Legendary Dev LEVEL-5 Will Continue Its Resurrection This Month 1

LEVEL-5 had all but disappeared up until recently, but the legendary Japanese developer is making a big comeback right now. The studio has announced multiple promising projects, including the highly anticipated detective RPG DECAPOLICE and the PlayStation debut of Inazuma Eleven. And we’ll find out more about all these games during a livestream on 29th November, 2023.

You’ll be able to watch the broadcast on YouTube, with English subtitles available. We’ve attached a handy time zone guide below, so you know when and where to be:

  • North America: 4am PST / 5am MST / 6am CST / 7am EST
  • UK/Ire: 12pm GMT
  • Europe: 1pm CET / 2pm EET
  • Asia/Oceania: 9pm JST / 8pm AWST / 11pm AEDT
  • Your Local Time:

This is the second livestream from the studio, after it previously posted a broadcast in March. In addition to the titles mentioned above, also expect updates on Megaton Musashi: Wired and the new Professor Layton game, which is currently only confirmed for the Nintendo Switch.

[source twitter.com]