Rumoured to be a thing for quite some time, Konami has finally announced Silent Hill: The Short Message for PS5 as an exclusive. It's a completely original game told in first-person, and it's out today on the PS Store for free.
"Following messages from her friend Maya, Anita finds herself at a crumbling apartment block, infamous for rumors of suicides. Drawn inside, Anita soon finds her sense of reality shattered as she encounters bizarre, otherworldly spaces, haunted by a twisted monster." Will you be giving this new Silent Hill game a go? Let us know in the comments below.
Comments 22
I mean it's free, sooooooooooo yeah why not.
Yes indeed. I'm all over this one... Hyped!
Will download immediately. Looks freaky as hell. 😍
Its free so yeah i'm downloading it.
@DonkeyFantasy and never delete it.
I'm downloading to internal space, so if it gets removed ever I can resell my ps5 for 4x the price
What’s the catch, like seriously. Is this a vertical slice for Silent Hill if? Is it gonna be removed in like a couple months? Is it F2P like a mobile game? There’s no way Konami just pumped this out with no motive.
Can’t seem to find it on PSN to download yet
@awp69 said shortly after the state of play airs. So probably not completely immediate. I keep looking every 5 mins lol reckon it'll be an hour or so.
@Jaxx420 me too! 😂
It's on the US store now, but link doesn't work once you click in the thumbnail.
Ok, it works now
Just downloading it now, from the UK PS Store. Work in the morning means I’ll have to wait until tmrw to try it though ☹️
This team needs to attend a seminar on subtlety in psychological horror....
@michaelf on the UK one now? I'd stopped checking a bit ago sound lad thanks for the heads up there.
I'm the same up in 5 hours so will have to wait until probably after the football tomorrow.
Download it now and resell the PS5 for 4x its purchase price later.
I'll try it but not expecting anything good out of it. Especially when the subtlety is thrown out the window and shoved in your face here.
@RBMango Yup and genuinely wondering... who thought the line, "Bad things happen because of you" was good? Lol it sounds like it came from a cartoon.
Oh yes lumme grab it 💨
Since it’s first person, shame this didn’t get the PSVR2 treatment as well. Looks like it would really work in that environment and would have been a nice little free scary demo to bump people in as a showcase.
But obviously that’s not knowing the gameplay etc… that doesn’t take away from this still being exciting 😀
Does anyone know why? Like is it setting up something else? Or does it have micro transactions? Little trauma stickers perhaps? Free game just doesn’t really add up.
Finished the game! It was nice and great for a free game! thank you Konami!
I'm sure I heard about this game ages ago from Golem on twitter. Nice that it's finally been confirmed and released. It plays well, and happy to see some kind of entry in the Silent Hill series again.
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