We first wrote about Rockstar Games' ambitious PS3 exclusive, Agent, all the way back in 2009 and have noted its absence over the many years since. While we always held out hope the spy thriller, set in the 1970s, would one day see the light of the world, Rockstar ultimately scrubbed mention of the game from its website a full decade after its announcement.
Now we've learned a little more about the fate of the long-lost PlayStation exclusive that never was. Former Rockstar Games technical director Obbe Vermeij has penned a blog post (since removed, thanks IGN) detailing his tenure (1995-2009) at Rockstar North, the studio charged with developing Agent.
According to Vermeij: "We really got going on this one and worked on it for over a year. I remember working on a downhill skiing chase scene with guns, for instance. The game wasn't progressing as well as we'd hoped. It was inevitable that, eventually, the whole company would have to get behind the next Grand Theft Auto. We tried to cut the game down in an attempt to get the bulk of it done before the inevitable call from New York would come. We cut out an entire level (I think Cairo) and maybe even the space section."
Half of Rockstar North would ultimately be set to work on DLC for Grand Theft Auto 4 and the other on the still-in-development Grand Theft Auto V, which would be released in 2013. Vermeij continues, explaining that: "It became clear that [Agent] was going to be too much of a distraction for us, and we ditched it. I think it was handed over to another company within Rockstar but never got completed."
So there you have it - Agent was simply a victim of the Grand Theft Auto machine. While it's possible the project could resurface someday, we wouldn't get our hopes up. Do you remember the Agent hype? Let us know in the comments section below.
[source ign.com]
Comments 20
Agent would have been Rockstar's take on James bond......
Now we just need to know what happened to Deepdown.
I remember when jack tretton was announcing this game at their e3 2009 conference
Hard to imagine a time when Rockstar worked on more than 1 or 2 games.
Honestly I have a hard time believing they're working on anything but GTA6 and content for it. RDR2 really didn't make money like the GTA series does so I could see them focusing on GTA only in the future.
ya, would have been a dream project. there is not one spy action game out there. hoped naughty dog's next io would be an agent game but apparently not. so hopefully that ioi james bond one...
Jack tretton is what i remember the most when i see or people talk about it.it could have been a good game.the ps3 had a lot of amazing game.but rockstar should have remastered max payne 3 a long time ago.max payne 3 is a instant classic.word up son
Spy action games really are a subgenre that has just completely died out. I guess that makes sense as many of them were lacking in content to extend upon a rental or a cheap used copy but that mid PS2- mid 360/PS3 era is a interesting time I truly miss.
Yea its a sad state that Rockstar is in now. We used to get so many great games from them. Now it's just 10 year cycles between GTA and Red Dead.
I like how Rockstar deemed a game that was invested in as a distraction lol 😆 😂
@Ken_Kaniff i agree.
Lol the rockstar we know and love will cease to exist. With GTA 6 not Gona be the same. il wait till I hear from my 80/90s generation 😂
Best spy game I've played in ages in Phantom Liberty. The whole part of breaking into the Black Sapphire with agent Idris was some proper James Bond stuff. It even had nods to that classic opening level of Metal Gear Solid.
I’m just glad that Team Bondi got to finish LA Noire and release it. As for Agent, I’m pretty sure that Saboteur plays pretty much the same and isn’t that far off when it comes to the setting/main character.
After the disappointment of the 360 timed exclusive on GTA IV DLC,(which took a while to finally confirm it would eventually to PS3), Agent was a curious beast getting announced as an exclusive but virtually zero detail from either Sony or Rockstar thereafter!🤔...it was a bit hard to be excited for something one didn't know much about!
TBH,probably hurt a bit more a rumoured Bully 2 got started/scrapped in that ps3/360 era as current day Rockstar/Take-two are very much focused on cashcow live services rather than single player storyline games.😕
@Stragen8 It should be possible to work on more than one as Rockstar is made up of numerous studios;
GTA series - Scotland
Red Dead - San Diego
LA Noire - Australia
Bully - Vancouver
Max Payne - Finland (except #3)
I understand that GTA took over development of agent but it was ment to be an exclusive game for playstation. I'd love to know the ins and outs of how a deal like that even came about.
Did Sony ask for an exclusive?
Did Rockstar pitch an idea to Sony and wanted them to foot some of its costs with marketing as an idea/concept game.
Is that why Rockstar now basically sides with playstation with marketing because they let them down on a huge game exclusive and its a mutual respect thing.
So many questions.
@N8_YT So i guess Scotland is only open now. 😅
@Flaming_Kaiser How do you mean, the studio or the country? The former's been open since 1987, most notably for making Lemmings before they started the GTA games in '97. The country sure is open, lots of stunning scenery, Edinburgh is pretty magical. You should go if you haven't been.
@N8_YT The studio.
@Flaming_Kaiser Ah, well then - it's been open nearly four decades. Though when they developed the first GTA it was called DMA design, before later becoming R* North.
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