The Trophy list for Tekken 8 has been made public (as per PSNProfiles, watch out for spoilers), and it looks to be rather straightforward. It's one of those 'do a bit of everything' lists, and none of the gongs are particularly difficult — although some of them require more time investment than others.
A large chunk of Trophies are tied to single-player modes, like The Dark Awakens story campaign and Arcade Quest — essentially rewarding you for making progress. Elsewhere, there are a handful of online-specific trinkets, but none of them demand any degree of grinding. You simply have to win one Ranked Match and one Group Match.
The only Trophies that might prove slightly tricky are the gameplay-specific ones, but we're betting that most players will just pick these up naturally. For what it's worth, we unlocked around 80% of Tekken 8's Trophies while reviewing the game — and we had no knowledge of the actual requirements during that time.
Will you be hunting for Tekken 8's Platinum Trophy? We'll meet you online for that single ranked match in the comments section below.
[source psnprofiles.com]
Comments 23
Preordered, predownloaded and ready to go ! Bring it 🤪
Seems pretty similar to 7 then in that case, without looking at list, and going by the article.
As much as I want to get this "now", I've a massive backlog and waiting on F7R, so I'll pass and get it in a sale - sorry devs!
I don't understand why every game nowadays got to have such easy lists. I'm a trophy hunter but the hunt is getting boring,
Trophies are supposed to be a challenge that's how it was back in the ps3 days but now it's just a pointless repetitive grind almost every game.
I like fighting games a lot, but I’m simply not good at them — I never have been. I also know that when I buy fighting games, I might play it for a day then never play it again. And yet, despite all of this, I’ll still probably buy Tekken 8.
My pad is ready (for a battering)! Looking forward to it!
@KingPev SAME I’m sooo excited 🤩
My Tekken 6 trophy on ps3 was my weirdest plat ever. Once I got it I came to the conclusion that I did not like the game. Guess I was young, had time to kill and felt like needing to get my money's worth.
@Brasilkilla challenge, yes... Grind, no
@Brasilkilla I would rather an easy list then an absolute grind fest. MK1 has a weird set. All very achievable, and then the level up 5 kameos to 15 trophy that would literally take hundreds of hours
@LordAinsley that's part of my point. I'm tired of grind fests when it comes to trophies . I want a challenge. Grinding the same repetitive bs is not a challenge and it's boring. That's what pretty much every list nowadays are doing. I belive that each and every game should have a toy for beating the campaign/ story on the hardest difficulty level
I am terrible at fighting games online. Most of the time my opponent starts a combo, and I will just go make myself a cup of tea, get a snack or play with the dog. So if there are online trophies for big online achievements, then this will be a platinum I will not get.
@Brasilkilla A toy? Uh … okay. I think games should meant to be played for fun, not some kind of reward system as if players are dogs that get a treat if they beat the game, other than a platinum trophy. I’m not trying to be rude, but you should consider taking a break from games for a while if that’s how you genuinely feel.
Tekken games are always easy platinums. Typically an enjoyable experience though without having to veer to far off what you'd do naturally. Look forward to adding this on to the collection!
There's basically two paths-> you make the platinum a 2/10 difficultly, or you make it a 9/10 difficultly. For fighting games I feel like there's no in-between
That’s great to hear as it’ll motivate me to probably play more than I would’ve. I’ve gotten the plat on a couple Netherrealm fighting games and they were easy just took some time.
Good to know. Because some of these fighting games trophy requirements are ridiculous. I like playing them for nostalgic reasons, but don't want to be made to be a master class at the game for a platinum.
@Kraven I can't stop gaming, I love it too much. I just feel like when it's a hard list it's way more satisfying than a east list. What I do is just put the game on hard and take it from there
@Brasilkilla I'm with ya, although it has to be a well made, play tested hard mode.
Nothing worse than slamming your head up against a game where the dev has just quadrupled the damage and halved your health bar
Can't wait for the next platinum!
Not buying it. Done with Tekken and Soul Calibur since the 40 quid multi season pass nonsense in T7. I was finished T7 in less than a day with there not even being an Arcade mode to fight with all the other characters and get an ending video like Tekken of old. It was just one pathetic fight, shared with 2 characters and an awful inengine cutscene on the same boring UE4 battleground.
Its insane that it took them another 7 years to port over all the animations yet again to UE5, I mean like for like for the 5th game in a row. T4 was the last great Tekken game when they built the look of the characters from the ground up and they looked stunning in 2002. 22 years later, they just look like cartoony characters today.
At least Netherrealm make their chracters again for every game and they look more realistic with every single release. Used to be the biggest Tekken fan but not anymore.
I will go for the plat when it comes to PS+ at some point. Tekken 7 had an enjoyable plat even tho I strongly dislike online trophies.
@NinjaNicky a year.5 years after Tekken 7 was out they were still.releasing content so you'll be waiting a while
@andrewsqual bit every character has a CGI ending this time and also the massine single player campaign
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