Concord, the PS5 and PC shooter from PlayStation's own Firewalk Studios, will follow the Helldivers 2 blueprint of monetisation. That is to say, it'll cost you $40 / £35 upfront, and then it'll try and persuade players to cough up more cash for cosmetics. Just about everyone was expecting this to be the case, but we've now got confirmation from the developer itself.
"There are purely cosmetic pieces that you can choose to further customize the look of your character, that you can choose to purchase. Those do not affect gameplay. We believe so strongly that the full experience should be available to all of our players," director of IP Kim Kreines told VGC.
In turn, the model should allow Firewalk Studios to support Concord long-term. Kreines reveals that "new maps, new modes, and new characters" will be added over time, along with additions to the game's "unfolding story".
Now, obviously, this kind of monetisation has worked tremendously well for the aforementioned Helldivers 2 — but that's also an incredibly popular release. Neither game is free-to-play — so the companies involved are making money right off the bat — but we all know what happens when a live service title struggles to maintain a healthy number of players.
It's too early to say whether Concord might run into trouble on that front, but its upcoming beta should give us an idea as to how the full game will be received when it launches in August. Until then, let us know if you're looking forward to Concord in the comments section below.
[source videogameschronicle.com]
Comments 23
pay to play game with no free skins either, lol
Know what other game did this? Suicide Squad. Know what the playercount for that was on Steam yesterday? Between 50 and 180 throughout the entire day.
@Golem25 Not exactly comparable are they?
This is exactly what you should expect. Hats off to Sony for at least not over monetising their multiplayer games - in contrast with almost every other publisher.
No idea if this will be worth playing, but some people I trust who have played it now are stating the gameplay is really good, so I hope some people like it.
True but SS was a full 70 pound game not 35
So a bit different, the barrier to entry is much lower
@Golem25 Helldivers 2 also does the same 🤷♂️
Have not heard anyone talk about this one in the slightest. Zero interest from myself
I don’t mind that at all but they can still throw in the odd free ones as a bonus to all
£35 for the game when most competitors games are free to play and dont require ps+ to play
@Golem25 Didn't Suicide Squad have paid battle passes? Or a season pass? That's not remotely the same thing.
The closest recent title is, as mentioned, Helldivers 2. What are HD2's numbers? And sales?
I'm all for being wary of Concord, but don't make unfair comparisons to try and predict a failure. Not when there are better, fairer comparisons available. Especially when those were already made.
Plus, don't discount the price difference between Suicide Squad and the aforementioned titles. That plays a huge part.
Maybe it's my age or the fact that for many, many years there was no such thing as cosmetic DLC because games just had everything available at release, but what is the draw to spending money on cosmetics when they do absolutely nothing for gameplay?
I get story DLC, or perhaps adding new characters with new abilities and playstyles, or even maps with new layouts/strategies as those things actually add to the game. But paying money solely to turn a weapon into a green zebra print weapon? I don't get it.
To me it's equivalent to taking your paycheck and running it through a shredder.
Seems like people are rooting for this game to fail. Disappointing. I maintain it’s not my cup of tea and a bit of a shameless trend chaser but it’s clearly a polished, well put together title.
This is great news and cements my day one purchase. Hopefully there's regular free battle passes so there's something to keep playing for other than rank.
@GamingFan4Lyf taking their parents paycheck* And therein lies the answer. Kids are stupid with money so like to dress up their characters in games that they play a lot, just to be 'unique'.
I suppose all these games are this generations: sticker albums, pokemon, tamagochis, fidget spinners. It's all just an endless cycle of waste based around current trends, but at least it's digital, I guess, even if it doesnt actually do anything 😅
We're all guilty of stuff like this when we're young, I suppose, but it does seem pretty pointless in the cosmetics case. I would say it's harmless, but part of me doesn't believe it is totally harmless, either, especially if it is stuff that really targets kids spending habits
Hate it when games do that, I like it when you can unlock new outfits.
This is giving “praise us for doing something we should be doing anyway” energy. This is literally the industry standard for 99% of PvP shooters. Of course it was gonna only be cosmetics, especially with it costing $40 out of the gate. They shouldn’t be praise for doing the bare ***** minimum
@Titntin Sony doesn’t even deserve that lol they literally doing the bare minimum in todays shooter market. It was expected that they would only do cosmetics, especially considering the game is $40.
You People sh#tting on and wanting a game to fail before release is complete stupidity. You do know if most of these live Service games fail that mean less single players games and new ip from Sony first party right.
Are there cosmetics to unlock in the game?
This isn’t a F2P game, you are paying 40$.
If you only get the game, then it doesn’t sound like a good deal compared to Helldivers 2 or other F2P games.
I mean it would be truly outrageous if they didn't, as other games are free and only do that.
@ThomasHL THANK YOU THATS WHAT IM SAYING!! This is the bare minimum thing the game needed to do.
@Jay767 the apprehension is warranted. Live service games are very hit or miss and most of the time they fail big time and numerous gamers are tired are live service games. Obviously the final verdict is gonna happen when the game comes out but this game has an up hill battle.
@GamingFan4Lyf I blame people who bought that stupid Oblivion horse armor DLC for 360. That was the main trigger that popularize cosmetic DLC.
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