Fallout 4 launches its native PS5 version on 25th April 2024, but if you want to make that upgrade as cheap as possible, you might want to take a look at the current PS Store spring sale. Both the base PS4 game and all of its DLC are on sale at the cheapest prices they've ever been, and the offers expire the day before the PS5 version releases. As such, paying now will ensure you get the most amount of content for the cheapest price.
If you already own the PS4 RPG and its season pass, then you're already prepared for the free PS4 to PS5 upgrade that lands on 25th April 2024. If not, you can grab what you need now at a discount:
- Fallout 4 — £3.99 / $4.99
- Season Pass — £11.54 / $12.24
- Automatron — £3.19 / $3.99
- Wasteland Workshop — £1.59 / $1.99
- Far Harbor — £4.79 / $5.99
- Contraptions Workshop — £1.59 / $1.99
- Vault-Tec Workshop — £1.59 / $1.99
- Nuka-World — £3.19 / $3.99
Obviously, if you need everything, then the base game and its season pass (which includes all the content packs listed above) would be the best option for a total of £15.53 / $17.23. It's important to note that Fallout 4 is currently available on PS Plus Extra, but this version is not expected to allow a free upgrade to the PS5 edition. Bethesda would need to separately add the PS5 version of Fallout 4 to Sony's subscription service to make that work.
So, if the Fallout TV series has gotten you interested in Fallout 4 for the first time or you are itching for a replay on PS5, between now and the 25th April 2024 release date is when the PS4 to PS5 upgrade will be cheapest. On launch day, you can simply head into the PS Store and get the PS5 version downloading along with all the expansions.
Will you be buying the content now or do you already have it all? Let us know in the comments below.
Comments 47
I have tried so many times to get into this game. I won't even go into the reasons it never sticks. I'll probably try again though. People have told me to play it as an action game instead of an RPG, maybe I'll keep that in mind.
Way ahead of you lol already had the dlc but sold my physical copy ages ago. When i saw the news of the upgrade and the PS4 version was on sale i snapped it up lol
@Pranwell I’ve got that too, I guess we will see seeing as I can’t buy it for £3.99
@Fuzzymonkeyfunk You can still buy games you have the PS+ version of. Can't remember exactly how, but it's probably in the "..." menu to the right of the play/download/buy buttons
"It's important to note that Fallout 4 is currently available on PS Plus Extra, but this version is not expected to allow a free upgrade to the PS5 edition. Bethesda would need to separately add the PS5 version of Fallout 4 to Sony's subscription service to make that work."
Oh Sony. For all that you do right, the backend of your business is a total mess!
I don't actually know what version I own, everything in the store says purchased but it could be the PS5 Collection edition.
I think I'd better buy the £3.99 just in case.
Anyone know how to find out?
@Anke It looks to me like you've bought the Game of the Year edition, so you should be all ready for everything to be upgraded on PS5 for free
@LiamCroft awesome, thank you. If we ever meet I'll spend that £3.99 on buying you a pint instead
Owned it all back in the PS4 days. May give it another whirl at some point. Nuka-World and Far Harbor are must haves for the game, especially if you like Gulpers.
@Matroska I don’t have an option to purchase I'm sure I got it from the ps5 instant game collection so might work differently to the ps plus extra version as that is temporary. I guess we will see when it launches
@Anke Well we've got to make that happen then!
If sony allowed download of assets in the user mods section i would be all over this game.
Original release pip boy version sitting, gathering dust. Been waiting for this version to drop to do another replay. Can't wait!
@liamcroft Wow the AD intrusion is impressive, it's blocking half the comment section in Edge on an Android.
It's Purina wet cat food too which is insulting as it's garbage and I would never feed or cats that😂
Does this have cross play? I bought for SteamDeck after being devastated by .............Starfield.......
I've got the PS4 version, but I'm not sure I've still got those save files.
If anyone knows, thanks!
F the Minutemen and F Preston Garvey !
As you were. LG x
the fallout 4 GOTY version isnt on sale its still £34.99 whewn its usual sale price is £8.74
Played part 3 and 4, but could never get into these games.
Funny that the GOTY version is cheaper than the Season Pass...
Is it a good game? I always wanted to play it, but each time I'm reading reviews, it sounds like a dull Bethesda RPG like Skyrim or Starfield, very far from the masterpiece that Fallout 2 was. Even very cheap I'm not sure I want to spend hours on this, my backlog is already so huge.
@Pranwell I played fallout 3 to death and burnt myself out so never got around to playing new vegas or 4 but it’s been quite a few years since I played so I might give it a go
@LikelySatan No problem, not every game is for everyone.
Does the ps5 version mean separate trophy list? If so I might not upgrade.
@B0udoir I dont know how I feel about it. Sometimes I think its really fun. Sometimes not at all. Kind of a weird game in that regards in my book.
Does this game is good? I mean amazing? Thinking to buy this for my steam deck. It’s on sale currently
Bought the GOTY version over a year for the upgrade so i've been ready for a while.
@amatmulisha FO76 aside its the weakest FO game under Bethesda but its still solid enough and worth playing.
I assumed all that DLC would be included in the PS5 version.
I have the physical, but don't think I want to have to keep switching disk in and out to play the digital upgrade. I think paying 5 dollars for a game is fair, especially since I already have all dlcs bought from years ago.
Love the game. Too bad it will not run right now on PS5 with the Automatron DLC.
@wancell What's this all about? I've seen tons of people saying certain dlc is unplayable?
Those of us who have it from the collection will just have to wait and see I suppose.
Just burned out on Tsushima for the final time cause of the repetitiveness so I don't see myself playing another open worlder for a while, but the show might make me wana play it like Shogun on Hulu made me try GoT again lol.
@atthegates unfortunately the Fallout 4 has DLC issues especially with Automatron where it crashes on PS5 at startup. I went to fire it up in prep for the upgrade coming on 4/25. After hunting around, I see a ton of people having the issue and you would need to install without that DLC but then have weird textures. At least only 10 more days for the new version to come out but seems like a miss since the show just hit Amazon and they are now running a deal on the store.
Probably a stupid question but will my disc give me the PS5 upgrade?
I’ll probably just buy it for £4 anyway to have the ease of not needing to change discs.
@HeeHo I wondered the same since I own the disc (plus DLC). I just bought the digital version too, out of paranoia, as it's only £4.
Fallout 4 was what drove me to buy a PS4 all those years ago. It wasn't the step up from New Vegas I'd hoped for, but it still pretty entertaining in its own right. Am looking forward to trying it again with quicker loading times and so on.
You’re absolutely correct. If you install the the game with all the DLC it crashes at the start. Tried several times. If you boot it without installing Far Harbour and Automatron it boots. But you have to start a new game.
@wancell Ffs had no idea. Hopefully they actually fix all this with the ps5 update. Dlc that you paid for that's unplayable on ps5? ***** that
I bought it some time ago and hopefully they will fix it soon or by the next gen update
@deadfred77 It was one of my driving forces into getting a PS4 too but I unfortunately didn’t get into it first time around.
Looking forward to going in with less hype and hopefully have a better time for it.
I will most definitely play it. I just hope no auto pop plat. That is so stupid. (I know, just dont import save then, i just wanted to vent against auto pop plats)
I got Fallout 4 for free with the PS5, so wondering if getting the Season Pass is worth it? Is the DLC worth the price even on the sale?
I bought a physical copy of this for £1 from Cex years ago and gave up after an hour. I liked 3 and New Vegas at the time but honestly Bethesda games just bore me now.
@LikelySatan same here. Dont think i ever bothered to complete. Fallout3 and new vegas however are some of my personal favoutites of all time..
@Flurpsel yeah I'd be happy w 3 and NV on Switch, honestly. I don't think Bethesda understands Fallout. I miss that series.
The Season Pass for F4 is NOT worth £12 even when on sale it should be at least £5 now it's an old game.
@Digit2021 Far Harbour is the only decent one the rest are Meh but for £12 on sale and since you got the game for free it's not bad. The Wasteland DLC is pointless just add raider stuff and the Vault one I couldn't even get started because of the stuff you need to build an actual vault, if you want the trophies then they are very simple to get
@Nakatomi_Uk I thought Nuka-World was actually pretty nice
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