We've been banging on about Warhammer 40k: Space Marine 2 looking really good for months now, and so we recommend giving this new gameplay overview a watch. Clocking in at six minutes, it covers everything from the single-player campaign to co-op and competitive multiplayer. All in all, it's shaping up to be a pretty robust package.
We should be seeing even more of Space Marine 2 in the coming weeks and months, as the marketing machine ramps up ahead of the game's 9th September release date. But at this point, just about the only thing that we haven't seen — again, from a marketing perspective — is a lengthy slice of uncut gameplay. Hopefully that's heading our way soon.
Do you have high hopes for Space Marine 2? Stand against the armies of chaos in the comments section below.
Comments 19
I hope it's gonna be cross play with pc, so i can play with my friends
Possibility of couch co-op?
I hope Titus meets Leandros again. That will be a scene worth watching.
My body is ready!!!
For the Emperor! This looks great. First one was brilliant so glad they’ve built on that in seemingly every way.
Looks like Gears of War meets Days Gone meets Outriders
I don't know anything about Warhammer 40K but i owned the 1st Space Marine and quite enjoyed it despite some tech issues.
But looks like they spent a lot of budget for the sequel, although the gameplay doesn't look that different compare to the first game.
Gonna be funny when space marine 2’s PvP mode completely kicks concord’s ass.
Looking forward to this but the big delay isn't inspiring confidence.
@Fishmasterflex96 It dependes, looks? Sure. Gameplay? Maybe it won't be as simple. Concord looks generic but behind it there's a lot of veterans who know what the are doing. Actually gameplay is the only hope that game has to save itself from failure.
@GymratAmarillo gonna need more than that. The gameplay needs to be so ***** good and a masterpiece to stand a chance and it’s mtx need to be so minimal. It’s insane they didn’t have it playable at SGF. Like if you think the game is gonna be good then why not have it playable to spread good previews about it. It’s insane how hard PlayStation is fumbling the bag with this game.
Ok … wow
Had this not on my watchlist at all.
I just hope it's not gonna be super bloated and forcefully complex.
@Fishmasterflex96 Making a playable demo just for SGF is wasting developers time when next month they will have an open beta weekend where more people can try Concord.
@PuppetMaster are you stupid?? They wouldn’t need to make a demo just literally bring in the playable version of the game. 99% of the internet is ***** on this game so giving game media a chance to play it and if it’s good spread the word would absolutely have been a good idea. The other hero shooter fragpunk greatly benefited from having a playable build there. It would have benefited them to try to spread any good will they could take.
As a Tau player I so hope I get to tear apart some Ghostkeels or Riptides. I know it’s probably unlikely we’ll see much ourside of Chaos, demons, and Nids but a man can dream
@Fishmasterflex96 "are you stupid?? They wouldn’t need to make a demo just literally bring in the playable version of the game"
You mean you want them to bring unfinished and still have a lot of bugs version for people + the media to try and you expect positive words? Lol you need a fking mirror for calling me stupid.
Buddy... Concords of the Galaxy is gonna be playable for everyone in a month... You still think the game is in a state of "unfinished and still have a lot of bugs "?
"Betas" nowadays are just early access, they rarely change anything from the Beta build to the actual game. Even if the game is still being polished, 100% they have polished a few maps and characters to where they could have shown a build at SGF.
It would have greatly helped change the narrative for the game if they would have too, FishMaster is right.
Reminds me of how when everyone saw the initial trailer for Foam Stars we all thought the game looked like a stupid rip off of Splatoon (which it was). But after SGF 23' there were a bunch of people from the gaming media saying that they played Foam Stars and that the game was actually a lot of fun.
That definitely helped the game, and got some people excited for its launch.
But sadly, the game was what we all thought it was at first sight, and now NO ONE is playing Foam Stars.
So even if the media would have came out and talked up Concord, the game would have to be actually good, fun to play, and not an Overwatch clone, in order to actually grow traction with a big fanbase.
So I wouldn't say either of you are stupid, but I would say that PuppetMaster is being a bit ignorant to where that game currently is in its development cycle.
Also... I just saw that this is a Game Pass title... God Damn! PS+ better have a wayyyy better month the next couple of months! I really havent found any games that I havent already owned/played that PS+ gave me in quite a while that I have been stoked on.
@PuppetMaster …. If the game isn’t ready to be played by people in June, then how is it going to be ready in July? If Firewalk isn’t confident in their game that they spent over 5 years making and is Dated for release in a little over 2 months then this game is utter trash.
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