With the always-rowdy Helldivers 2 community more upset with the state of the game currently than ever before, it really was only a matter of time before a splinter group of extremists would secede from Super Earth. Dubbed "Chaosdivers", this small but extremely vocal faction is mostly posting memes for now, but that it even exists at all proves how perilous the situation has become.
These traitor-divers have organised within a small but growing subreddit (thanks, GamesRadar+), with their stated aim being the destabilisation of Super Earth, AKA developer Arrowhead (in-game, that is, we're pretty sure). With the relentless forces of the Automatons within striking distance of Super Earth itself for the first time, this rebellious faction is actively recruiting, preaching civil disobedience at the worst possible moment, encouraging players to ignore Major Orders in order to bring the entire fragile system down from within.
From what we've determined, these "Chaosdivers" believe this act of rebellion to be just and that Super Earth has actively undermined the war effort, sending faulty, sub-par weaponry to the front (Escalation of Freedom nerfs), and a revolution is required. Further, "good Chaosdivers" don't grief or teamkill loyalists just trying to have a good time, but they do preach dissent and sedition in chat, ignoring any and all directives from Super Earth or any of its imperialist representatives.