The PC version of Nightdive Studios' System Shock remake will be taking its largest update ever on 11th April 2024, and with the PS5, PS4 versions slated to release towards the end of May, the ports will presumably ship with this new patch already implemented. As such, Sony console owners can look forward to playing the greatest, most complete version of System Shock from day one.
The significant update is detailed in a new interview with PC Gamer, conducted at GDC. What initially started out as a Kickstarter stretch goal eight years ago, Nightdive Studios founder Stephen Kick reveals a female protagonist option will be added to the game to improve its "immersive quality". As the outlet points out, your main character is silent and you only ever see their model at the start and end of the game, as well as on the game over screen. Still, the addition is a welcome one.
Then, the 1.2 update implements a new and "upgraded" ending, which Kick and business development director Larry Kuperman agree is worth replaying the game for. PS5, PS4 players will only get the improved conclusion, of course, which is said to address criticism surrounding the final scenario's decision to strip you of all your gear.
On top of those changes, the big System Shock patch for PC will improve enemy combat abilities and introduce an "easy mode waypoint system" to make navigation more streamlined. All these updates will be added to the PC version next week on 11th April 2024, so with the PS5, PS4 ports set to arrive on 21st May 2024, it's presumed the upgrades will be part of the base game that ships for PlayStation players. Are you looking forward to trying System Shock? Let us know in the comments below.
[source pcgamer.com]
Comments 25
If you only see the new female protagonist twice in the entire game and they are completely silent then it seems a bit disingenuous to claim you've made this decision to attain some kind of "immersive quality".
For the record, I don't care either way, my problem is with the excuse. Just come out and say that you wanted a gender option and be done with it.
Seems like another missed opportunity to make this something truly special by also adding a VR mode.
@Loamy @lifegirl Couldn’t this inherently add to immersion, having your character more closely aligned with your personal identity, even if you only see them a couple times? Being more inclusive is always a good thing, and not “that kinda ****”. 🙄
As a woman, having a female protagonist option in a game goes a long way in making the experience more immersive for me regardless of how often I see/hear my character, so I find this "minor" addition pretty cool. I've never heard of this game before but I'll definitely be checking it out solely for this feature.
This "easy mode waypoint system" has me interested now; I was gonna give it a miss due to how close to the original's confusing navigation it was and I have zero sense of direction or good memory, so this is welcome.
@GloriosaDaisy @ear_wig Yeah I tend to lean this way on this topic too.
I have no problem playing as Jill Valentine or Aloy, but yeah personally I really enjoy creating a character that resembles myself. It's just that bit more immersive to see yourself moving about in the game world.
At least in my view.
Not everything needs to be about a social issue. Sometimes it's just fun to include more people.
Normally in a game where there is optional male/female, I tend to go for the female version as they usually have the better designs/armour/equipment or whatever.
Definitely day one buy.
Never played the original but remember hearing it was awesome. I’ll definitely play this remake!
@PsBoxSwitchOwner Not to mention better voice acting, too. Cyberpunk and AC: Odyssey are great examples of this.
Whenever possible I always pick female MC because they usually have the best voice acting behind them (i.e. Mass Effect, Cyberpunk) but it's the inclusion of "easy mode waypoint system" that it will make me finally play the game. I missed out on the original.
Really looking forward to this, it had such great atmosphere back in the day
If it's done right.
Often it's just forced, godawful Mary Sue characters that do the exact opposite of what they "strive for" (they don't. They don't care.) Here it doesn't matter much anyway, so it's fine
On a different note, I never understood being more immersed because a character looks more like yourself. If I have the choice, I always make female characters, but I think it's dumb. They're always supid/ deaf/ mute, etc.
I have way more immersion in polished, drawn out characters that are already actual characters like Geralt or Henry from Kingdom Come.
I'm enjoying DD2, but I think the story sucks for this exact reason
Removed - inappropriate
@Loamy I like playing everyone and everything different from boring old me.
@Loamy that's what it's about at the end of the day, though some like to forget about it.
The 90s memories will be strong with this one, absolute day one purchase.
Although I still have the mental scars from that unexpected robot in the lift so perhaps I won't play with the lights off.
I've played a small amount of the original System Shock a few years ago on PC. Always had my eye on the remake ever since Digital Foundry did a video on it.
I'm still mixed on whether I should get this or Paper Mario in May. My heart leans towards this since I love immersive sims but I've also read very positive things about Paper Mario.
@Loamy The term "immersive sim", at least originally, referred to games that pursued immersion through responsive worlds. At the time the pursuit of realism and fidelity was compromising interactivity, often to the detriment of design, and they where the counterpoint.
Any details on how this might run on the PS4? I've yet to upgrade, but if the PS4 version is 30fps and runs decently, I will most definitely be getting this.
@LifeGirl @Loamy
I have found over the years that usually i find female characters so immersion breaking for myself (male), that it normally knocks a game down a few points when im choosing whether to buy a game or not. Given that the opposite will also be true, I am 100% behind adding both male and female to all games wherever possible (eg Hogwarts, Elden ring, AC Valhalla), ie where you are not using an established character.
However, I agree, given the unusually small number of events where you see or hear the character, i am not sure it would make a huge difference for this game and the level of publicity talk for the feature may just be a little OTT...
The "easy mode checkpoints" sounds like a great way to introduce people to the game's mechanics, and hopefully the game will have a way to encourage people to move onto the normal mode.
I hope this gets a physical that isn't LRG
@breakneck This remake isn't really an imsim in my opinion, so I would consider that in your decision. I still liked the game when I played in on PC last year, but it doesn't have many of the qualities that are typically used to describe immersive sims. It's not very similar to System Shock 2 (or even Bioshock) as far as depth of system interactions and opportunities for player creativity. I went into it thinking it was something it isn't and was slightly disappointed over it. On the other hand, Paper Mario Thousand Year Door is, one of, if not the best, turn-based RPGs ever made imho. Can't say for sure if they mess up something in the Switch version of course. As a lover of both imsims and Paper Mario, I would say get Paper Mario first, and wait for System Shock remake to go on sale.
Hopefully pushsquare will review this one. Too bad the Stalker trilogy didn't get one.
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