PAYDAY 3 PS5 PlayStation

PAYDAY 3 has had a rough launch, and communication with the community (or lack thereof) has only exacerbated matters further. And while it seems like some players are at least playing the game, Starbreeze's situation is undesirable, and its first patch is still nowhere to be found more than a month later.

In a quick update posted to the PAYDAY 3 website, Starbreeze explained the reason for the delay, which is unlikely to do much to assuage players looking to loot vaults, stating that:

"We've been quiet over the last few days, and for that, we apologize. It's not easy to communicate when we have not been able to offer updates on the one big topic on everyone's mind right now: When are the patches coming to PAYDAY 3? Despite our silence, we want to assure you that the team is still working on our main priority, which is to get the patch we promised out to you and to ensure our patching process allows us to continue publishing them at a steady cadence in the future."

Starbreeze explains that the MIA patch is currently going through testing and certification and that part of the delay was discovering a critical error, a bug that could potentially wipe out a player's progression. That's the last thing this beleaguered game needs right now, so more time is required. Starbreeze does state that it plans to have free content updates rolling out by the end of the year, which is something to look forward to.

How's your PAYDAY 3 experience been? Are you optimistic about the title's future? Let us know in the comments section below.
