid November Showcase. We'll get Spiderman2, they'll ride the hype, start the showcase. Then blow our minds.
Other possibility is in 2 to 3 weeks. They'll start the show off with a hype video for Spiderman 2, something that completely blows everyones mind to remind them why they should be hyped for this game. Then end the show on their next expected exclusive project to release. Probably Death Stranding 2. Part of me hopes we'll see more than that. Some strong announcements. Because DS2 isn't going to move a lot of people to get excited for PS5. I loved the first game, but the idea of going through that experience again, just makes me ask if I could be doing something else. Its a strange place to be. I got to experience something new with DS and I loved that. I just don't know that I'd be excited to do it again. I'll give Kojima a shot because he surprised me with MGS3, then blew my mind with MGS4, and while I hate MGS5 still managed to evolve the experience into something fresh from something old.
@GamingFan4Lyf Is that game even confirmed? Last I heard it was a discussion with Microsoft that never got anywhere.
@Beerheadgamer82 I'm not expecting anything from Naughty Dog this console generation. They've lost their way after Uncharted 4 and a lot of major staff left the studio.
Hopefully more first party this time
That's not Kojima.
I'm okay waiting until next year. RE4 Separate Ways and Cyberpunk 2077 Phantom Liberty just came out. The Callisto Protocol is free on PS Plus in October. Spider-Man 2 and Alan Wake II come out in a month. And then Final Fantasy VII Rebirth launches in February. I'm good until then.
Reedus said “make me more rock star” and thus Bowie vibes
@NotSoCryptic Naughtydog are fine studio. Just need to be patient with them instead of hating. They'll reveal they're plans when they're ready. Just hoping something is revealed by late 2024 the latest or before then
@NotSoCryptic The Kojima partnership with Microsoft to make an exclusive title?
I would think Kojima making the announcement himself during an Xbox livestream event should be enough of a confirmation as any.
No one knows what the game is going to be, just that Kojima wants to leverage Microsoft Azure Cloud Computing as part of the experience.
I doubt we will have another one so soon.
@GamingFan4Lyf Good god I forgot all about that.... guess we'll see what happens there. Probably fall through like the Platinum Games title they had on XB1.
@NotSoCryptic @Beerheadgamer82 This isn't hate, its realism. If it was hate, I'd ask for the studio to burn down and every person working there to never see another day in the industry. Good to understand what hate is.
Between remakes, Neil's narcissim, the problems with ND last generation just getting 2 games out the door. I'm just not expecting them to release anything before PS6. PS4 ND was dissappointing. Thankfully the other studios picked up the slack. I loved Uncharted 4 and Lost Legacy, but they were missing things that Uncharted 1-3 and even golden abyss posses that Uncharted 4 and Lost Legacy lacked. We're talking about a company that released 4 games on th emost difficult playstation system to develop on. For some reason on their easiest console to develope on, they couldn't muster anything more than Uncharted 4, a DLC expansion turned into a stand alone product, and game that honestly didn't need a sequel, but got one. Now we stand here 3 years into PS5's life and we're looking at what they've done and its a development hell multiplayer mode for TLoU2 one of the most devicive games in playstation history that half the audience hated and a remake to a PS3 game that some people aren't sure even needed it.
Ultimately I don't expect to see a Naughty Dog game, because I half expect it to be a PS6 game the way they've been run lately. I'm expecting Sucker Punch, Bend, and the other studios to start picking up the slack.
@lightningbolt79 They don't have nothing to show mate.
@NotSoCryptic I adored part 2 for having a set of balls putting story and apocalyptic world first rather than main characters being untouchable super heroes, I certainly wasn't left salty like half the internet was over it all. You simply dont know what Naughtydog are up to and to say they won't release anything new at all on PS5 is laughable. Can't wait to see what they have to share with us at a future showcase or SoP in the next 24 or 36 months to come. The original TLoU released really late at the end of PS3 gen
@Beerheadgamer82 I'd say you'd need to play more games if you adored it for something that has been done many times before. Including in Killzone 2 where the main character of Killzone 1 is killed. It was an unearned emotional manipulation and wasn't very good. I had no issue with joel dying, but the context in which he was killed was so rushed and forced. It was cheaply done. When you have 40 hours to work with and you choose the laziest way to create tention possible by starting the game off like the last almost beat for beat. Well you done messed up. That isn't even getting into how they handled Abby, another source of unearned emotional conflict for the player. I think new players had no issue getting past this and players who really didn't have a strong bond with the story of the first could get past it. Ultimately you had a game that took an audience already split in 2 at the end of the first game with lots of unanswered questions, then killed off the one character who could have started the journey to understanding all of that out of the picture.
Now granted the subject and memory of joel doesn't die so long as Ellie lives, but instead starting that journey with Ellie, we're asked to take on the source of her pain. So not only was this a one trick move to manipulate the player replicating the first game, but it went against not the expectations, but rather the desire of the player base to get some more resolution or explination for what changed in the relationship and see these two interact more. It was poorly handled.
Many weren't expecting untouchable super heroes out of this. You need to understand that for many TLoU2 was like watching yourself get murdered, not watching your father figure die.
That isn't even getting into the other dissapointing aspects of the game. For the most part I felt the start of the game was cheaply done and forced. It just didn't make for an interesting game. It's cast of new characters did not help matters much.
Keep in mind that the original TLoU started development on the Uncharted 2 engine. It had the added benefit of 3 games worth of technology. That the company was better coordinated and lead at the time. We didn't have to wait an entire console generation in a void for TLoU1. I expect TLoU3 if they do it to sell less than TLoU2, which is struggling to reach the 20m the PS3 version of TLoU1 managed on its own.
Like I said I adored part 2 and there's nothing you or anyone can say to change that. No issues with a woman going to gym to get revenge for her fathers death. I mean if someones murdered my Dad I'd be doing exactly the same as what Abbey did in that world. I actually thought it was very clever in its approach of having to let us play as the character whose just killed our beloved main, takes balls for any devs to do that and perfectly fits into that apocalyptic world where humans are more dangerous than the living dead. You say SuckerPunch and Bend are picking up their slack, how is that when Naughtydog SuckerPunch and Bend all released their latest game rougly around the same time as each other, all 3 haven't released a new game since but Naughtydog is the only one getting a little hate, weird
You're preaching to the choir. I love the guy. His content has always been insightful, going back 10 years+ at this point.
@Americansamurai1 Spider man 2 has already gone gold meaning that Insomniac games have finished developing the game. So I’m sure that they’ll now be focusing on Wolverine so we might have a new trailer released soon either before or after Spider man is out, depending on how far they are with development as they only announced a few months ago that they’re in writing stage still
I’d love to see a new triller as well as some gameplay for Rise of the ronin, stellar blade, lost soul aside, Kotor remake (possibly if not cancelled), Silent hill 2 remake. Maybe snake eater remake as that was announced in a state of play, also hope they give us an announcement for Ghost Of Tsushima 2, hopefully something for death stranding 2 as well
@Dragoon1994 might be a bold prediction but I think we will see a wolverine teaser after the credits of spiderman 2. Maybe even a playable demo.
@Americansamurai1 Maybe both would be a nice edition. I don’t think we’ll get a demo though as they didn’t do a demo for the Spider games
@Dragoon1994 true, but I don't think wolverine will be open world, so might be easier to give us a small slice.
@Americansamurai1 True I think Wolverine is semi open world like God of war and God of war ragnarok
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