With the announcement of Cyberpunk 2077: Ultimate Edition, we were immediately left wondering whether the re-release would feature its own Trophy list, separate from the standard version of Cyberpunk 2077. Unfortunately, that won't be the case. A CD Projekt Red representative has told us here at Push Square that the Ultimate Edition's list will remain the same — so you won't be getting a second (or third!) Cyberpunk 2077 Platinum anytime soon.
You may be wondering why talk of a separate Trophy list is even a thing. Well, when CDPR re-released The Witcher 3 as its Game of the Year Edition on PS4, it received a separate set of Trophies, meaning that even if you'd cracked the Plat in the original version, you could grab the GOTY package and do it all over again. The re-release was essentially considered a new product on Sony's last-gen system.
For Cyberpunk 2077, though, it looks like the Ultimate Edition will simply exist as a bundle targeting fresh buyers. This was perhaps indicated by the fact that the Phantom Liberty expansion won't be included on-disc, and will instead be accessible via a PSN voucher code.
Would you have been tempted to replay Cyberpunk 2077 if the Ultimate Edition had a separate Trophy list? Be happy with your current Trophy haul in the comments section below.
Comments 22
No new trophies, no DLC on disc for PS5… who is this for? lol CDPR’s marketing dept. strikes again
Literally cost them tens of thousands of sales with that decision.
@ShogunRok did you ask CDPR why PS doesn’t have the expansion on Disc, yet Xbox does?
Seems a better question for gamers than trophies?!
@PsBoxSwitchOwner CDPR's community manager has already said that it's down to technical differences in how the content has to be boxed. Not a very specific answer, but I think that's all we're getting.
What's the reason why the dlc doesn't come on a PS5 disc, especially when you consider PS5 discs have more space than an Xbox disc, baffling. If it's for the reason of Xbox having the marketing deals on there end, that's just a s**tty excuse
Will never buy this physical edition now, what's the point anyway when already have the digital version
I was wondering this same thing. Guess my patience isn't going to pay off after all.
I actually would have bought this again for a new trophy list because I'm insane. But I guess they just saved me some money.
@ShogunRok thanks for that. Terrible excuse from them
I honestly don't understand the disappointment over the lack of a new trophy set. I was so annoyed when it was revealed that the PS5 version of Witcher 3 had a separate trophy list because I had already platinumed the PS4 version and just needed to play the expansions to get 100%. Now, if I play the expansions on PS5, I'll never complete the list. I feel the same about when console and Vita versions of the same game don't share a trophy list.
With games I like, I enjoy the challenge of obtaining all of their trophies, but this idea of wanting doubles of trophies and collecting as many as possible as if they have value, I'll simply never understand.
This is honestly a good move.
I downloaded the Witcher 3 GOTY edition on PS4, and then upgraded to the PS5 version when they announced a next gen version.
You cant import your save from the base version into this version so I had to start again. I dont have time to replay a 100 hour game again, and I dont need a second trophy set for the same game. One SKU is the way.
A bummer in the smallest sense, but oh well. @xDD90X The disappointment is just that some folks, myself included, sometimes like the new trophies as an added incentive to revisit an old game they love. I've platinumed the Witcher 3 twice now and am slowly working through the PS5 version for the 3rd. Would a lack of a new trophy set stop me from playing the Witcher 3? No. But it's a nice bonus.
The only thing this helps with is no longer accidentally installing the ps4 version when having the disc in. Besides that this version is useless. They screwed it up. Xbox wins this one.
Will the physical edition at least have a playable version of the base game?
@xDD90x Gives some people more incentive to return to a game they have already completed
@johncalmc I was wondering who would care about something like this, and you answered my question: an insane person!
@ShogunRok While Sony does make great games, it makes some really dumb decisions when it comes to actual architecture design decisions.
There is zero reason why the primary key for PSN is your username - which is why it's such a gigantic deal to change it and the reason why it breaks the PS3 version when you do change it. That should have been linked to a hash of some kind from the start - saves a ton of headache.
Trophies should just be tied to the game regardless of PS4 or PS5. The duplication thing is just dumb (in my opinion).
Cross-gen games should have been able to use the same exact save file without having to jump through a few hoops to transfer.
Can you pre-install games off the PS Store if you plan to buy the physical version? I know you can basically install any game on Xbox regardless of ownership, you just have to either buy it of Microsoft Store or insert the disc to actually play it. If not, that would be a nice feature to have, but I think Sony treats digital and physical differently.
There are a ton of just out-date practices going on behind the scenes that really need to be buttoned up. Granted, most of the gripes have to do with cross-gen - which we all know is an afterthought to Sony.
Couldn't hurt to modernize some of the non-gaming related side of things.
Sony is a little more modern than Nintendo in this aspect, but not by much.
Unfortunately, Japanese business are very slow to modernize. I talked to someone from Japan during a tech conference and he said it still requires paper and snail mail to get a paycheck to direct deposit into a bank - takes months sometimes! That's insane.
I'll just use my free PS5 upgrade and get Phantom Liberty on sale, thanks.
@GamingFan4Lyf I agree that Sony makes some mad decisions with regards to the finer details of how its consoles operate, both in terms of the user experience and the policies that govern behind-the-scenes stuff with publishers and developers. It's the kind of stuff that feels like it should never be an issue to begin with.
Thank you for reporting on this, most sites dont care. My dream would have been new difficulty trophies, like the Wild Hunt had with Death March
Really happy to hear this. I started playing Cyberpunk for the first time last night via the 5h trial and only remembered this could be a problem after I'd switched it off.
Kind of a non issue anyway since the DLC isn't on the disc, so I might buy the PS4 version which is currently on sale for about £14, then buy the DLC later on down the line when it's heavily discounted.
I think it's a good thing
@johncalmc yeah true bro im playing the game again at the minute and really getting bored through my fourth playthrough
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