Turns Out You Won't Lose Access to Those Discovery TV Shows on PlayStation After All 1
Image: Push Square

Earlier this month, it emerged that, due to expired licences, certain Discovery TV shows you may have purchased via PS Store would vanish from your library. It became quite a hot story, highlighting the potential dangers of an all-digital future where access to your "owned" items could be revoked at any moment. As it turns out, this particular example of that horror story isn't happening after all.

Reported by GamesIndustry.biz, Sony has established an "updated licensing agreement" with Warner Bros., which owns Discovery. This means that you won't be losing access to your previously purchased shows, and can continue to enjoy them "for at least the next 30 months".

"Similar to other services, we do not own the licensing rights to TV/movie content that was previously available for purchase on PlayStation Store," said PlayStation in the update. "However, weā€™ve worked with Warner Bros to update our licensing agreements, ensuring that consumers will be able to access their previously purchased content for at least the next 30 months."

So, your Discovery shows aren't going anywhere for a good two and a half years. Once this updated licence expires, however, we could be back to square one, so brace yourselves for that eventuality.

[source gamesindustry.biz]