We all know the deal with PS Plus Premium’s retro releases: Trophies are optional, and while that’s sometimes disappointing, if it ultimately means more games get emulated for contemporary consoles, then we’re largely fine with it. Of course, Sony has generally been adding trinkets to its titles for launch – and some third-party releases, like the recent Herc’s Adventures, have been updated to add gongs.
And while there was disappointment about the TimeSplitters trilogy initially, it looks like Trophies could be added at a later date.
News comes courtesy of PSN Profiles, where one eager fan contacted Deep Silver support for more information. “Trophies are considered and should be available in a future patch,” a company representative is reported to have responded. While we’re always sceptical of the overall knowledge of customer service departments, it doesn’t seem out of the realm of possibility, does it?
We’ll contact Deep Silver and see if we can get further confirmation. It’s worth noting that if Trophies do get added, they’re unlikely to be retroactive, so you may want to sit tight on your playthrough and wait for the update.
[source forum.psnprofiles.com]
Comments 19
I’m like ‘hooray’ but also like ‘oh god I should stop playing 2 immediately in case trophies don’t transfer’.
The first game is currently in the top ten in the UK on PSN, so it seems to be getting good play time.
@nessisonett Yeah, it's such a dilemma now. Especially when there's no date to look forward to. It could be weeks or could be months.
@AdamNovice I love the first one, played through it on easy yesterday and completed it in about an hour. Love the quick levels and replay ability of it. Such a good game especially for the time
@nessisonett why? The game is fairly short and you can just play again.
@LordFunkalot I bought it immediately as well but haven't played yet. I couldn't be happier to finally have a digital re-release of the original Timesplitters. 😄😍
@theSpectre I have several platinum trophies in Arcade and Challenge that took me a while and fairly certain were down to sheer luck, if the PS platinum relies on those then I’d rather not have to do too many again!
Nice! This makes my day!
What about online play for Future Perfect? It’s painful that it’s still in the menu but not available.
As much as I’d like to to play them now, I have too much to keep me busy and way more on the horizon, so I’m happy to wait for now. Would be great if they did add trophy support.
Why couldn’t they have just waited and released them WITH trophies. Waited 20 years since they first came out and then release it unfinished.
Currently playing through the trilogy on normal for the sake of nostalgia. Will save a hard playthrough for if the trophies arrive.
What!? I didn't know these games got re-released!
I'm confused though. I went to the PS store and it's only showing me the first game available for $10. Are 2 & 3 only available via Sony's online subscription?
@sketchturner, if you have the PS app on your phone, go onto TimeSplitters on the store, then click on Released 20/08/24 which should bring up the other games. I had this issue as well and took me some time to actually locate them on the store.
@BendyOtter Thanks! I was also able to figure it out by googling the name of the game, but man the PS Store app is not always very searchable!
I really wished they'd make their premium selection available for mobile platforms, either through stream or emulation. Of course I could just run ROMs and even do retroachievements, but I would love to get ps trophies... kinda silly, I know.
I just love playing the classics on the go.
Yeah I'll be waiting to get the trophy patch but it should've been there from the start.
@sketchturner they got released last week under ps plus premium
@jrt87 future perfect is bri5
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