Assassin's Creed

Assassin's Creed Hexe, which is currently a code name and is set to launch after the Japan-set Assassin's Creed Red, is the subject of a new report from Insider Gaming, which claims the title is aiming for a release in 2026. You'll apparently be playing as a female protagonist called Elsa, who comes equipped with supernatural abilities. One of which is said to be the ability to control cats, with footage sent to the outlet supposedly depicting a chase sequence where the player distracts guards by taking control of a feline.

The piece goes on to say Hexe will be more of a linear experience with only "some elements of open world exploration". Gameplay will apparently implement a new version of the "Fear System" seen in the Assassin's Creed Syndicate DLC based on Jack the Ripper. In the PS4 title, the mechanic allowed you to perform "brutal takedowns" in order to strike fear into those who witnessed the killing. This was then used to spread fear for the Jack the Ripper name across the capital city London.

Official details out of Ubisoft are light on the ground, which is more than understandable given Assassin's Creed Red is up first, with the hope it launches later this year. The publisher does have a slot open at the end of 2024 now it's dated Star Wars Outlaws for 30th August 2024.

Would you prefer a more linear Assassin's Creed game? Share your thoughts in the comments below.
