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Final Fantasy XIV's eagerly-anticipated next expansion, Dawntrail, is almost upon us (launching 2nd July), and it could be the relaxing tropical holiday from reality you need. In a shockingly involved bit of marketing, Square Enix has whipped up an in-universe travel website that extolls the virtues of Tural, even roping in the ever-delightful Rhys Darby (Flight of the Conchords) to play its cheerful interim tourism director.

The website contains a wealth of information on the new content coming to the game, presented as a send-up of travel sites. There is a Things to Do section, "Job" adverts, and a primer on Turali culture. We particularly like the services in the Health and Wellness section. Cactuar acupuncture, anyone? How about some Moblin meditation?

What do you think? Would you be up for the adventure of a lifetime in sunny Tural? What do you think of Square Enix going all-in on an in-universe travel website? Immerse yourself in the crystal clear, inviting waters of the comments section below.
