Update: It's been noticed in one of the YouTube descriptions for the cinematic trailer that Assassin's Creed Shadows releases on 15th November 2024 for PS5. There's no PS4 version.
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Original story: Ubisoft has today confirmed the next entry in the Assassin's Creed series, which has up until today been known as Code Red, will be officially called Assassin's Creed Shadows. This is the new game set in feudal Japan, and the full reveal will take place this Wednesday, 15th May 2024 at 9am PT. That time translates to the following worldwide:
- North America: 9am PDT / 10am MDT / 11am CDT / 12pm EDT
- UK/Ire: 5pm BST
- Europe: 6pm CEST / 7pm EEST
- Asia/Oceania: 1am (Thu) JST / 12am (Thu) AWST / 2am (Thu) AEST
The French publisher has also shared a teaser image:
Ubisoft hasn't confirmed when the game will release, but with a November slot open in the company's slate since Star Wars Outlaws is out at the end of August, there's a good chance Assassin's Creed Shadows is out this year. All will be revealed this coming Wednesday. Are you excited to see the game? Let us know in the comments below.
[source twitter.com]
Comments 66
CAN'T WAIT FOR THIS!!! The time is coming!!
It's been a very long time since I bought an Ubisoft game. They've always been brilliant with cinematic trailers, I'll wait for gameplay trailers.
I'm actually super stoked for this! Been playing Mirage the last few days and have been reminded how cozy the gameplay loop of this series is. I thought Odyssey and Valhalla were wayyyy too big and a bit underwhelming, but Origins is probably my favorite of the franchise. Non-Western settings are just more interesting for me to explore.
Also, if they perplexingly remove cloth physics from the game again (like they did in Valhalla), I'm gonna throw a fit.
Not really excited for this (it's another AC game...) but curious enough to watch the trailer.
On one hand it's been so long that I'm not exactly super hyped about new AC games anymore, on the other I know I'm still going to enjoy it
I haven’t played an Assassin’s Creed game since Black Flag, but I’m really intrigued by this one. Looking forward to the trailer.
I'm very much ready for this. The gameplay loop is usually casual but pleasing, the story is pretty much so, so with the mad tangents and less focus on crafting something really memorable in the time it is mostly set. But the best thing is always the main character, the main character being: the historical setting. That is what they put the most effort into, and thankfully it's an aspect I enjoy myself.
If they ever add some top quality writing with the same effort to all of that history then we will get something truly special. Will they?Probably not. But I still expect it to be a game I thoroughly enjoy 😁
Started mirage, and was underwhelmed. I have every AC game and still enjoy them. AC1 still one of my faves. Hopefully this will get back to what we all really want from an assassin.
Between this and Star Wars Outlaws it looks like my gaming for Q3/4 is taken care of!
Cautiously optimistic
Still not really fussed about it being in Japan (feels a bit of a bloated setting in recent years) but the games are at least a certain level of quality.
I've wanted this game since the announcement of the very first one. I just don't trust current year Ubisoft. I fully expect a historical fiction "made for modern audiences," a map packed with all sorts of redundant things to do, a season pass for sale in huge letters on the title screen, and ads for OTHER GREAT UBISOFT PRODUCTS! in the pause screen. Please prove me wrong, Ubisoft!
Heck yeah bring it on!
Feudal Japan. Interesting.
Brings back memories of Tenchu. Lots of potential.
The setting is the interesting part of the game for me. Odyssey and Valhalla did not interest me at all. But this idea sounds great.
Might even preorder it. Star Wars outlaws, first though.
I'm optimistic about this one. Love feudal Japan as a setting and when Assassin's creed is done well (AC2, black flag, oddessy) it can be a fantastic game. But so many end up being very underwhelming
If we end up playing with a char based on Yasuke, people will go crazy in social media (from both sides of the argument)
I want to be hyped for this since we're getting another game set in historical Japan to go with GoT, Sekiro, Nioh and RotR but it's modern Ubisoft we're talking about and I want to be cautious about this.
We play as Japanese and an actual Assassin without a bunch of RPG numbers or I'm out. I don't want AC Japan totally ruined and a mockery of the name and Creed. The past 3 mainline ACs have been horrific cash-cows as AC games.
Tbh I quite like an open world Ubisoft tick box game, especially now there seems to be a much bigger gap between each one. I do think this could benefit from being smaller in scope than Valhalla and Odyssey though. It does get a bit much and I tend to get bored of them before even completing the story.
I know AC is a bit dry atm, but I'm super excited for this! One of my favourite series of all time in a setting I absolutely love? YES
I'm interested in the setting. Will watch full trailer after event.
Looking forward to getting more details.
I’m a big AC fan and Mirage was my second ever Platinum.. not a fan of Japan or Japanese culture or even anime.. but I’ve personally enjoyed every AC game.. I skipped Unity because of the rocky release but bring on the open world slog.. my ADHD brain eats that sh** up
Really excited to be honest, i liked Mirage it was good but its been too long since a big main release.
I'm sure GoT has already done this better. I'm hoping for some supernatural elements. I am fully anticipating this game to be ruined by online requirements and monetization though.
Is this the first time in two decades that not everything about their next AC game has been leaked beforehand? Nice job, Ubi xD
Playing AC Valhalla to completion which took almost 200 hours exhausted me quite a bit, but enough time has passed to make me excited again. Will probably wait until the game and all DLC is done so I don't have to play it twice
Love that Asia street art that they hang between buildings. It should be done more here in the UK to counteract the sheer number of Greggs that are on each street in the north east. We’re drowning in them!
@BusyOlf least the north east gets a 24 hour Greggs only thing we get 24 hours is McDonald's in bham
Is anyone trying to figure out the code in the email that is made up of 33's, 21's and 11's?
@Ajfennell77 The Greggs corporation will one day bless your land with it’s pastry, believe ✊
@Jaz007 From my understanding this one is in the vain of Valhalla open stuff and the one after aka Hex is more traditional.
@WolfyTn Odd thing to say
bring the multiplayer back
@pharos_haven Bro, Hex has you play as a witch with powers who turns into a cat. Hex sounds like a better Forespoken game that has nothing to with AC.
@nomither6 yes!!!!! 👏
There is a kind of comfort-food quality to many of the Assassins Creed games, with them often offering up lots of box-ticking with not too demanding a challenge - and whilst certainly not every game should be like that, at the right time of year and in the right frame of mind, a new Assassins Creed entry can be just the right kind of undemanding fare. If it’s a dark and dreary November (in the UK), then some virtual tourism of Japan with a tick-list of things to mark off on a map sounds good…
We already know it's not gonna be like Mirage, so that's good. It was very underwhelming after three amazing games.
Here's hoping it's more historically accurate than Midshima's Creed (which isn't really hard).
Really...you want this after all that happened with that AAAA sailing game from this year. Ubisoft needs to just focus and give us a solid single-player experience.
They should Remake AC1 to understand what focused gameplay is and then enhance it with modern sensibilities.
@NinjaNicky I think the problem with "Robin Hood" is that it is not an actual historical figure more a combination of folklore, ballads and consequently a name given to outlaws, or used as an alias by outlaws. So there is no way the AC team could base a game around it. But they have referenced the characters in games, I believe (unless I imagined it haha)
Honestly, even though the past two mainline AC games were bloated beyond bloat, I had such a fun time with them lol
The ONLY issue I had with Valhalla was the...well, actual Valhalla / super natural part. Something about that really, really bugged me. But yeah...I'm a sucker for these AC games Haha
After so many years asking for this please don't f it up ubi!!!
Guess I know what my birthday pressie to myself will be this year (unless it is somehow a complete mess)
@pharos_haven to each their own
Just give us Ancient Rome setting , Caesar v Pompey the Great period or Rome V Carthage.
I just hope it will be historically accurate and won't rewrite history to please so-called "modern audience".
Thank you for saying this. Not every game needs to be Elden Ring or "push the genre forward". The right game at the right time for the right person.
Are we talking about historically accurate weapons, historical figures, places and events, what history are you worried about?
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I’m assuming he’s worried about the big boogeyman “woke”
Year of Shadow
Setting is interesting. Let's hope it's just not a reskin of the previous recent games
Don't forget this is Ubish*t, expect MTXs and a quest lines behind a season pass.
Could they have picked a less interesting setting? Feudal Japan is overdone.
@Dalamar they've rewrote most of the history already tho. Everything has been rewritten.
@Dalamar Wow. People’s brains are broken by right wing, social media garbage.
Hard to get excited about yet another AC, even if it's set in Japan.
@stefan771 but it's never been done as an assassin's creed game. Oh yeah there's ghost of Tsushima. I guess you're right haha.
@stefan771 this is Ubisoft's "break in case of emergency" setting. They've been asked for this setting for years, and always said it was too obvious. Welp, they're doing it now. Right as the series starts trying to sort out it's identity crisis.
Cool.this should be interesting.word up son
@MikeOrator You’ve got that absolutely right: ‘The right game at the right time for the right person’ - that is the perfect sentiment 😊. In the same way some movies are amazing and harrowing and the kind of thing you might only be strong enough to watch once, other films can be far less revered and certainly less demanding - and yet rewatched and enjoyed far more often. The same is certainly true of games. I love the Souls games, but they’re not what I would call comfort food or choose to play when all I want to do is switch off! And I think we’re all lucky to have games that scratch both itches. There’s a lot of hate for the Ubisoft ‘map of things to tick off’, but all that stuff is like rereading a favourite book for me: unsurprising, but still enriching.
The only reason I'm interested in this game is the setting. I'm a fan of anything set in ancient Japan or China. I just hope that the story and the gameplay will be enjoyable too.
Removed - unconstructive; user is banned
@MikeOrator have you ever played ACs multiplayer?? some of the best ACs had it - brotherhood, blackflag ; it in no way effected the single player experience. ACs multiplayer is very unique and there’s nothing like it,
I've been waiting for AC to be set in Japan for far to long now it just fits that's setting with assassin's/shinobis. Hope it's looking good when revealed
No, I haven't, but I've heard it's good. I can't imagine how it would be the same in today's game development climate. There is no way that Ubisoft will be able to make any legacy gamer happy or attract the attention of new players with it. Ubi should Stick to making a really great single-player game...for now.
@Jaz007 I mean traditional in scope and size like the older AC games not the concept.
I knew they would do AC japan at some point. Hopefully we get to play as ninjas and fight the christians like in that show shogun.
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