Sony loves filing patents for gaming ideas that'll, more than likely, never come to fruition. It's done it again with a recent listing that focuses on the idea of "auto-playing portions of a video game".
Essentially, an auto-play feature would mean a game takes over control and plays itself during segments that a player might find boring, or time-consuming. The example used is grinding — the need to gain experience and level up in order to meet the challenge of a boss fight, or continue with a game's story. Rather than do this manually for hours on end, this auto-play system could, in theory, take care of that for you, leaving you to play the parts of the game you actually care about.
To do this, the game would invite you to engage the auto-play mode, at which point, AI using "data from the user play model" will take over and do the legwork on your behalf, simulating the "gameplay style of the user". Once the grinding is taken care of, a notification to resume normal play would pop up, and you'll continue playing as usual.
"By using auto-play mode, users can avoid the need to play parts of a game that they do not like playing and reduce the amount of time it takes to complete the game because the AI player can play the grinding portions of the game at a faster speed," the patent reads.
As noted by Exputer, numerous MMORPG titles on PC and mobile utilise some form of auto-play, mainly to grind through battles or to cover a player while they're absent from the game. It's not totally unheard of, then, but it's certainly not the norm in the majority of modern titles on console.
Again, these patents usually don't amount to anything more than just that, so who knows if we'll see auto-play modes come in over the next few years. What do you make of this? Would you like auto-play to grind through RPGs for you, or allow you to keep playing Helldivers 2, so to speak, while you're taking a break? Discuss in the comments section below.
[source patentscope.wipo.int, via exputer.com]
Comments 62
I was hoping this would be something for getting through impossible parts of games.
Back in my day, we considered this cheating.
Well, my arguement is, if a certain section of the game is a boring grind but you have the option to autoplay, why bother developing that section to be a boring grind in the first place?
@somnambulance Rubber band / or jamming in a roll-up cigarette filter was a method for many grindy achievement hunters
@GuttyYZ If a game is this boring that a computer needs to play it why plau ot indeed.
Gonna bet this is just internal r&d project that never makes it into any game in a significant way
So instead of watching Twitch or youtube streamers playing the game, you can now watch AI play your games instead...
Anything that is considered 'grindy' or excessively time consuming, that to me is 'bad' game design. I can understand how some things may have a 'time' factor, like waiting for crops to grow or base building, but I'd rather have better AI - AI 'workers' that you can assign to tasks that can take the monotony out of certain repetitive tasks leaving you 'free' to go off and play other aspects. If you don't want to tend to crops, finish building your base, collect certain resources etc, your AI companions can do those instead...
But what stops them for making the game even more grindy in the future like a mobile game to make you give up and pay? This is why I feel done with modern gaming 😤
@GuttyYZ because modern gaming is this in a nutshell, grindy open worlds over and over lol
@Specky I think you underestimate if you think no one will pay up and play ubisoft games for the grinding factor 😂
@GuttyYZ Because it is not meant for every player mayne? but some of players. Maybe try to see past that, that this is developed at first as Accessibility feature not for regular player.
For example I enjoy and I am capable of grinding Diablo 4, but there could be many reasons why person is not capable to do that, but he still want to enjoy core parts of the game. I dont understand that there is such negativity only. For purpose of this, Sony has developed for example special controller for people with disability. Why not go further and give for those people even more possibilities to help in long run as example.
This is what my comment was about before it
got removed.
That's what I mean by padded, shallow, lifeless Ubisoft games that waste your damn time. They're designed to do so from the ground up. They're garbage.
We need to stop this damn nonsense. Why should my console be up and running while I'm not playing? What a waste of electricity.
This is not the same as auto playing the console for Souls games or something. That would completely defeat the purpose. It defeats its purpose in the first place anyway
@themightyant lol. I remember that kind of thing. I remember friends of mine downloading bots in RuneScape and getting their accounts banned and having to start over because cheating was punishable to the point of death for a character. Lol. Different times we live in now.
More old man warbling: back in my day, if you ripped your hand open playing the shy guy flies section of Mario Party, that was a sign of real dedication.
If I ever got to a point where I would prefer a game simply plays itself, then I'm just turning it off and playing something else anyway. How about developers simply design their games better in the first place so they aren't boring?
GuttyYZ wrote:
May seem sad to say it but human behaviour is complex and many people just like to do the same thing on repeat endlessly, it's their equivalent of comfort food.
Plus engagement in live services is all important, they can't build new content quick enough for players to play so they have to pad it out to keep people playing.
Fast travel fans are gonna love this. How about we skip the entire gameplay to the end and call it day.
It seems like a decent accessibility consideration to me. I would prefer stuff like this be implemented in a simple enough way as to detract from development/budget elsewhere.
Meh. Is there really any difference between using a guide and the game just completing the section for you? Either way you aren't accomplishing anything for yourself.
@sentiententity definitely…..I don’t have the time or patience to get through these games…..even some of the less challenging ones.
This is what the PS5 Pro actually is, a self playing PS5 console.
Original PS5 owners have the option of using the analogue option, where a Sony employee wearing a black shirt with 'PS5 Pro' in bold white will appear at your door. They will then finish the game for you, no matter how long it takes.
The PS5 Pro is apparently a massive hit with the games review media, who like as little gameplay as possible when reviewing games, with many praising the potential for increased future soy latte consumption as "slayin it bro".
Hmmm no I don’t like this but fortunately like most of Sonys patents it’ll end up in the bin 😉
I would love this feature to skip combat in bg3.
@BIG3 1000%. The combat in BG3 goes on FOR SO LONG! And if the start is bad you might as well reload the save because you are screwed.
Nier Replicant which I just finished has an auto-battle system so that you don't need to waste time in combat which is just Fine. More games need these features lol.
@JalapenoSpiceLife "because modern gaming is this in a nutshell, grindy open worlds over and over lol."
And that's because a lot of idiotic gamers think that if a game is "linear" then isn't worth buying.
How does Ubisoft feel about this?
I get the idea, but there’s something slightly dystopian about gamers just watching a game being played because they’re bored. I watched Wall-E for the bazillionth time the other day, and each year it feels like we’re one step closer to living life zipping around a holiday liner living our whole lives watching a screen, never interacting with anything.
Or maybe I’m just getting older and each year become more and more “These youths and their screens! Back in my day…”
Just don't have grinding at all. Plenty of games have achieved that over the years.
@Hyena_socks How IS that movie by the way? I've never watched Wall-E before and I kinda don't have a clue what's it about haha.
Hmm. Not sure if I support this.. Oh well, it most likely won't see the light of day anyway
I purchase games to play them, with or without friends... and that's all I have to say!
Stupid idea, but I have no problem with it for single player games, and as long as it disables trophies. I don’t think either of those things will be the case though. The game publishers will want those free engagement hours to show their investors, and Sony don’t care about trophy challenges.
Well, I did once tape the joystick on my controller to run my car in circles for the last mileage trophy in Dirt 5. Other than that, I feel like the grind in most games is not a huge problem. …or maybe I avoid those games altogether, who knows.
I actually would have loved this in 13 Sentinels. Let the game play itself through the battles, leaving me with the parts that I actually care about.
No grindy games for me, autoplay or not
@breakneck Yeah. So annoying.
@GuttyYZ because some people like the boring grind so it's made for them I'm guessing
So first they bring us the moviegame walking simulator. Then they give up and just make actual movies of the moviegames. Then they patent the ability to make moviegames that just play themselves because they're too boring....so...isn't that just a movie?
OTOH if gaming these days is mostly Souls clones where you spend the whole game just riding the dodge button, this isn't exactly less boring.
It's only cheating if the game owners are not getting paid for it!
I would absolutely love this but only like for traditional turn based RPGs like say the new Eiyuden Chronicle. The easiest way I drop games like that is I’m underleveled I don’t wanna grind and I just go nah I’m done. Hell if this was real I probably would have beaten Eiyuden Chronicle Rising hahaha.
Seems to me sony employees spend all their time watching muppets like dsp because this like God of war was made with him in mind.
The problem isn’t that people don’t enjoy the grind but that the grind is not fun.
To me this is a way to have these GaaS games feel alive by always having “players” buzzing about the zones for largely no reason. I get it from a developer perspective. In an MMO or season-based GaaS, if the starter area and big city is sparse, I am gone.
But it doesn’t fix the problem. These AI botted accounts won’t join groups or if they do I highly doubt they can compently coordinate with player controlled characters to defeat bosses.
@MrMagic I’ve really got back into linear stuff lately. Absolute open world burnout
I'll look forward to playing all those souls games now.
@GuttyYZ probably to be implemented in older RPGs that are super grindy. So they’re already designed. Also some people like the grind. Other people don’t. So for modern games that are grindy, they have a certain audience. Auto-grind could bring in new players and increase sales.
@JalapenoSpiceLife Go play older final fantasy games and tell me that grinding hasn’t always been a part of gaming. It’s not just a modern thing.
Put aside it is pure cheating, can it be applicated on Assassin's Creed Valhalla to skip endless running? And does it count towards total game time? And gives it feedback to developer how much you skipped so he can see how boring his game is? And can I use it on grinding trophies?
gaming is dead just kill it already, 70% of the workforce got let go anyway
Since it’d likely be optional, not worried. That being said, lots of companies patent things that never see the light of day, so wouldn’t make too much of it
@Maubari it’s genuinely one of my favourite films - but depends what you like! Very little dialogue for half the film, lots of visual story telling, great OST and cute characters. Worth giving a watch, it’s on Disney+ or Cheap as chips (cheaper, even) on DVD.
Actually this is just B Spec or Driavatars in Forza, those are dead now and Sophy wasn't that. I'm fine with that but even then (bot like the auto says) but why did we even drop those in the first place racing or just not try it with others. I mean to me NPC companions always had awkward pathing or assistance anyways. So I'm kind of ok with some improvements but there is other things I question too.
Days Gone or Ratchet 2016 skips if people want to optionally. Or we could have time spent on 'easy, medium, hard, puzzles, arenas, anything else but that's TOO much effort in development and that would take longer' I have wanted scaling/dynamic elements on a typical scale of events or on an assist scale and I still haven't seen it because we get garbage technology excuses like this and not grind game design changed. LAZY
To the assisting play option.
If a bot if missing a 4th player or something else I'd say for sure.
Or people needing help and stuck on a quest or need co-op help in something for sure but at the same time you could just have better difficulty, have a prompt recommend it (I know annoying when was/is a thing anyway but if the player is confident or doesn't know how why not).
It takes brains sometimes to actually think, what games do and what developers/publishers can actually think of oh yeah we don't need grind in our games but we will still have it just make some stupid technology to solve it.
Just solve it IN DEVELOPMENT. XD
I mean if adaptive difficulty existed, why not scale the grind/health drops/the enemy types or enemy count spawning, AI of moves lost or gained. I have wanted this for a while now. But nope this. XD Give me dynamic enemy AI losing and gaining moves.
Give me more scaled worlds with objects/enemies in it. Give me interesting events.
Give me better smarter less grind because smart game design. Not we have a solution. Really it's called actually better numbers when programming and difference of animations to time them.
Or adding/removing/offering different puzzles. It's not that hard.
And what's to bet that publishers charge for this 'feature' in their games.
As I've said multiple times.l, modern gaming, and indeed modern life, create a problem and sell you the solution.
I was thinking how about just removing the grind.
Unnecessary patent for unnecessary grinding though who's idea is it anyways to put such a thing in games which often leads me to simply give up and move on at times to a completely different game lol
With how insane "accessibility" features are I really wouldn't be surprised. When I was a kid gaming was niche, and very very hard. People talk of Dark Souls being the first hardcore games, the 8 and 16 bit era especially were brutal. I could complete Super Contra as a kid, and now after 35 years of gaming and probably being spoiled by modern games, it wipes the floor with me lol. Battletoads gives me anxiety.
Challenge, achievement, and reward are the key elements of gaming to me. Obviously not every game needs to be Contra or Dark Souls hard, but these accessibility settings make me wonder if people using them should find another hobby. It's like when at work over the years when making a round of tea, there's always one person who asks for their tea bag to be removed after barely sitting in the mug "I don't like the taste otherwise" I always think "...you don't like tea, why are you drinking this horrible watered down version?"
Ubisoft games suddenly just become one massive auto-play
Or accommodating people who have busy or fulfilling lives and have more enjoyable ways to spend their time than boring grindy sections of games.
My disabled wife gets to have a lot of joy playing lots of games now that she couldnt have olayed in the past thanks to these "insane" accessibility features.
Sony has invested in RLHF research that enables computers to play video games like humans do. They used that for the Gran Turismo Sophy AI, now they are looking for other use cases.
It sounds silly to have a PS5 play itself, but it's also fun to see brand new technology and capabilities and experiment end explore with how it works.
@soyabean135876 that makes sense obviously, it's a necessity for disabled people and there absolutely needs to be options for said individuals. This is slightly conflating things though. I'd say most or at least many users of these settings are able bodied and it's those I question. Right or wrong it's just my opinion. No challenge equals no reward. Sorry if I caused you offense that being said.
Isn't there already a Mario game that completes the level for you if you get stuck? That already happened, people didn't complain, and gaming hasn't changed due to that.
@BIG3 Why not just play it on easy/ story mode? Fair enough, fights can stretch out for some time on harder settings, but you can always quick save and come back, if you're short of time. For me, the combat is as much a part as all the rest, and I enjoy the strategic aspects of making solid builds and experimenting. You wouldn't want someone else to chew your pudding, would you?
@J2theEzzo No, I just don't like the combat at all. Even the fights I win are boring to me. I just want to enjoy the exploration, character dynamics and quests. So in this case, yes, chew my pudding.
Essentially a playthrough in the game instead of on YouTube
@BIG3 🫨 Sacrilege! (But fair enough!)
I'd recommend just playing with character classes some? I know it's always going to be subjective, but I personally had a great deal of fun playing a barbarian, and just throwing enemies at each other (or into the void). But if you just don't like turn-based combat, I guess there's not much to be done!
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