We don’t mean to flog a horse while it’s already down, but astounding data coming out of the UK reveals that two retro TimeSplitters titles – released as part of PS Plus Premium but also sold separately on PS5 and PS4 – outperformed tentpole first-party title Concord. Of course, we know the Firewalk Studios debut didn’t do particularly well – estimates put it at around 25k copies sold worldwide – and it was eventually pulled from sale on 3rd September as a consequence. For clarity, this data only accounts for a couple of days of the first-person shooter’s sales, although it was available a little earlier for those who plumped up for the Deluxe Edition.
Nevertheless, it was the 261st best-selling game in the UK during the tracked August period, which spans both digital and physical data. What makes this truly astonishing is that the emulated versions of TimeSplitters 2 (218) and TimeSplitters: Future Perfect (229) both did better. Only the original TimeSplitters (326) performed worse. That really puts things into perspective.