
We absolutely loved 2011’s launch game Uncharted: Golden Abyss on PS Vita, but it’s not necessarily a release you’d want your tentpole AAA title to be compared to. In the aftermath of last night’s Ubisoft Forward livestream, where Star Wars Outlaws looked largely outstanding in our opinion, media has been publishing impressions – and they’re pretty scathing.
Look, you all know the drill by now: previews, by and large, usually have a positive spin. Even we’re guilty of falling for the clichés, like “it’s early days, but Massive Entertainment still has a few months to polish things up”. There’s none of that in this round of previews: Eurogamer.net’s describing the release as “worryingly dated”.
“Outlaws' early gameplay feels positively ancient – not only mechanically but in execution, in its near total lack of character, flair, invention, detail, or style,” the report reads. “In trying to describe it, the closest comparison I can draw is with Uncharted: Golden Abyss, which launched in 2011 on the PS Vita.”
It does go on to explain that demo was limited in scope, and “there’s every chance things are far better when positioned among the full thing”. But it criticises the simplicity of the gameplay, and while it concedes there’s nothing necessarily wrong with titles that have a “mechanical light touch”, it concludes the release feels like a “clear step beyond approachable and into something potentially bland”.
Other outlets have been similarly critical with PC Gamer arguing it’s a little “too safe” and “basic”. Of course, this is all based on a very short, unfinished slice of gameplay, so it’d be unfair to read too much into things. Still, we hope this project comes together, because we personally like what we’ve seen on various streams; we’ll have a full hands on report from Los Angeles imminently.
[source eurogamer.net]
Comments 66
I am firmly on the positive side of this game after its fantastic showing this weekend. I will, from now on, only agree with articles that confirm my bias...
Shots fired! Doesn’t bode well for this considering its launch is so close. I honestly didn’t enjoy the demo shown at Ubisoft’s showcase, found it was really slow and uneventful with lots of pointless walking and ship travel.
How are they so full of braindamage at Ubisoft to not understand that building a franchise requires the first game to be GOOD. Polished, well written, awesome world interaction/ game design, immersion, I can go on naming everything they've done wrong the past decade, but it's way too much.
Wby can't they learn from their own lessons? Why can't they just deliver something good for once ffs, I'd LOVE to support their awesome projects, but it's always so goddamn mediocre. They never come close to meeting their potential. Pisses me off
I am safe and basic so this works for me.
Id have to agree sadly...all throughout the gameplay i just felt bored 🙂
Gosh, a Ubisoft game being mediocre in perceived play style/mechanics? I am shocked, SHOCKED I say!
I thought the promotional footage they showed looked really good, but this is concerning. Watching a game and playing a game are certainly two independent experiences.
I guess it depends, Watch Dogs 2 doesn’t exactly have revolutionary gameplay but it’s maybe my favourite GTA clone. We’ll see what it’s like when it arrives, previews are notoriously polarised because that’s what gets clicks, whether it’s negative or positive.
@nessisonett Yea I bought that only because a friend wanted me to play with him and I ended up getting the Platinum. Sometimes its nice to get something simple and expected and sometimes you want something new and unique. This game looks like its going to work for me.
I was considering at launch after the UBI direct yesterday, but now I’m gonna hold back for sure.
As once you have spent the money it’s gone.
There was one thing that caught my eye in the preview that I wasn't keen on, it was the short animation sequence when she punches someone. It happened multiple times and gave me the impression there isn't any variety to the close combat animations.
Other than that I thought the rest of it looked great. In spite of what's being said I'm still looking forward to seeing how it comes together.
I watched Skill Up's impressions video and he seemed much more positive, although did also class it in way that could be considered 'safe'.
Think it looks good, but to each their own.
"“too safe” and “basic”."
So what you're saying is that it's a classic Ubisoft game? 🤔
@dskatter To be fair, Ubisoft has studios of different approach and ambition. Ubi Montpellier made the great Rayman games and the latest Prince of Persia. Ubi Mainz is responsible for the Anno, Ubi Milan for the Mario + Rabbits games.
Who is expecting the collaboration between Ubisoft (a game maker known for its good visuals but very boring and repetitive gameplay, while forcing mtx onto players) and Star Wars (a franchise that didn't output anything good nor original except Andor since Disney bought it) to be anything else than a visually exciting but boring and safe mess?
I mean Golden Abyss was a great game so if anything I'm kind of more excited honestly. 😅
I thought it looked great, personally.
It won’t be very good, this isn’t surprising at all. It looked this way from the start.
But don’t trash Golden Abyss like that, that was a good game.
I also thought it looked really good and a lot of fun. Wait and see but unless it gets completely awful reviews, I'll probably pick this up, maybe in a sale.
Fingers crossed early impressions aren't accurate!
I’ve got a bad feeling about this
Comparing a game to PS Vita should be regarded as highest form of respect, at least in my circles
I thought it looked pretty good, but we all like different things. The previews have been a bit polarising though. SkillUp liked it and him and I see eye to eye on games more often than not, so that's my best bench mark so far, outside the trailers.
Yeah that didn't look good.
It looks like AC in space and I kinda dig that
Ubisoft games are safe, samey and often very long but I love them. Can't wait for this one.
its one persons opinion at Eurogamer now owned by IGN
enough said
I enjoyed nearly all the Ubisoft franchises like Far Cry 6 and Watch Dogs Legion, plus the AC games. I don't need constant innovation and change just a fun star wars game is good enough for me.
I just go by my own eyes and that works for me. I'll probably be playing this on Ubisoft+ and if I like the game I'll pick it up on discount after a month.
Gimme a helpful, cute pet in a safe and basic Star Wars game and I'm sold. Looking forward to it.
I was sort of torn on whether or not I should pick this one up, given that this year’s sort of felt like a gaming drought for me, so I was itching to preorder something, anything that looked like it might be really solid, but those previews really sort of pushed me over the edge… and away from the game. The Star Wars burnout is just too strong with the force on me, I guess, and then watching the gameplay was sort of meh. AC Shadows looked much more interesting. Not sure I could do two big Ubi titles in one year, so I decided to go with my gut and preorder Shadows… and Black Myth as my August game instead of this one. Man, I’m excited to have some new games to look forward to though. Happy that one of them is an Ubisoft title too. Feels like Ubisoft is really on the upslope with the quality of their games the last year or so.
Well, Skill Up enjoyed his time with it so as long as it gets the star wars stuff right and feels like a lived in star wars world, I'm okay with no ground breaking mechanics. I already know it's going to be a division style shooter with stealth mixed in. I'm in it to explore the world and be a bounty hunter in it.
@Max_the_German My statement stands, since those massive underwhelming games overshadow the gems like Mario + Rabbids and the others, sadly. :/
@somnambulance Oof. You preordered? Did we not learn from prior examples like Cyberpunk and such not to do this in general?
Not sure what anyone actually expected?
Have ubisoft pulled the wool over people's eyes?
Safe and basic is exactly what they do.
Come on assassin's creed has basically been the same gameplay loop since forever and the only draw for those games is if your interested in the settings they are based.
I mean the only game they dared to venture into was a bare bones version of the ship battles from black flag and look what happened.
They have to play safe
Meh whatever, looks great to me. Let’s see how reviews pan out. Not every game has to be the second coming of Jesus in the gameplay department. A simple, but fun, game can bring a lot of people joy, especially in the Star Wars universe. And ESPECIALLY because it is not focused on the Jedi for once!
I've been reading PCGamer and Eurogamer for many years.
10 years ago I would have respected their writeups, PCGamer articles are just weird soapboxes anymore and Eurogamer has turned into-lyrical flowery prose diarrhea of the keyboard articles disguised as gaming
@dskatter I preorder games pretty regularly. I’ve already played all the old games I want to play. I’ve been gaming since the NES and have been about as up to date as you can get. I’m looking forward. I currently have six preorders hanging out there, seven if you count Erdtree. I like having things to look forward to. And also, I don’t mind some jank. The PS360 era was such fun for all the jank you could find.
And, with Cyberjunk, I actually did NOT preorder it, but got it for free on Stadia. It was alright. It was buggy and all that, but my gripes with that game were more or less that I thought it was sort of a boring story. Even with its whole redemption arc, I still don’t think the game is that good.
You only need to press about 3 buttons in Assassin's Creed games "direction, parkour, assassinate" they aren't games you want to look at too deeply in terms of gameplay, but it doesn't mean they aren't fun enough 😅
Skillup was reasonably positive and I thought it looked to be unpretentious fun, from the gameplay shown. I get the challenge gland exercised adequately by an abundance of Fromsoftware. I will be keeping an eye on this galaxy...
I never could force myself to finish Golden Abyss, but I think Outlaws looked fantastic! Will be playing 3 days early, that's for sure.
Eurogamer gave UC: Golden Abyss a 8/10. It was a fun game despite some flaws here and there. So why they make it as if it's a negative comparisson for this game? Lel, sometimes i just don't get gaming journalist, especially the ones who can't even pass Cuphead tutorial or Dark Souls / Sekiro first boss then complaint Souls series needs a difficulty options.
And i don't remember a Star Wars game who offered a revolutionary or experimental gameplay. I played Star Wars games from SNES like Super Star Wars, Phantom Menace PS1, then Battlefront to Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order and all of them has safe / basic gameplay that other games already did. They still pretty fun to play though which is the important thing.
So i'm not sure why Eurogamer suddenly think this Star Wars game will offer new, revolutionary, and experimental gameplay. I don't even remember Ubisoft said they will do some experimental stuff with this game. Huh...
@OldGamer999 This is why I’ll be subscribing to Ubi+ and trying it on Series X worst case I’m out $18 for a 30 day sub.
They can’t help themselves can they?!? They always have something lurking in the background with these trailers. If the games not good as it is they need to postpone and take the L on contract obligations in order to make sure it’s worthy of the high price they deem their games to be. Otherwise this is likely going to be one of those Ubisoft games that quickly fills up second hand store shelves
This is just a rehash of an article from Eurogamer! If I wanted to read it, I'd read it there. Summarising another website's game preview does not an original article make!
Eurogamer are the type to give a well received game a 1/5. They can't be trusted at all.
That's disappointing to hear, I thought it looked a few cuts above the low bar of Ubisoft AAAA games, along with AC Shadows. I thought they were turning things around finally. I still think with Massive working on it there's got to be more to it somehwere.
@Medic_alert "I am so fed up of having to learn a game like it is some sort of job. " So much this, from the soulsbornes to the RPGs with myriad complex systems....I love Atlus, but..... And I say this as someone how hopelessly addicted to FFXIV where if you suck at your role actual humans actually get angry with you.... But yeah...
It's sticking to a basic overused formula and relying on the brand to sell it.
I think Eurogamer are being slightly harsh singling this out for it as I am sure we could name countless other games that do that.
I think it's simply going to be one of those games that if you love Star Wars you will have a blast and if you don't you might not find much to enjoy about it.
Sounds very familiar either way.
@NEStalgia @Medic_alert Oh I agree with this so much and it really hit home quite recently. Got a new game had worked a 60 hour week so far thought I'll get some downtime before the next day and try this out. Got maybe 75% through a tutorial section and it was time to hit the sack ready to do it all again tomorrow.
Some games are just a bit too much these days.
Watching the presentation last night, this Outlaws IP left me with the distinct impression that it's nothing but an
Assassin's Creed game set "in galaxy far far away"
Then the next thought was: why did I even hope this would be something completely different? To paraphrase a known quote :
"THIS IS UBISOFT!" AC is their biggest asset, of course they're gonna milk every mechanic from it that they can.
But as many will eventually do (even if they admit it or not), I'm gonna still give it a go, 'cause it looks fun-enough.
Not gonna invest the full price though, gonna take a month of ubisoft+, 'cause it's cheaper, safer, less risky. Just like the game itself.
@Olmaz Mandalorian is excellent. Rouge One fantastic. Ashoka is decent if a bit out there. Actually don't mind most of the new stuff. People forget Star Wars created for Kids/Families. Not super needs that are over analysing ever single thing. For the record I class myself as a Star Wars nerd also so i will be buying the game lol. That's the beauty of opinions I suppose.
Now there’s a good trick I could as well.
I shall wait for reviews first.
But hoping the games is amazing.
I like division 2 so if its the same programmer, i think i will like this game.
Not to mention everything disney Star wars lately is woke garbage...i hope they dont go too far with this one and we can enjoy gaming a little...
@Medic_alert Yep the one game I nearly canned off for that and I'm glad I didn't was Red Dead Redemption 2. I would have missed out on an epic but the prologue and tutorial I was so close to giving up.
@Medic_alert I have beaten FFVII Rebirth twice and even with chapter select and stats carrying over on the second play through I was still randomly selecting upgrades.
Games beatable only using a few abilities rest are literally pointless.
@Discol76 I can guarantee you I'm not forgetting SW is meant for kids/teenagers... I'm a father and a teacher, I can't miss it even if I wanted to!
Now, since we're sharing opinions : Mandolarian season 1 was a one-trick poney that hinged on nostalgia. Season 2 was bad and revisiting S1 after watching the rest is difficult without nostalgia-tinted glasses.
Rogue One is vastly overrated, especially for the fact that almost every character except the droid is uncharismatic and really not important character material.
Ahsoka is one big pile of feminist propaganda retconning loved characters in a non sensical and almost unwatchable state. The only way to make it watchable ls to go see the fanedit making it into a 3 hour long movie (I would advise anyone wanting to watch the new Star wars content without submitting themselves to hours of very bad TV to hunt down fanedits, I can help).
Now where we agree is that SW nerds will still watch and buy day one every SW content ... even though they'll criticize it almost every time.
Opinions he!
I’m gonna be completely real, I don’t have the slightest bit of knowledge of this game, but the article title caught me offgaurd so hard i had my loudest laugh in the evening.
I don't really care. I'm already sold on what I've seen. I've been sold on it since it was revealed. Still really looking forward to it.
Even if you would describe it as Ubisoft in space, I'd rather play that than Star Wars games that border on being soulslike games. It looks like it's going to be fun, and definitely feels like you're in a Star Wars world. I'll take fun.
@JohntheRaptor Hey, can you tell me what well received game that Eurogamer gave 1/5? I'm curious what they wrote about it.
@Pistolega …I feel attacked.
carefully doesn’t look at the shelf of Funko Pops in my home office
It's something Star Wars hasn't done before and still gives off 1313 vibes not a lot but still. It takes the loading approach of space travel from No Man's Sky regions/sectors for planets so that's good then Starfield being too much loading. If the things to do vary then sure but yes there is a reason I care about playgrounds not theme park/holiday destination open worlds. Meaning I don't buy many because their movesets or missions are so boring.
But a Uncharted GA/Vita comparison. What does that even mean. It's a good game. I never had issues with prequels, spinoffs or using the gimmicks of the handheld. It wasn't fluff. I get the Ubisoft formula or tech demo or whatever other logic that's a bit much but that's why I seek gameplay not personality/roleplaying/world/graphics/story I only do as a secondary or Spec Ops The Line because it's themes were a fair justification because it's gameplay was fine but it's got ok points of arcade entertainment than real. Most if not all video game stories do things.... I don't care for them.
That and I guess while not into minigame/mission based platformers it does come from that side for me. Which is why open worlds don't appeal to me a lot, hubs sure but hub sized levels in platformers to hub/open world games it's like what am I actually getting excited about. Typical setpieces, not as fun platforming or level design that varied because it's so walkable not fun verticality or events taken place because we HAVE to have NPCs and have to have straightforward environments.
To me Fenix Rising made it clear to me besides their other open worlds i don't play (only care for their linear older games Rayman, Prince of Persia, their older shooters or hub based ones of Red Steel 2) compared to a Jak 2/3, Infamous Second Son, Gravity Rush, Sunset Overdrive is how they do the open world missions/side content balance and the movesets or vehicles.
I mean I'm not interested in this game but if people want a SW GTA then who expects that level of interactivity. I mean if were talking any weapons dropped or just places to go, or be whatever SW alien (so maybe even Renegade Squadron customisation) or other things I mean they can put many things in games but who knows. I mean Skull and Bones we all know that the devs wanted authenticity yet the devs too interested in their world to remember people wanted a game. There is trying to differentiate it and getting to into their own project and what they like as fans of the ships/period they are going for of setting.
Gameplay suffers when not focused on yet we see it a lot in games. My mindset on gameplay is very strict but I mean with how boring games are these days of personality/roleplaying or just not enough level design or tricks it's all just RPG like in the boring combat or level design sense it's why I find so many games boring. So 'outdated' or 'modern' design happens but the modern design is so lacking interactivity I get bored.
I want to 'play' in the world, not feel like someone passing through for the sake of it because they string things but it isn't fun. Linear made me appreciate how balanced they are. Open worlds have more gaps of travelling yet also a lot of things to do but I don't find any of those stops 'FUN' as say puzzles, boring structures, eh combat encounters and boring quests of talking and RPG level benefits. Forget spraying walls in Infamous or other minigame style missions just boring adventure style missions I don't even remember the dialogue because the characters are boring and doing it because have to or because it's there. I don't want to do things for characters and the reward of gear is boring versus gear of interacting with the world to do a puzzle (platforming logic for me) not always combat with more stats that are slowly growing that's not exciting to me.
I get the Watch Dogs Legion comparisons but at the same time even if the characters or world wasn't much at least the idea was cool even if so 'open' it wasn't strict enough of using characters as I think it could have. Heck GTA5 has the personality but I just don't get the controls. I've had more fun with other games with crime themes due to the gameplay. I don't care about the satire/world of GTA never appealed to me.
Then again when people want cinematic games we get basic movesets, formulaic animations and typical AI. It's why Unrecord was so impressive of more fluent animations even if hard to make out how accurate it was.
I don't expect that to happen this gen at all AI/animations being less typical. Give me a robot enemy that loses or gains abilities from others in a hive network way or copies your moves more than just a Dark Link or the going back against you of Pitfall the Lost Expedition when they use your gear and your an animal spirit.
But when Indies disappoint with movesets (depends where you look in some genres, some just focus on world/the hits of the past then actually good ideas, others do amazing jobs with playing off the old or their new ideas entirely, it varies, Platformer/racing Indies suck but puzzle, metroidvania/roguelikes have had some good ideas).
AAA do and games I didn't care about do I mean what else am I to expect. I think this game will be fine but what do people want.
I get the Ubisoft business model yes, but the gameplay I mean I notice the little things.
Even Rise of the Ronin the little details I noticed in gameplay/menus or scenarios I thought were cool but no one talks about them. They stood out to me besides the story and decisions to make/scenario. Minor but still something.
(the problem I find is so many devs want the worlds/dialogue and the roleplaying to be the factor but the gameplay isn't exciting me at all it's why I seek out 20 year old games and compare to modern is what has or hasn't been done, what would be fresh again, what ideas I see with an experimental mindset which is why my Foamstars/Biomutant thoughts of lacking ideas or the dumbed down Kitty in the Big City of wow cuteness over gameplay depth) but I still didn't want to play it. They aren't my type of game. But because I have someone that does play these types of games I get a sense of what is going on in them with each of the details in them as a gameplay person not a world/characters story first type. If the movesets and level design are good I care but otherwise the world is secondary to me of personality.
Being a Star Wars fan I was not stricken by the demo they presented. In fact at one point I actually dozed off. That’s not a good sign. Plus it’s the most expensive game I have seen on the store which is turning me off.
Looks great to me. Still really looking forward to playing it.
Safe and basic huh? Kinda like naming Spiderman 2 GOTY?
Nowadays anything Star Wars related is just pure cancer. The brand is wrecked beyond any hope of repair.
Maybe I’m alone but I don’t mind if the game play isn’t revolutionary, so long as it’s serviceable . A gorgeous open world Star Wars game with a good story is fine by me 🙂
In all seriousness, I only have a few, and they’re all opened. I don’t collect these things.
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