In a Push Square poll, 68% of you said you wouldn’t buy a PS5 Pro – but that hasn’t stopped Sony selling through its initial allocation of consoles in the UK. The supercharged system is “currently unavailable” on PlayStation Direct, and the 30th Anniversary bundle sold out in seconds – as you’d expect.
There are some important caveats that need to be underlined here: we don’t know how large the Japanese giant’s initial shipment of PS5 Pro consoles will be, and we imagine more supply will be made available closer to the system’s 7th November launch. Still, it’ll be fascinating to see whether the format sells out in other countries, like the United States.
When it comes to the 30th Anniversary Collection, only the PS Portal and DualSense Edge remain available; the standard DualSense and PS5 Slim have also sold out. Again, we don’t know what the supply for these items looks like, and more stock may be made available closer to launch.
All in all, though, it looks like it’s been a pretty successful morning for Sony in the UK. Given how things have gone on these shores, we’d recommend being prepared if you’re in the US; you can find out How to Pre-Order PS5’s 30th Anniversary Collection and How to Pre-Order PS5 Pro in our constantly updating guides.
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[source direct.playstation.com]
Comments 97
Well, that didn't take long.
I know I won't get one, but I'm in the queue anyway just for the thrill of it. Hoping to snag one of those sexy controllers though.
Because they were bought by bots more than likely. Look on ebay now it's just nuts.
Without knowing how many were available, it's impossible to know whether this is remarkable or not!
I'll be tempted to pick one up whenever GTA6 drops... but honestly, until that moment, is there a single game I'd be excited to play on it?
Normally you'd think... ooh Gran Turismo! Or you'd think Final Fantasy! Not really relevant this time is it?
I'm still waiting for the impressive PS5 games... nevermind Pro!!
@RBMango Better off waiting for a Sale when the hype has died down.
@RubyCarbuncle You need a PSN account to pre-order so it's a little more difficult for bots. (Not saying it's not happening, though!)
To be fair it took a few hours to sell out, though we have no idea how many consoles they had. I was contemplating getting one but I can't think of what I'll be playing anytime soon that'll take advantage of it. I might think again next year when Ghost of Yotei comes out
As for the 30th stuff I got the Dualsense, which is what I wanted
@get2sammyb Ahh right fair enough.
Dammit I was in the petrol station when my alert sounded then I forgot and drove off 🤦♂️
Managed to get a Pro and the 30th Edge, I'm happy with that
I managed to snag a ps5 pro. Missed out on 30th anniversary bundle. Glad in a way as the bundle isn't out of until 21st November costing £950 in the uk and I've sold my launch ps5 for pros 7th November launch.
saw ps5 pros selling on eBay for 4-5k. Absolutely madness 🤣
Got my normal Pro with drive and stand. Would’ve loved the 30th Anniversary edition, but that was never happening.
Could be placeholders? if they are for real then anyone who buys at those insane prices are mad imho. But i guess some really have more money than sense but thinking about it if you're that rich you don't really have any sense of value because there is no way they are worth those mental prices, haha.
Almost all were me. You can find them on my eBay shop for a mere £5,999. I've got to pay for the eventual PS6 somehow.
Their stock allocation system is absolute garbage. I had a controller in my basket, and was going through check out as normal; did the payment approval on my banking app, and when the page reloaded, the controllers were sold out even though I was going through check out. They hadn't even reserved the one I was literally buying. So disappointed. I'm not giving scalpers my money though.
@RubyCarbuncle Oh definitely. I'm also in this queue to try to get one for a friend. I couldn't care less if I got the Pro bundle for myself.
It looked relatively easy enough to get the PS5 Pro from what I saw
I was somewhat tempted but just can't justify it at this time. Maybe next year if I can save a bit up over the next few months. There's no hurry
Worth mentioning it took almost 4 hours to sell out, I’m not moaning btw, that’s a good thing as I wanna get one when retailers get stock in two weeks!
Build it and they will come, someone once said.
Sold to scalpers.
@carlos82 i went to page 8:06. It stated that direct uk is on pause from 8:05. It let me in after 2 hours, I was in queue all that time. It was sold out as soon I tried to buy it. Thats my experience. That is about Pro 30th bundle. Regular PRO was available for lot longer.
Yea but how many people buying it are first time ps5 buyers? A majority im sure. Much smaller percentage are upgrading because its so ridiculous to charge so much with no disc drive,
@REALAIS oh yeah the 30th bundle was gone instantly. They really should have been making far more of those available
I have a big catalogue of PS4/PS5 games so when I saw the games which are getting upgraded on the PS5 PRO I am just going to wait and play them on the PS5 PRO. FF7 Rebirth is a huge big difference,. They restock again before launch and have stock at launch and especially around Xmas time.
Even if we are close to 7th or passed it will be sold out. You will see the reality and how "stupid" Sony is to make pro and sell it.
What a mess those who resell are going to get.
Ooof.. not a good sign... I guess people like being ripped off?
Oh well, their money and their choice.
Oh wow. Only 3k for a ps5 pro on eBay. What a steal.
Got the PS5 Pro Anniversary Edition in the Netherlands, here at PS Direct it sold out in 9 minutes.
The regular Pro sold out in about 2 hours.
Got my normal Pro this morning.
Within about 1 min of the queue opening I was in, could of theoretically got a 30th version but didnt really want all the extra stuff, but by the time my order was complete the 30th version was sold out - quite a scalper lure given the very limited numbers.
@carlos82 yeah, 12,300 units for global launch is laughable. Imagine that they intend to sell 15million PS5 Pro in lifetime. 12,300 is like 0,08%...
Mines ordered, I'm a suckered for a new playstation console
@RubyCarbuncle doubt it or it wouldn't have taken 4 hours for them to sell out it'd have taken minutes tbh. Obvs some will end up on Ebay as that's what people are like
@carlos82 what time did you join the queue? I joined at 9.30 and still had to wait an hour and by that time the dualsense was gone
@Shad361 maybe 1% of them. It was active for 4 hours. Anyone who wanted one could easily get one. If they disappeared in minutes you'd be right
We don't have PS Direct in Slovakia. I pre-ordered the normal Pro in the morning in our biggest online store. The order confirmation arrived in half an hour and the next hour the eshop was paralyzed.
@roe makes sense. My plan is to get one in 1 or 2 years so I'm not scrambling to get a PS6 when that releases. Getting a PS5 at launch took a lot of effort and I can't be bothered with it again
I got mine , anyone wanna buy it for 25k 😁😂
@SlipperyFish I got into the store about 10:50 and the Dualsense wasn't on the main page, so I just ordered the portal. I went back on at around 11:25 and found the Dualsense then and bought it
@SlipperyFish I went in there at 11am and by the time I got to work at 11.30 I had one didn't really have much of a problem , I didn't really have an issue getting a launch ps5 either really.
@REALAIS the 20th anniversary PS4 was also 12,300, so that was 0.01% of total units. The ps5 pro is a lot more niche, and 3 times more expensive, so it kind of makes sense. Only kind of
@Shalooda oh really? I got on the website at 11 and it was gone
@carlos82 I got on at 11 and it was gone. Just went back on the site and it let me add it to the cart this time but then doesn't check out. Guessing the website bugged out and I was unlucky
Scalpers are fast.
Yeah they're all on eBay already. Check out the average price!
I believe how it worked is that you could join a holding 'room' "queue paused" from when they turned it on at 8.05am. Then at a few minutes past 10am (no idea why the delay), every one holding got a random place in the queue (i know it was random as the device i used got access within a minute of the queue opening, but I was not on the site that long before 10am) - once it got to your place in the queue, you could enter the site.
The 30th Pro sold out very fast.
Sometime before 1.30pm they had disabled the queue, and there were still Pros showing as available, but sold out very soon after.
@Andy22385 closer to 99% than 1, people are already dumping these
i hate scalpers
I'm more and more interested in getting it the more I hear about it.
I joined the queue at 9.55...it let me in at 11am and I grabbed a standard pro.
Picked up a dual sense from Amazon just after 10am.
All pretty smooth...knew I had no chance at the pro bundle.
Fake scarcity. You vote with your wallet. If it does genuinely sell well then don't be surprised if Sony goes all digital and charge more for the ps6. As I said before, if Sony is giving up on hardware generations, then ps6 games are required to run on a ps5 pro unless the game is really that technically advanced that it wouldn't run. Basically like iPhones.
It would be interesting to see a poll on how many members bought a pro and who didn't buy one considering the back lash it received
I think this just sets a marker now for Sony to charge a damn site more now for future consoles. I can't believe Sony were charging shy of 1k for the 30th anniversary pro, absolute bonkers. They at least never tried to rip people off with the limited PS4
@Pranwell closer to 99% than the 1% he claimed.
People are already selling these pre orders on eBay
LOL But but but everybody said they werent going to buy one.
Yall live in a bubble.
@Shad361 What ever helps you sleep at night lol
@Andy22385 Shrugs God knows. I got a PC built this year anyway so I'm not really in a rush to get the Pro now. I waited a while with the PS4 Pro I'll do the same here as well.
RubyCarbuncle wrote:
There's a few hundred PS5 Pro's on eBay, hardly a large amount.
And the 30th Anniversary PS5 Pro is less than 100 units globally. That's less than 1% of the total allocation. It's not scalpers it's just popular.
Could be scalpers though..
@get2sammyb PS5 Pro is back in stock
Still available in Ireland. I got mine. Turned down the 30th anniversary version but got the controller.
It appears so. I just ordered mine : )
(in the UK)
They must be releasing them in small batches either to give the impression of scarcity or ease the pressure on their ordering system yada yada waffle waffle ....
PS5 PRO!!! bring it!
@Frobe Likely they are reallocating stock from places that were not sold out.
Sony could have sold 10x the 30th anniversary pro easily. Not sure why they limited it so much.
Got mine just now, 27-minute wait in queue, then added it to the cart and checked out. Took 3 minutes, no slowdowns, the 30th Anniversary Edition is of course gone but wasn't interested in that one anyway.
Congratulations to those who managed to get their Pros.
I pre ordered one. Checked earlier and none avaliable but I've just checked again and they now have them avaliable so must of added more stock
I got the duel sense. Had to wake up at ***** 6am to get one but I got it.
Something in the water over there in the UK.
As a few have said Pros are back in stock in the UK.
They were definitely out of stock earlier, so maybe they have released extra stock for 5pm work finish, or they are cancelling suspect scalper orders (eg if 2 or more from same address like they said not to try).
@jrt87 Least someone knows how Sony is playing it. Using the phycological tactic for sales. Who ever does not vote with their wallet on this matter will make prices worse for everyone else. luckily most people have there head screwed on, this time round
Whatever it is, you can get it on eBay.
@Shad361 they will. There's about 50 on Ebay, which isn't bad out of probably 50k or more sold. As said, if it was they had only sold them to scalpers there would be 1000s for sale. The price is dropping to £800...after fees it's barely worth even doing it and this is day one. There's a lot more to be released on the market yet. Scalping isn't a thing for this Pro it's just the odd few trying to make a quick buck cause they don't know it isn't worth scalping this.
I just wanted a controller, was trying Amazon, but they sold out pretty quickly. They're now £50 more expensive on ebay.
Have to make up the pushsquare.com world count
Regular pros are still available. Ive just logged on and am able to add to cart.
I just looked and could still get one....not that I ever would
30th anniversary limited edition controller back in stock on UK PS Direct for those that still want one - just ordered one this very sec.
Seems to be coming in and going out of stock quite quickly.
As of 22:50 on PS Direct they are back in stock. This is an enthusiast only console so average gamers/budgets won't be interested anyway. Therefore they will manufacture less units/stock accordingly. I don't think it will be issue getting standard PS5 Pro (unless you want 30th Anniversary Bundle) provided you have the money for it.
I managed to secure my PS5 Pro (normal one, not 30th) at lunch hour (12ish) in my work lol. was wait for confirmation email for hours until I received it at 4pm!! Hope you guys will get one!
Hopefully it means there are scammers who will get stuck with a load of consoles no1 wants! People really need to stick to there guns and not give in because oooh look shiny 🤣🤣🤣
@Sh3p3000 Your Profile Picture makes your statement 100% funnier 😂
Just ordered Pro through ps direct.
Bruh they went ridiculously fast
There'll be a ton of scalping, but there'll also be plenty of people willing to pay this premium.
Not surprised by this.
To everyone banging on about scalpers: yes, of course, this happens - I saw one 30th edn bundle on Ebay at £9999! - but this is a vastly overblown idea. It was the same with the original PS5, when it turned out the vast majority were bought by 'real' consumers.
This is all about people wanting to downplay the fact that the Pro model is just more popular than they want to admit - the whole 'nobody actually wants the PS5 Pro' brigade. It's a niche product, of course, but many of us definitely do want it - and I'm glad I got in my preorder!
@nocdaes having owned a PS5 since day one, the only genuine PS5 game I’ve felt worthy is Astrobot. PS5 is gonna be around for another 15 years as it’s not even been pushed
It's not sold out, you can literally pre-order one on Playstation Direct right now.
@themightyant it's probably more they're just allocating more stock over time for their own store before shipping what's left to retailers
What a bunch of Muppets
@DonJorginho My exact thoughts would rather get one from John Lewis for example.
What happened to the "No one will buy this, it's not worth it"?? People on the Internet are funny af, voice your opinion and then act completely different on real 😡😡
People really let companies get away with whatever they want. Mindless consumerism.
FYI They are back in stock if anyone is still looking to get one
No it hasn't
I'll wait for the PS5 Pro discount
@nocdaes GTA 6 won't play much better on the pro due to it having the same processor. Framerate will be 30fps. It's a lot of money to spend for marginal graphics improvements in one game.
@Teknix314 It'll come down to personal preference. One thing I think people are way too quick to dismiss though, is the fact that there is a large group of older gamers that have a different outlook with their finances. Pro exists for this very audience. Pro isn't here for people to deliberate over graphics and performance... it's for the late 30s/early 40s year old that has the money and simply wants to play GTA "the best way".
Sony know this. Analogue know this too. Microsoft are too focused on younger audiences and Nintendo made good progress (Handheld play to fit gaming in) but stalled in the past few years with their insistence on "crap" software decisions.
@LN78 yes
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