Randy Pitchford must feel quite conflicted at the moment. As the boss of Gearbox, the studio behind the Borderlands franchise, it must be quite mind-blowing to see the series you helped create get a big budget movie adaptation. However, considering the catastrophic opening weekend sales figures, we reckon it’s probably quite heart-breaking, too.
Seemingly unable to distance himself from social media, Pitchford has gone through all the emotions on X (or Twitter) this weekend: excitement, elation, anger – you name it, he’s been there. However, among all the chaos, he also appears to have confirmed Borderlands 4 in the process. We suppose that’s not a huge surprise, but here we are.
“So what you're saying is: you like what my friends and I do with our Borderlands video games even more than you like what some of the biggest and best cast and crew of film makers on the planet have done,” he wrote in response to the film’s relatively negative reaction. “I’m super flattered! We're working extra hard four you on what’s next.”
That “four” in his message is not a typo, and is about as subtle as a brick.
Pitchford would end up going on to argue with fans and critics on social media over the course of the weekend, eventually blocking a handful of users as part of his tirade. He’d later go on to walk back some of his overreactions.
“I’m going to try and build a bridge here ‘cause I’m an idiot,” he said while retweeting a novel written by Paul Tassi, a gaming critic on Forbes. “Dude isn’t just a critic. Dude is out here making stuff – adding to the world. I respect that. I blocked him because I thought he was trying to hurt me and hurt something I love.”
We do understand it hurts to see something you have a personal attachment to criticised; this author feels exactly the same when someone speaks negatively about Push Square. Sometimes you just need to filter that feedback and try to take it on board, though. Pitchford has been in this industry long enough to know not to share every emotion he feels on social media.
Are you planning to watch the Borderlands movie? (2,469 votes)
- Yes, I'll be seeing it at the cinema
- Maybe, but I'll probably wait for streaming
- No, I'm really not a fan of Borderlands
[source x.com]
Comments 33
Randy Randy just being Randy.
Now that is what they need to make a film adaptation of. It'll print money.
Dude needs to go back to a flip-phone—no social media capabilities!
Boom problem solved!
God he’s a melt.
Considering how awful the writing of Borderlands 3 is, how forgettable Tiny Tina’s Wonderlands was and the insult of “DLC” that had and how much of a jackass this guy is, no thanks, I’m good.
Never liked borderlands.
Where’s the option for
“The movie looks like garbage, but I’m still a fan of the games.” Option
Borderlands is a great co-op game for gameplay, 2 being the best.
But outside of the same thing over and over, there’s nothing really there story wise to shout about.
Movie is still garbage though.
I hope he get a talented writer rather than the last one (borderland 3 writer).
@wiiware yeah I'd agree with this. It's a shame the writing was so poor because the gunplay and the character builds are excellent.
Randy Pitchford has always been a pathetic little cry baby at best and outright lying piece of .... at worst
As for Borderlands, I really enjoyed the second one amd put a ridiculous amount of time into it but never really got into number 3, as whilst the gameplay was better, the writing and characters were far less interesting
If I happen to catch the movie on TV at some point in the future I'll watch it but won't be going out of my way to see it
Pitchfork is the singular reason I refuse to play any new Borderlands game. Was a colossal ass-hat.
Borderlands 3's story was unfunny and a mess. I have very very low expectations for part 4.
It’s not hard to like the games “even more” than the movie, given what a steaming pile of crud the movie is.
Hard to fall off the floor, Randy.
Can't expect every movie out there to be a blockbuster hit, regardless of the cast.
I enjoy the games but I really have no interest in the movie.
@Jacko11 I agree.
Borderlands 1 created the recipe for humor + guns guns guns!, Borderlands 2 refined it. From there the games stopped evolving and became stagnant. It doesn't help Borderlands that Obsidian made The Outer World's which showed gamers how to do humor + guns guns guns in a better/more considered way.
"Pitchford would end up going on to argue with fans and critics on social media."
I see some things never change lol
Every often I think 'man, executives must be so smart to have reached such high positions' but then I remember Randy Pitchford exists.
Randy is "seemingly unable" to do many things - including keeping hold of USB sticks with sensitive material on it seems hmm.
@Yukairi tiny tina was great game it was just the end game was trash and BL3 story was bad but it had best gameplay out the other two.
I'm a fan of Borderlands (1 and 2, to a lesser extent 3), but don't have any desire to watch the film. Shouldn't there be an option for that on the survey?
On another note- I can't help but feel that the film has kinda forgotten what the initial 'hook' was for Borderlands; the uncannily inventive quality and quantity of guns. Sure the film has a lot of shooting (so it looks), but wheres the fun guns, and loot by the bajillion? Where's the class abilities? Krieg should be setting himself on fire and running around like a maniac, throwing tnt covered buzzsaws. But does he?
No wonder it flopped. 😌
@Slayer25c 3 has best gameplay but the characters are all so insufferable it ruins the entire experience. The mute button is essentially compulsory to get anything out of it. DLCs were great though from what I remember.
I don’t remember much about Wonderlands at all (only the DLC, and not for good reasons) and I have never had any desire to go back to it. I feel the novelty of Borderlands has worn off and maybe it should be left in the 2010s. I could be wrong though.
Where is the option for 'No, I'm a Fan of the games but still not interested in the movie'?
I own all the Borderlands main games (not tales from) and Tiny Tina's Wonderlands - spent hundreds of hours playing them but no interest in the movie!
I guess this is karma for Pitchfork. His sins from the past, Alien Colonial Marines and DNF, are catching up to him.
Add me to the list of likes the game but not interested in the movie from the trailers and reviews I have read.
Movies are movies and games are games. How many good movies or games are made about the other? Even tv series to movies or movies to tv series is a high odds gamble. Better odds are movies made from novels or short stories.
all they have to do is make borderlands 2 with a borderlands 1 skin but we know that ain’t happening - it’ll be more cringe fortnite modern audience garbo
@Slayer25c the gameplay isn’t all that special , borderlands 2 plays just fine , 3 does so much wrong
@nomither6 The fictional "modern audience" is major cringe. I haven't even bought a new game this year. I tuned out after Spider-man 2.
@Yukairi agree I hated they killed off maya off series ending decision for me permanently
Randy is the weirdest creep in the business. A sweaty, nasty binoculars in the back of a van type creep.
Borderlands 4 will just be the same as the others ...and while I enjoyed one game ...I have had enough of the formula
I sank over a hundred hours into Borderlands 2, single player only. I enjoyed the gunplay and thought the characters were pretty funny with their quips, particularly Handsome Jack. I'm now conflicted whether or not to get Borderlands 3 as the complete edition is 75% off, but I've heard the writing and cast isn't so good.
I enjoyed the movie. Went with a friend who hadn't played the games and he liked it too
You can always count on Pitchford to keep it classy.
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