Nintendo had Super Mario. SEGA had Sonic the Hedgehog. And 3DO had… GEX? Well, kinda. The James Bond-esque gecko debuted as a console exclusive on Trip Hawkins’ ill-fated format, but later launched on SEGA Saturn and PlayStation – before subsequent sequels launched first on Sony’s vastly more popular system.

While the original game was a 2D side-scrolling platformer, its subsequent sequels adopted a 3D perspective, following the enormous success of Crash Bandicoot and Super Mario 64. And you’ll be able to play all three titles in the GEX Trilogy, courtesy of Limited Run Games’ Carbon Engine. You can get a first look at the gameplay above.

To be brutally honest, the GEX games were never great, but they serve as an interesting snapshot of the 90s. For example, the second game in the series had a Titanic-themed level, which was exclusive to the Nintendo 64. Meanwhile, the third game had an anime-themed stage with mechs and schoolgirls.

This being a Limited Run Games joint, there’ll be physical editions available, with pre-orders scheduled to open in the fall. And while there’s no release date just yet, the entire bundle is expected before the end of the year.
