Ubisoft has dropped a cinematic look at the open world of Assassin's Creed Shadows. The video's only a couple of minutes long, but it's clear that the developer's toiled over this recreation of 16th century Japan.
Opinions will always be divided over the series' most recent games and their RPG leanings, but we're huge fans of the open world artistry in Assassin's Creed Origins, Odyssey, and Valhalla. They're often stunning to behold, and Shadows' setting should continue that trend.
Plus, Shadows has an all-new season-based weather system, which can be glimpsed in this trailer. As you progress through the game, environments will change based on whether it's spring, summer, autumn, or winter, bringing different weather and lighting effects to the fore. It could be something quite special.
Of course, it's also worth pointing out that Shadows will be 'PS5 Pro Enhanced', so we're expecting some especially impressive visuals on Sony's upgraded system.
Are you looking forward to Assassin's Creed Shadows? Gawk off into the distance of the comments section below.
Comments 58
As someone whose first AC game was Odyssey, I am genuinely so excited for this one! The modern AC formula set in old Japan sounds (and looks, so far) to be something fantastic.
If this game fails, Ubisoft going to suffer one of the worst times in multiple years of their existence.
@Bamila this needs to fail. Ubisoft is one of the studios that use denuvo all the time. They deserve to fail
Glad this one is gonna be as historically accurate as having a fist fight with the pope or driving a military tank made of wood created by Da Vinci. 👌🏻
It's also cool to finally have another protagonist not native to the setting of the game, like Ezio in Constantinople.
I'll play it, but I've been burnt many times by Assassins Creed so I won't be playing it at full price
Imagine scouring Japanese history to find one anomaly that you build an entire game off of to just pretend you care about diversity. What a shame. They should have just celebrated the rich Japanese history in this game and made another game devoted to another culture. So many cultures out there with great stories that could be easily woven into a AC game. But that would have cost more than a token gesture.
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I've never been a big fan of the series (if you ask me, the original legitimately sucks), but I'm sold on this one. Love the setting, the gameplay looks better that the massive Origins-likes, the dual protagonists gimmick is fun.
Am I excited enough to buy it at launch? No. But when I see it 50% off next year, there's a decent chance I'll grab it.
Yeah there’s no way I buy this at launch. This game will be heavily discounted by February at the latest. Also, if it’s as bloated as Valhalla, it’ll be hard for me to commit to it
@RoomWithaMoose I never said I was upset. I simply pointed out the motive for why they did it. Good try on getting on your soapbox to cause drama. And if you had read my whole message you would have seen that I want them to explore other cultures.
Might get it at deep discount down the road, but only if trusted reviews are raving. Ubisoft = 🥱
For some reason a far east visitation doesn’t feel like it suits the series but we’ll see how it pans out ..
So is this one more RPG-ey like the Valhalla and Odyssey or closer to the last game that game out and the earlier titles?
@Lavishturtle How does Yasuke not fit into Japanese culture? He was a samurai? What about him does not fit with that culture? Spell it out.
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@RoomWithaMoose That's the spirit, keep trying.
@nessisonett Ok, first of all he was a footnote in history. He wasn't a samurai by any accounts. The more important thing is why did they choose him over ANY other notable Japanese samurai in a huge history? They completely ignored centuries of names to pick this one person. If you can't see EXACTLY why they did it then I don't know what to say.
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@Lavishturtle No please say exactly what it is you mean. Spell it out. Why is it that they’ve chosen Yasuke? You seem to be convinced you know the reason.
@RoomWithaMoose but he wasn't..
Will wait for the Ubidrop. This game drop to $20-25 fast.
When it's in gamepass or ps+ and even then after seeing game play from the none woke YouTube'rs.
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@Savage_Joe exactly what I was going to say.
@Savage_Joe How did I misrepresent it? He's literally upset because of a black samurai.
Or, I'm sorry, he's remorseful that Ubisoft decided to use an obscure part of Japanese history to pretend they care about inclusivity. Which is completely different from being upset about Yasuke being black and a samurai. Despite the entire 'inaccuracy' grievance stemming from making Yasuke, a non-Japanese man, a samurai. Still somehow a completely different point...
@Savage_Joe I read the whole thing. It's not difficult to read a paragraph.
So since Ghost of Tsushima is entirely fiction, is that a disgrace since SP could've made a game based on a real figure? If that's the argument against Shadows, 90% of Japan-set fiction is problematic.
@RoomWithaMoose the Mongel invasion of 1274 was real. So your statement of GoT being entirely fiction is false. 😬
@NintenGuy Yasuke was real...
Jin was not.
EDIT: Unless everyone is jumping on my use of the word "entirely." As though I'm implying every single thing in GoT was fictitious, including Tsushima itself — and I guess Japan.
When virtue signaling goes wrong...🙄
So it launches 8 days after PS5 Pro and is PS5 Pro enhanced. Can't imagine why they didn't try to sell this as a killer launch title. Missed opportunity!
@NintenGuy Khotun Khan isn’t real. The Mongol Invasion you’re describing was led by a Korean named Kim Bang-gyeong. Is it virtue signalling that they changed the ethnicity of the villain?
@RoomWithaMoose Horses are real. So are boats. And grass. This proves that you were wrong.
This game is in very bad position after Outlaws and XDefiant bad results and the whole Ubisoft shareholder wants Yves to get out from the company.
@PuppetMaster I wouldn't doubt it. Lol! Most consumers realize Ubisoft game just don't hold value for more than a couple months. So they just wait.
@J_e_f_f__D @Lavishturtle Where were you lot when white Irishman William Adams was traveling to Japan and playing Samurai? Oh, I get it, this isn’t a “Black” game so it’s a problem.
See, Blacks in GTA isn’t “woke”. That’s where they’re supposed to be. But Blacks in Feudal Japan?! What’s woke turned (Oh, sorry. “Turnt”) up to 1000! Forget that Yasuke supposedly really existed. Forget that his race isn’t even a factor in the game at all. He’s Black and he’s stepping out of his station!
William Adams is a white man! He’s allowed to be whatever the hell he wants to be! But God forbid a Black guy venture past South Central LA! That’s wokeness on a whole nother level!
Come for the culture war stay for whatever the hell that horse animation was. Did feudal Japan horses have the ability to glide?
***** the story. Who tf pays attention to the story? Or the poorly written characters? I play AC games to be a murder machine. Everything else in these games is dime store novel trash.
All I needa know is which previous AC this most resembles (because it'll resemble at least 2-3 of them - that's the Ubisoft game design way, after all) so that I can decide if I'mma pay $20 for the complete version in 2 years or not.
@caiol92 I believe that's at the heart of why they chose Yasuke. There have been several samurai games, with GoT being fairly recent and a pretty big deal. The experience of a black samurai sets in apart.
Easy now people, take a deep breath. Having passion and opinions for a game is all well and good, but this is getting a bit weird.
Remember our identity is attached to our personality not to some stupid Ubisoft game. Either "reward" them by buying it, or "punish" them by not buying it.
Or be a dirty dirty cheapskate like me and wait until you can get it for a fraction of the price...and then maybe pick it up. 😅
@Bamila i have a feeling it will fail. Rumors are that pre-orders have been lower than expected at retailers. I don’t feel sorry for Ubisoft as they messed themselves up these past few years. Now I do have sympathy for the backlash against the main character. As Ubisoft was a victim to the false information on the person in real life. I read that the Japanese people said that person was real but never was a samurai but merely a sword bearer. Which means just carrying equipment for a lord during those times. But even before this game was announce. I remember seeing information on the internet about this samurai with a darker skin texture package. And i thought okay that’s interesting and thought nothing of it. Turned out it wasn’t accurate. Revisionist history is never good for anyone IMO. Sorry I digress.
If it’s the same hack n slash bloated crud as the last few ones, I’m not interested.
Always wanted an Assassins Creed game based in Japan as it would be a great setting for parkour & actual assassinations.
But now, even if Ubisoft did go back to its AC roots, I don’t feel like the gameplay & original combat would have evolved or any effort put into it. I mean AC Mirage had those lazy teleporting kills because they couldn’t be arsed solving how to animate between the kills.
I wouldn’t be surprised if they put Sam Fisher in the game as DLC either.
Imagine, you're an East Asian male fan of the AC series You look forward to have an AC game set in East Asia with a male MC that looks like you. You see West Asian, French, UK, Scandinavian, Italian, Egyptian, part Native Americans get representation through male MC in games set in those areas. When it comes time for an East Asian male to be the main character in a series you're a fan of, Ubisoft basically says you're not good enough. What a farce
@Lavishturtle how many cultures do you need in an AC game? We've had the renaissance periods,American civil war era with a native American protagonist,ancient Greece,Egypt and the viking era..just which culture would you like to see?
@cardcrusher29 but they are covering an era that is important in Japanese history no? I understand what you are saying and I'm not saying you are wrong either but it's still an integral part of japan's history.
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@OthmaneAD to prevent people from pirating thier game?
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@Lavishturtle a quick Google search shows black rock bought a large amount of ubisoft shares. You don't need to be Sherlock Holmes to work out why.
I wonder what bird companions will be used? stellar's eagle or white tail eagle? i believe these are two of Japans native birds of prey. Ubisoft Anvil can look amazing in open world settings, i'm playing through valhalla again and the open country in england is excellent.
Looks stunning but I haven't played the last 3 AC games so it will wait. I might finally play Odyssey sometime in the next year.
Let's out go outside and touch some PS5 pro 8k grass.
I'll try the game out on Ubi + Via Xbox then buy a PlayStation copy after a month if it like it.
I hear ya. It's annoying as a fan of the series for sure. Some folks really seem to just have it out for Ubisoft for some reason or another. Like they seriously wronged them in the past or something. Then there's the culture warriors... it's exhausting.
I as well am very much looking forward to the game.
Looks pretty cool, I'll probably pick it up in a sale when I have a bit more time.
As an aside, I really hate what the internet has done to how we discuss things, but especially how we discuss made-up fun things like video games.
I am so ready for this game. I am at the point that AC is less about the story (which was why I played it originally) and more about the location and the playable characters. Gladly skipped playing Valhalla (still don’t have Mirage) and I am very much looking forward to Shadows. This might be my last AC as it is pretty much what I wanted if the story no longer matters but what a way to end things!
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Probably pick it up sometime in the distant future took them a year to fix the bugs in Valhalla considering it needs an internet connection just to install the game it's not worth full price
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