Date Everything is a refreshing take on the ordinarily mundane human courtship process. It allows players to romance more than 100 fully voice-acted anthropomorphic objects, which can be found around the house, collecting them all in your Date-a-Dex. How about that hunky Hoover, huh?

Everything leads to love in Date Everything, and sparks may fly in one room, leading to jealousy and hurt feelings in the next. We're pretty intrigued by the premise and the idea of a sandbox sim set entirely inside a regular house. There's no firm release date for this one yet, but it was developed by Sassy Chap Games and published by Team 17, so it's bound for PS5 at some point.

Do you feel strongly about an appliance or item in your house? Could you imagine if your ex were also your refrigerator? In the comments section below, find love wherever you go.
