A great game that's delighting millions, the launch of Marvel's Spider-Man 2 has been mostly smooth, sans a couple of issues. First, a few players who opted to pick up physical copies of the game are having trouble installing it. Now, it seems, the removalists responsible for setting up Miles Morales' apartment have misplaced a patriotic wall adornment.
Eagle-eyed players quickly noticed a Cuban flag hanging in Miles' home instead of the expected Puerto Rican flag, considering Miles and his mother are Puerto Rican. Additionally, Cuban flags are flown in the street outside the apartment.
We could see how the mistake gets made, as the two flags look similar to the casual eye. Still, it probably should have been caught in a AAA first-party release, especially considering how much importance was placed on getting that aspect right in Insomniac's standalone Marvel's Spider-Man: Miles Morales expansion. James Stevenson, director of community and marketing at Insomniac Games, indicated that a fix is in the works.
As Danny Peña points out on Twitter, a suit later in the game has the correct implementation, so it seems something got mixed up along the way. Puerto Rico is an unincorporated territory of the United States with official Commonwealth status (thanks Wikipedia), and its flag (and Cuba's) belongs to the Stars and Stripes family of flags, which is just priceless pub ammo you've been given for free.