While it’s generally been a smaller story within the overall PlayStation narrative this generation, there’s no doubt Sony has quietly increased its focus on accessories for the PS5. The mix of products available is really good, spanning the official pro controller DualSense Edge, the streaming handheld PS Portal, and various high-quality headphones and ear buds.
It’s an area that, during its business segment meeting overnight, the platform holder referred to. It demonstrated how it’s expanding engagement through products like PSVR2 and PS Portal, while also offering personalisation with different coloured controllers and console covers. But one interesting tidbit it noted is how it hopes to introduce non-PS5 players to the brand through accessories.
The example it shows is a DualSense being used to play games via Remote Play on a PC, but we also know it plans to expand PSVR2 support to new devices as well, as evidenced by an adapter uncovered in Korea earlier this week. It’ll be interesting to see exactly what future accessories it’s got planned, and how exactly it intends to sell hardware to people who don’t even own a PS5.
[source sony.com]
Comments 24
I can groove with this. Sometimes peripherals make the game, dualshock 3 made ps3 the worst console as xbox controller was so much easier in hand. Dualshock 4 and sense are brilliant as is psvr and the headphones. The games are good but if its a fumble to play...
Makes perfect sense to expand the market where you can.
I'd suggest they need to make their controllers a little more robust if possible. I've just ordered yet another (they are reduced in a sale right now), but that makes my 6th Dualsense since this gens start! I'm not buying them for the pretty colours (though they are nice )
It's been working on me.
I have some disposable income this gen and the accessories are genuinely useful, so I've been picking them up here and there.
tbf the missus bought me two dualsense controllers I didn't need because I liked the colours (bless her), but everything else has been eagerly bought.
6! What are you doing with them my man!? lol.
I’ve had to replace one, but that was because I dropped it from a large height and the R2 spring snapped on collision.
@thefourfoldroot1 Two original white ones in the bin due to stick drift - one original white one left (I have 2 PS5's). I have three working, but we often use three when a friend comes over for multiplayer sackboy or something, so I just ordered another this morning as I'm sure one of the three will get further stick drift.
I just don't have controller luck though. I've used my series X way less, but I've 2 of 3 failures on that too. Controllers just dont like me!
All the PS5 accessories seems pretty good to me, though I'm saving some choice expletives for if the controller goes on the Portal. Maybe I'd get that one fixed!
Just a little advice, do not buy those Dualsense pads, joystick drift issue will occur after a few months of use, even with the Edge model...
(EDIT : to be clear, i have bought 5 Dualsense in 3 years, i play around 20 hours a week - my wired Xbox 360 controller from late 2005 is still working perfectly for example, and during all PS4 generation where i was playing a lot more, i only had 2 Dualshock - there is a real issue with those Dualsense)
That’s bad luck. I’ve personally only had one controller get stick drift in nearly 40 years of gaming, and that was on the Switch. Which I guess is common to almost everyone.
I’d be pissed if my Portal gets it as it’s a lot more to replace it, if there is even stock.
Worst would be if the PSVR2 controller gets it though, I couldn’t even buy replacements there if I wanted to!!
@Titntin Wow six! All the same issues? Or 6 different ones? Edit: (already answered, forgot to add my comment on time)
I had my first stick drift with a controller with the OG Dual Sense (Edit: Switch still good). I don’t throw or manhandle my controller (can also happen when little children get a hold of your devices), although I understand the frustration in games sometimes 😅 but I immediately stop playing to avoid that = too expensive!
That used to be my thinking but that stick drift took me by surprise. Chances are bigger to have broken controllers when they fall or something along those lines but you can have problems when those things don’t happen. I keep wondering if it’s part of the built quality or the quality of the parts?
If PSVR2 will also feature the foveated rendering and eye tracking on PC, it's gonna enable PCVR gamers with lower end hardware to play games they normally couldn't.
@Titntin I don't think you need to throw a controller away due to stick drift. I only recently got a case of it in 1 of my dualsense (presumably from it being carried in a bag and held in that position), but I gave it to a mate to fix, and now it's right as rain again. Supposedly, they're actually not that hard to open up and sort out. It voids your warranty, yes- but if you were gonna chuck them out anyway, you're better off trying to fix it and saving yourself 60 quid.
Jokes on them, I use a Stadia controller whenever the need for a controller on my laptop arises! Mainly just because I find it personally funny for some reason, and people who see me using it also seem to get a good chuckle out of it
@J2theEzzo Yeah I've watched all the repair videos, but it's not easy to do and involves taking a piece from a working stick to replace the faulty unit. I'm not interested in doing this.
Thank you for the suggestion anyway - it's a good suggestion and anyone else with this problem should definitely give it some consideration!
I hate hearing these nightmares about stick drift. I’ve been lucky that all 3 of my DualSense’s work perfect still and have a fair amount of mileage, especially the 2 originals I got with the PS5 over 3 years ago. My Portal is only a couple months old and so I’m crossing my fingers that it doesn’t become my first casualty! Has anyone actually had stick drift with their Portal yet? The sticks feel slightly different (I think they’re a bit smaller anyways and seem to have a longer stem) so maybe the issue is fixed for the Portal?
I did have stick drift on one of my DualShock 4 pads, but man, that was after many years of heavy use on the OG controller that came with my launch PS4. So that controller didn’t owe me anything. I even still use it because the drift is pretty minor and can be managed for a lot of games with adjusting sensitivity settings and dead zone, if I feel the urge.
@thefourfoldroot1 you know you can order a replacement spring online for like €5, and the replacement takes 2minutes...
I've already replaced 3. It's very easy; lots of online walkthrough available
Joining the stickdrift chorus. We have 3. The white one that came w/ it is still ok, the red one I bought for myself has left stick drift that’s annoying but I use it anyway, and the purple one that I bought for my kid the stick drift is so bad it’s basically unusable. My kid had been using it as their main controller on their laptop but it’s gotten so bad they’ve gone back to their Switch Pro, that they’ve had for years but still works fine.
So, yes, there is most certainly a stick drift issue with the Dualsense. Not 100% fail rate, but way more than it should be, or ever has been from Sony, and I’ve been using them since the PS1 in the late 90s. PS5 are the only console it’s been a real problem with.
One thing I’d like to add - PS5 has been out for 3 years now, where are all the cheap licensed 3rd party controllers? Sure Sony is going heavy on accessories but every 3rd party controller is like $180. For every previous generation there have been cheaper half price knockoffs after a year or two. Usually missing some bells & whistles, sometimes they plugin, but there were many to be found on Amazon. But nothing for PS5. I don’t get it. Oh, my kid did suggest it’s b/c the triggers are harder to replicate, which may be true, but Hori or someone should still be able to make a useable one for $40 I’d think, maybe w/o the rumble or adapative or lights but it’s so weird not seeing page after page of knockoffs. Go look for PS4 or Switch Pro, it’s near endless. So what gives? Thoughts @get2sammyb
PS5 The only cheap knockoff is the Hori fight pad, which has no right stick, which really makes me think something anti consumer corporate is going on this gen.
So is that why the 3D Pulse and PS Portal doesn't offer Bluetooth sony?
Really there's some serious delusion going on at PS HQ. Who other than PS owners would buy PS branded accessories? Controllers for PC gaming, sure. PSVR2 for PC gaming? Maybe? But I think most would buy Quest 3. Beyond that? Who's going to buy weird proprietary earbuds that say Playstation on them and a streaming handheld that can't stream anything but a local PS5, or even use BT headphones? If only they had another brand that made more electronics that were more universal in nature. They could call it "Sunny" or something.
They need to release a USB wireless adapter for connecting the Dualsense to PC. A wired connection is still required to enable ALL features (I know adaptive triggers work via Bluetooth, but haptics do not).
Yes, but I’m lazy. I might look into but it was just quicker to buy a new one.
They'll need to start providing Windows drivers that work seamlessly and effortlessly.
Microsoft controllers, being first party, are recognised natively with the built in Xbox app allowing custom settings and adjustments.
The generic "game controller" driver in Windows is fine in a pinch, but if Sony hope to convince people without a Playstation to purchase a controller for their PC they'll need to provide dedicated drivers with an app interface as other third party controllers do.
Drivers that is, not expensive adapters.
I've never had a problem with stick drift, however it took me ages for my hands to get used to the dualsense (hand cramps).
My son got the Spider-man dualsense, and that got drift within a month.
I wish they would make an asymmetrical DualSense and fix the battery life. Not gonna happen I know, so I use my xbox controllers on PC instead.
@Titntin Ah, I see. As I say, I'm lucky to have a tech friend to fix it, but I guess we can't all be so lucky! 😉
Make a handheld that actually play games natively and maybe I'll give you my money Sony.
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