The fiendishly addictive collectable card game Queen's Blood, largely responsible for Final Fantasy VII Rebirth's incredible runtime (probably), will return in expanded form in the as-yet-unnamed sequel and conclusion to the Remake trilogy.
That confirmation comes from the producer, Naoki Hamaguchi, who revealed the happy news at Otakon 2024, which was attended by streamer Neo Aoshi (thanks, Genki): "Right now, we are preparing a revamped, even better version of Queen's Blood for the next title."
Queen's Blood continues the long tradition of excellent Final Fantasy card-based minigames, with Final Fantasy IX's Tetra Master and VIII's immaculate Triple Triad being particularly hard acts to follow. Thankfully, the grid-based Queen's Blood has proven a hit with modern fans, although it remains to be seen how the strategic, surprisingly involved card game stands the test of time.
Were you a fan of Queen's Blood? Are you looking forward to an expansion of the addictive card game? Make a bold opening gambit in the comments section below.
[source x.com]
Comments 29
I’ll take it as a standalone game too if Square’s in the mood for that.
I usually never care about card games within games (I didnt even care about Gwent in TW3) but I really liked Queens Blood so thats good to hear
too much bloat in Rebirth
@trev666 You can skip most of the "Bloat"..
Yes they wen't a bit over the top with the mini games in this one.
But I personally think that Queen's Blood was a great addition.
But they could have skipped the frog game and the Tifa gym mini game (you know of which I speak).
Those were challenging while not being fun or having any significance in the story at all. And the rewards was "meh..". so it ended up just feeling frustrating
The Final Fantasy 7 remake reminds me of the Hobbit films - one game's worth of story stretched out over three games for no reason.
Heaven spare us if this is the intended strategy for the rest of their remakes.
It was a fun card game. Pretty easy but the interactions were entertaining. Hopefully we can challenge Sephiroth to a game, that would make a perfect ending to the story.
@trev666 perhaps but skip it. You didn't have to play one card game in the whole game to progress
@trev666 This is the first time i heard someone called optional mini-games in RPG as "bloated". It's weird if i'm looking at people who complaint and demands devs to put a lot of contents worth hundreds of hours every time they spend 60-70 bones for an AAA game, not just RPG. FF XVI also got this complaint that the game is "too short".
But now some people complaint that FF VII Rebirth offered contents including optional that worth 80-100 hours of playing time if they're a completionist.
Sweet news, I enjoyed Queen's Blood.
@PuppetMaster The whole negative discourse surrounding Rebirth and its optional content is incredibly weird and tiresome.
People are getting increasingly incapable of either taking their time to enjoy the smaller things in games, or simply moving on from them without getting annoyed at their mere existence. And heavens forbid they've got to engage with a secondary activity for all of five introductory minutes over the course of the critical path.
I cared about Queen's blood more than I did the actual story. So bringing it back makes me happy. Hope they expand upon it a bit and have more tournaments,
@Gaia093 @PuppetMaster
Here's the thing:
Different people have different views so of course there are people complaining about too much and too little content. This is why you should never aim to please everyone.
And sorry, but I do not think that it is true that modern gamers are incapable of "enjoying the smaller things in games" when we live in a universe where Minecraft exists. There are streams with tens of thousands of viewers where someone just grinds one building material for hours and hours at a time.
@Gaia093 I think the negativity is due to some irritating and unnecessarily difficult mini games,
Personally the only one I struggled with was the stupid cactaurs, when your forced to use Aerith, i don't like her playstyle at all,.so I was mad 🤣
But it also seems people.has less and less time these days, so maybe just don't want 40hrs of mini games
Was good, but nowhere near to triple triad
I enjoyed Queen's Blood (completed the related storyline too) but I kinda feel like I had just enough of it at this point.
The combat in these games has way too much jank for them to be stressing about a card game. Maybe they could do something about that first?
That's fantastic can't wait to play it in 2028 or 2029.
I’ve been winning matches fairly well on queens blood, winning/winging same difference 😁. It’s good but its no Triple Triad!! And let me use the theme music square
@jrt87 You don't need silly mini-games in RPG then just play the main story. Simple. You don't need to finish squat challenge to finish FF VII.
@LifeGirl I don't think making side contents like mini-games means "to please everyone", especially when RPG like FF always has mini-games since the 1st game. Mini-games is pretty much a staple to FF series and a lot of people love it. The original FF VII itself has plenty of mini-games.
@Gaia093 Ikr. And people nowadays loves jumping to the hate bandwagon. They see some big influencer / youtuber yapping about "we don't need mini-games in RPG" or "FF VII Rebirth is too long because the mini-games" then they quickly agreed with that take :/
I know some people who hated Blitzball in FF X but i personally love it. Not just it is fun to the point i spent a lot of hours recruiting characters to build my ultimate team and won the league multiple times, but Blitzball makes Sphira quite unique compare to other FF worlds. I'm sad when X-2 doesn't have Blitzball which is one of many reason why i dislike X-2
@PuppetMaster who hates blitzball!!! That's like blasphemy
Cool, at least we know we will get to play QB on PS6 even if it’ it’s not backwards compatible.
Queens Blood was good, a nice step up from triple triad. I hated the card game in 9, it was like they said, "OK, how do we make triple triad too confusing and unplayable?" 😜 So I'm glad they're bringing the card game back, but hopefully it's just a game and they don't spend any time coming up w/ it's own JRPG storlyne and characters, save that for the main storyline.
Also, the protorelic minigames were all some of th eworst I've ever seen in a JRPG. Those tower defense games were almost worse than they were in the original game. And what sucks is they have one of the best side storys in the game locked being something nobody in my house wanted to slog through. We had to change it to "Easy" just to get it over with. 😩 Gilgamesh was great though. Hope they bring him back. 👍
They really need to release this on PS5, save the Complete Edition $150 remaster for PS6.
Damn, that was such a timesink. And being who I am I had to go for 100% and torture myself with all these way too many minigames.
But a lot of people seemed to like it so I guess it makes sense to include it again ><
I normally skip all the side quests and mini games (I don’t have enough gaming time to try and 100% games anymore)—but I found Queen’s Blood to be pretty engaging. I think it would do really well as a cell phone game.
@Uromastryx I had a bit of argument with those people years ago. They said Blitzball was boring and i like bruh, it is one of the best mini-games FF series ever had!
@trev666 CUT those out and you'll whine about it like FF13.
Absolutely loved queens blood. Would love more of it and would love being able to play against real people online.
Rebirth is my GOTY for now. Adored it. 120 hours
Queens Blood was addictive as crack, and rebirth was perfectly executed. Some peeps just can't be happy with anything except wining about stuff online instead of using constructive criticism for anything.
@PuppetMaster I think people want to see the game get finished. It's my almost all-time favorite on PS1 but i stopped caring ages ago and I'll get the complete package later on.
It took a while to click, but I had an absolute blast playing QB — made it all the way to the final opponent but never really took the time to try and beat them, as I was already close to the end of the main game, and well into the triple-digits, hours-wise — just wanted to see the end of it, by that point
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