We think Yakuza: Like a Dragon is great, but in a lot of ways, it really did feel like RGG Studio's first attempt at turn-based combat. The system was fun, but it had some obvious flaws, like dodgy character movement, abusable attacks that made others completely redundant, and enemy types that were far too tanky for their own good.
Fortunately, the developer's making some clear improvements in Like a Dragon: Infinite Wealth. A load of new information on the upgraded combat has been released, and honestly, it all sounds fantastic. If you've given the Infinite Wealth demo a try — which comes with Like a Dragon Gaiden — you'll have already noticed a lot of these improvements, but for everyone else, we're going to list them off.
For starters, you can actually move your characters during battle. This should immediately eliminate those awkward traversal problems that plagued the previous game. It also means that you'll be able to strategically position Ichiban and his allies, which is a huge deal when Infinite Wealth promises more interactive arenas. For example, you can now run over to the side of an opponent and smash them into a nearby environmental hazard for huge damage.
Next up, team attacks can be used to devastating effect if party members share a bond with one another, and 'perfect attacks' — where you hit additional buttons at the right time — have been buffed to deal more damage and provide extra effects. This should make battles feel more engaging across the board.
On the topic of attacks, there are now proper area-of-effect techniques that actually show you the range of your chosen ability. What a difference floor markings can make!
And last but not least, 'Smackdown' is a new option that lets you annihilate much weaker foes as soon as the battle starts. A necessity when you're in a hurry.
Does all of this sound good to you? Are you looking forward to Like a Dragon: Infinite Wealth? Bring out your best baseball bat in the comments section below.
[source gematsu.com]
Comments 17
I do really like the improvements. I haven't had a chance to try the demo yet, but this sounds like a step in the right direction.
Also I'm glad the hilarious ragdoll physics are still here. Seeing everyone fly around in 7 was hilarious to me, even funnier then the other Dragon Engine games.
This is kind of a "backlog of a backlog" kinda game for me. Also still gotta play Gaiden and even Ishin before that -.-'
but I like the improovements. The first one was a little boring on the battle system side of things..
I played the demo this morning and the updated combat was much improved over the previous game. Oh and Like A Dragon Gaiden was excellent as well, one of the best games I've played this year
@DonaldMcRonald I like throwing them off the bridge and into the river
@DonaldMcRonald It's fine, the water was made out of rubber. Like all the rubber bullets, rubber cars, rubber baseball bats, rubber knives...
@Deadlyblack @DonaldMcRonald I like repeatedly smacking people laying on the floor in Gaiden and watching them rapidly spin around on their stomach.
I am interested in Infinite Wealth, but am somewhat hesitant because I was unable to finish Like a Dragon due to the insane need to grind in order to finish the final part of the game (a tower as I recall). I had enjoyed Like a Dragon up until that point, but just could not face the grind, and so gave up. Hopefully with the new game, they will do away with the grind, and just allow us to enjoy the game, but whereas last time I pre-ordered Like a Dragon, this time I shall be awaiting reviews before buying its sequel...
@Fiendish-Beaver it was a dlc added to the western release i have done tedious grinding but that was annoying at some stage I will get the plat but I really wish it was kept as dlc as it made the platinum trophy super grindy.
Ahh, that makes sense, @MonkeyDLuffy19. I think I was like level 32 or something, and needed to be level 50 to take on the final boss. Just could not bring myself to do it...
@Fiendish-Beaver yeah the grind towards the end of the game is real. To be honest I liked the game so much that I endured it, but it was absolutely a chore. Hope they don't repeat that mistake in 8.
@Fiendish-Beaver I foolishly stuck to only mastering one section of each characters skill set so by the time I got to the tower level I didn’t have certain powers for each character to make the boss battles easier. Had to spend a few hours going through the sewers and getting each character level’s up to lvl 50. The hardest bosses in that tower were the two robots at the beginning. Infuriatingly strong
I always had Eri in my line-up. Girl was an arse kicker with her boxcutter.
@ApostateMage her heals were a god send at times
Absolutely agree, @clvr. Really hope they don't do the same in the new game...
I got to the last boss in the first game. And the level of tankness that man had, made me delete the game. That and he one hit killed Ichi a bunch of times which was a game over. Lost the plot
Just finished Gaiden......awesome. Loved the ending.
I cannot wait for this game!!!!
I like the improvements, but one of the best undocumented one is the battle speed. Ichiban's first outing it felt slow at times where you just wait for the enemy to actually attack or your character to attack. His 2nd game is like P5 where commands pop up, you click it, it happens, boom! No silly pauses and delays.
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