Scalpers are taking things to a new level. Usually, limited edition items like the upcoming 30th Anniversary PS5 Pro bundle will command a premium purely due to their scarcity – but some plucky swindlers are taking to auction sites to sell their services attempting to buy one of the 12,300 units for you. They want $10,000 for the privilege.
Just to clarify here, you’re not guaranteed a console at the end of it all: the rip-off merchants will merely attempt to get one for you.
To be fair, while this auction has been shared widely on social media, we weren’t actually able to find it, so there’s a good chance it’s been removed. We’d also be surprised if anyone actually dished out five figures for something like this.
Still, it’s pretty obvious these bundles will be being flogged for huge fees later this week, especially once legitimate pre-orders have been lodged. We don’t know how much the package will cost on PlayStation Direct, but we’re expecting $1,000, so we wouldn’t be surprised if scalpers looked to sell these on at up to $10,000 once they inevitable sell out.
This weekend, a couple of prices did leak for the 30th Anniversary PS5 Digital Edition and 30th Anniversary DualSense. While you’ll be paying a $50 premium for the console, it looks like the controller will be priced the same as the pad’s various other colour variants, which seems totally fair to us. As a reminder, pre-orders will open on 26th September.
[source x.com]
Comments 78
Sony should send out invites from PSN accounts for you to gain access and purchase this Thursday.
Shouldn’t be giving this kind of thing any attention in any way shape or form.
Potentially encouraging more to try it.
@OldGamer999 yeah, absolute ***** show incoming on Thursday ^_^
Thursday will be fun 😂
Sony: "Write that down, write that down"
So if I were to shell out $50k to these guys, would I have 5 times the chance of getting one?
Some idiot, probably:

Sony should seriously sell those things based off player level and account activity. Give people with over 100 platinum’s first dibs and so forth.
Removed - unconstructive
$10k, for a “chance” at securing a ps5 pro 30th anniversary edition? Do they also sell lottery tickets for $10k with a chance of winning the jackpot? 😂
For a console that has no roadmap of it’s games is a tough ask. I will get the PS5 Pro cause i have the setup that can display the extra boost of details. But the price is a tad high, and this 30th anniversary is just trying to get some of that Concord money back it feels like.
@BamBamBaklava89 This has to be the most hillarious comment ive read in a while.
Scalpers should get jobs.
I really hope I get one. Although, the process probably wont be fair.
@BamBamBaklava89 100 platinums , seriously ? think I've got about 3 , I don't have time for that.
State of play tomorrow guys!!!!
@BamBamBaklava89 nice, I'd be able to get 3
@BamBamBaklava89 By account activity, do you mean hours played/length of time an account has open. That could possibly work.
I wouldn't want to see things go down the platinum route though. I never chased platinums in my life yet I've owned every PlayStation system since the beginning.
Please report any eBay listings like this because they're against the terms of service. Sellers cannot sell something they don't have.
What happened to gaming? This is ridiculous to have seen this in 2004
Scalpers should read more sites like this one. Then they would know that the ps5pro is useless, just a meager upgrade, just a greedy move by sony to squeeze out more money from the helpless consumers and nobody wants it.
I don’t think they care about scalpers getting them as long as they sell out and it creates FOMO for the next batch that release.
Nobody in their right mind is going to pay this. The Yakuza image made me laugh quite hard btw 😅
The kind of people that would spend $10,000 to have someone else attempt to get them a $700 plastic toy in new paint that isn't actually worth that price, is precisely the kind of consumer that Sony is targeting as their core market, and is also the kind of whale that drives the mobile industry, and has led the entire gaming industry to be where it is. Unfortunately these people really do exist. If you make 7 figures and can't figure out how to tie your own shoelaces, and can't be bothered to learn how, just pay someone else 5 figures to do it for you. Doesn't cost much.
How can they list one already on eBay when pre-orders are not even live ?
something fishy is going on again like the launch of Ps5 standard.
If you spend this, you deserve to be screwed over.
To be honest, if I got one and some moron is willing to pay £10k . So be it. It'd be a life changing amount of money for me.
Thanks again to Sony for a flawless learning curve, given the PS5 scalper debacle, the PS4 anniversary debacle and so on.
New Sony/Playstation slogan:
PS5 - get fvcked
This gives me a great idea to open a store of "attempts" - want this new limited edition PS5? I'll attempt to find it for a fee. I'll attempt to find that rare Pokemon card you want. I'll attempt to do your laundry. I'll attempt to get your wife pregnant. I'll attempt anything at Slacker's Attempts Store!
Seriously though, if you're buying this attempt, you need to be hit in the head with a tack hammer repeatedly.
@NoHope Username checks out
I’m not even going to attempt this because I know this is going to be a disaster. The Spider-Man plates were enough of a sign how this release will turn out
I wanna buy one bit I am unfortunately not fast enough 😔
Im now debating if i should get one to resell. Ive no interest in the pro, but ive been pretty lucky with ps directs lottery system. Got my launch ps5 without issue. (And they do validate and limit purchases to avoid scalpers)
Obviously 10k for an attempt is insane, but id be fine with a 10-20% markup based on the limited qty. (or just hold for a few years sealed in box)
Problem is, its just not worth the effort to resell for a couple hundred profit when so many actually want one to collect. Maybe donate proceeds of an auctioned one to charity for a tax break?
@__jamiie Hours played/length of time account open would be a pretty fair way to do it I'd imagine. With the amount of shovelware out there, you could probably get 100 platinums in a week fairly easily
If someone pays $10k for an attempt at buying a console, that’s on them just as much as it’s douchey on the scalper. I wish I had $10k to throw out for a chance at an exclusive/limited edition console. Sad part is this will clearly trick people
This whole 30th Anniversary edition PS5 thing seems to have the ‘shiny Pokemon’ effect on people. Nothing special about it other than a different color scheme and manufactured rarity, yet people will go to extreme lengths to get it.
@ATaco Scalpers have a job. They are robbing you of chance to buy something.
Instead of making its LIMITED EDITION,why don’t make it a unlimited one? Especially the dual sense. Sony know this scalpers situation.
Asking my retail shop here,but they still got no news so i hope i can snatch those handsome DUALSENSE
@jrt87 Can you just feel PSN starting to go down for hours on end after the inevitable DDOS after swaths of scalpers fail to stake their claim? I can! Nobody should make Helldivers plans this week, that's for sure
If anyone wants a PS5 launch phat 30th anniversary edition bundle, one of a kind, you can't buy one of these from PS Direct, I've got a PS5 phat and a box of acrylic paints from Michael's. I can have it to you by October 15th. Only $1800 + shipping. Matching Dual Sense Edge and case included. DISC DRIVE AND VERTICAL STAND INCLUDED!!!!!! Order quickly, only one available!
@NeonMullet same here. Could not care less about how a console looks. That controller though oh mama…
@jrt87 That's what I don't get about these FOMO mad rushes for instant-sellout products. Instead of having these intentionally limited runs of products, and instead of opening up the sale for launch models and selling out every 15 seconds while competing with bots, why not just take preorder reservations and fulfill them in order as they become available? Make as many as is needed to fill the reservations. If you're number 2 million in line, and they have to tell you that your order is expected to ship in the July 2025 batch, then, you have your order in, you know when to expect yours. How is this difficult? And it defeats scalpers because not many people will pay scalpers foretunes (except the true FOMO need it day one crowd) when you can just put an order in and get a date for when you should get yours.
Much smaller companies manage that fine. Valve did it with Deck. Pimax does it with their VR headsets. They're currently taking $1 reservations to receive an invite, in order, to place an order whenever they start taking orders for their Crystal Super in Q4 (or delayed to Q5?) You can place a reservation whenever, even if it means your batch is 6 months later because you were late to the party you're still in line. (and probably get better QC.) How do these much bigger firms fail to get this right??
Of course we know they answer. This isn't by mistake, they WANT it this way to always sell out and look like the new cabbage patch doll, and incite ever more FOMO and envy around their brand. They're not here to sell products. They're here to sell brand power. And shorting supply is proven effective. The most popular toy is the one you can't have.
Run a lottery. Anyone who wants one puts their name in and the first 12,500 names to be called have 48 hours to purchase their system, if they fail to do so then the next batch of names is called.
Hopefully they will make you have a PSN account to buy one. That may somewhat mitigate this. They do for some products.
Knowing what will happen, I can't believe Sony wouldn't have plans in place to alleviate this instant problem.
@NeonMullet Who'd have guessed that Echochrome would become the default color scheme of Playstation....
You're right about the teal. I knew SOMETHING was missing. You can't do early 90's without teal or seafoam green. It's not possible!
LOL, I gnashed my teeth so hard when I installed Playnite on PC, added the sounds, and what does full screen play? Something PS4-5'ish ambient sounds. Not as bad as PS5, but still, people seem to love that.... Fortunately it's just an mp3 so you can stick anything in there. I think I have to make it rave music or something just to counteract the dreariness of the default
Lol 😆 all of its insane to me! The scaplers 10k finders fee lol and the retail price of 700 for a console that will only get used for a year or two before ps6 comes out! Every one knows the pro' aka refresher comes out 2 years before the next generation. Different strokes Different folks also a different generation of I GOT TO HAVE Or MY LIFE WILL END. SAD
The audacity bruh, these scalpers smh lol
Sony, please also sell the faceplate seperately.
I'll be selling like hotcakes.
Easy money
@ATaco like it or not sadly they wouldn't be doing this if there wasn't a market , and people weren't willing to over spend for these things.
It's one thing to jack up the price on a verified pre-order, this is just swindling someone out of their money. You'd be better off spending $10k on gambling. I still think these should not be limited.
Report to ebay as chance listing: "Listings that offer an opportunity to win an item by chance or contest are not allowed on eBay."
Just say no to scalpers/profiteers. Let them eat the game consoles they want to profit from reselling.
I don't even want one of these, but I kinda want to try and see if I can get one. The problem, is I don't see the value. Sony needs to bring games. New games. Games that will make it worth it. New Killzone, or Resistance maybe. With squeenix going no more exclusive mode, its all on Sony.
I wish there was a law against this
@SilentBluntman how did Nintendo do it?
I dont think thats even available as a service as per ebay terms of service agreement. Just report those posts when you see it. Theyre not supposed to list those as they dont even have the item theyre selling and the posts expire after a two week period and the item comes out 2 months from now. So scammer takes your money and runs off with it. Hope ppl arent that stupid
If you been a console gamer as long as i have you know most of the games come out at the end of the life cycle not at the beginning. Also killzone is dead its more profitable to keep making horizon games.
@BansheeNorn i don’t know about that, considering how long 7th gen was , i feel like we got some bangers from beginning to end . if we’re just talking playstation then id say 2009 onward which isn’t necessarily the end of the ps3 lifecycle either. And about this :
“Also killzone is dead its more profitable to keep making horizon games.”
@SilentBluntman didn't sony also do this? They did it when they launched ps direct. And I remember getting an email saying I have 24 hours to purchase. I didn't do it tho.
@Malaise i vehemently disagree. Governments are already so large. We don’t need the biggest voting base deciding what we can buy. Responsibility and accountability comes with being an adult. From a legal standpoint these scalpers are just offering a middleman or consulting service. With your proposal, therapists/psychologists should be banned too since they cannot guarantee to fix anyone’s problems.
If people are silly enough to sign up for this that is on them. 10K could be used for ones gaming needs for many years to come. One could even buy two launch PS6s then keep one sealed to sell for later. It’s a personal problem if someone uses these services.
@Lexluther23 the pro will be used longer than a year or two. As many will use it will into the PS6 launch. Judging by how the PS4 is still relevant. Unless Sony completely changes the mindset for PS6 and does not cross gen games which I truly hope for. Then I think your estimate would be correct.
I'm positive these "Scalpers" are actually Sony getting some free advertising for the most part.
Hey, if you're dumb enough to pay £800, you're dumb enough to pay £10,000.
@Vaako007 10k could get you a PS2 and all 4.5k games that were released on it I reckon.
The way this gen is going, it wouldn't surprise me if Sony scalped their own system and then sold them on for £10k a piece.
Learning to do without stuff you don't need is a great way to avoid being caught out by scalpers. Sure, it looks nice, but it's still just so much plastic and silicon bunging up your living space. Let it go and the scalpers don't make a penny! Just realised "oh, yeah! I don't really need it. It's just another console. I can wait for the next one and simply enjoy what I have!" and go about your day unburdened. Solved!
I’m not convinced that listing was ever real. Feels like something someone made up to get people on the internet riled up, and it worked!
All the listings I saw last night on ebay are gone. Not sure if they were removed by ebay or what. I tried to report them as a "chance listing" but was rejected by customer service.
@BamBamBaklava89 @OldGamer999
I haven't used my PS4 in about a year because NO games on PS currently appeal to me!
IF I did want to upgrade to a PS5 it would be the Pro system, and you are telling me I shouldn't be allowed to buy the one I like the look of?
Reasons I did not buy a PS5:
No extra cash for another system at the time.
I knew Sony would be doing a Pro as they did it for the 4
No games that interest me.
We'll see how the 6 fares...
@NeonMullet Oh Playnite's just a PC library/launcher/homescreen UI so it has a controller friendly console-like frontend. You can skin it to look like PS4, 5, XSX, X1, Deck, Steam, or unique things etc. But it has a default background music that's dreary and sad like PS
Yeah, strictly PC, it feels much like a PS or Xb interface (I go for something different, I don't want it to be exactly like a console I already have, but yeah the background music is just an mp3 in a directory.) PS5, you're stuck, that's in the firmware. Someone thought it was a good idea. Probably Jim and Herman, because it fits the mood of them killing PS
Yep I'm with you on hating modern and missing the late 80's, early 90's.
Aww boxes, I remember when I was all PC in the late 90's early 00s. It had the BEST boxes. The big full sized cardboard software boxes with inserts. Games like Baldur's Gate 2 came with a spiral bound manual weighing like 2lb, a CLOTH, folded map, and a metal coin. That wasn't the deluxe super $100 collectors edition. That was just stock and standard in the box for the price of the game! Eidos had those trapezoid shaped boxes. Then the boxes shrunk and became the mini boxes for a while. Ok but still not as cool. The jewel cases were inside (though screw the cardboard sleeve era that scratched CDs!) And then just became DVD cases. And then vanished entirely once Steam happened.
I think everything that defines the modern is corporate, soul sucking, defined by lawyers. IDK how we got here. Khrushchev told us one day we'd wake up in a communism and wonder how we got there......he wasn't wrong. His plan worked. Even if it outlived his country.
@BansheeNorn sad cause I think they could get a good multi-player game going If they can get a 60 fps going in a kill zone game
Who'd have known, I am shooketh! SHOOKETH, I say!
@BamBamBaklava89 darwinist-capitalism?! Wtf 😂
@jrt87 yeah im agreed with you. Time limited instead of limited quantity. And i think its kinda stupid to make it limited as they know this gonna sell like a hot cake.
@NeonMullet Haha yeah, I can't think of anything about the modern times that doesn't really suck. The one good thing about the Internet though is at least the people you're not near are still accessible.
Though I never had social gaming as I kid. I was Nintendo and everyone else was Sega.... At tht height of the console wars is like crossing into gang territory wearing the wrong colors lol. I had a Genesis too, but they only cared about the sports games anyway . Maybe things haven't changed that much 😆
Envious about the flip phone off the grid life though. No way I could pull it off..... Plus no pcvr . But I'm envious. I just want to rewind time...
@NeonPizza I agree, things went bad in the 90s. I'm not sure what the catalyst was. Probably the internet rising. Something about everything started to become obnoxiously sterile and homogenized around the late 90's and that's where we've been ever since. I think in a lot of ways that's around the time the "2 parent working family" started up, and everyone became obsessed with careers and nothing but careers, and "home" stopped existing, side anything stopped existing, and everything started to become shades of off-white. And we've roller coastered ever since, where the grind is life, life is the grind, and there's no culture to speak of outside the grind.
Yeah! I got the rig, and had it all set up in general, but haven't got it all set up for VR. Spent all night a few days ago setting up all the different VR engines and the Playnite interface (had it on my handheld but not the rig, and Playnite is a drug. You spend more time playing with Playnite than the games For people that say "I want themes, and folders, and custom backdrops" Playnite gives you more than you can dream of
I spent forever getting UEVR, and REFramework, and SteamVR, and VirtualDesktop and everything installed and partially configured, and downloaded like 2TB of games that are either VR games or that I want to run in UEVR, but never got as far as actually connecting the headset to the PC router (still on my main router for stand alone) and running things. And got side-tracked getting my audio recording interface running so I can play Rocksmith with real instruments wired. Freaking 4090 to play Rocksmith.....the fans don't even turn on on the card....
I wasn't going to go 4090. SWORE I'd never do it. But when I started looking at UEVR injection and all.....that's the route I wanted to go, and I'm considering an 8k Pimax set in the future so really a 5090 might not even cut it. And even 4090 chokes on things like Wukong and (LOL) Dragon's Dogma 2 VR (30fps alternate eye ftw!) But I haven't tested it yet.
There's a lot of setup to do, only because i"m trying to do a bunch of different things with different setups. Oh, and I subbed to Luke Ross, so I get all the Sony and Cyberpunk VR mods too! Got that set up, got the games installed, but haven't run it all together yet. Will I get a sim racing setup....TBD....?
@NeonPizza So I've finally got around to messing with PCVR. I still have a lot of experiments to try, so it's amazingly time consuming, but that's because I'm trying out tons of stuff.
It's equal parts better than I expected, and equally frustrating as expected lol. There's 3 parts to that. 1: Wireless (which includes wired on a Quest) adds complexity because you need the connection client (Oculus Airlink or Virtual Desktop) with its own menus and configuration. A true wired DP PCVR set skips all that. Wireless adds complexity. 2: Multiple XR runtimes (SteamVR OpenXR, Oculus OpenXR, OpenVR, standard OpenXR) For some games this doesn't matter, for some games it does.
Getting connected was actually easy. I launched Virtual Desktop, installed the PC client, and it connected right in. It also autoconnects after the initial login and setup, so from now on I just launch it with the PC on and I'm in my desktop. Went to play Hitman. "unable to connect to server." Ok, I won't play Hitman. Played Sniper Elite VR - WOW! Clear rendering for miles, high res textures, absolutely beautiful! Tried Automobilista 2, at first I couldn't figure out how to get it into VR mode, but after playing with settings I realized you have to turn the tracking on in the game's VR settings menu. I thought that was for eye tracking, but it's for headset tracking. With that on, works great. So great I ordered a racing wheel and shifter and pedals and folding cockpit frame (minus chair)
I researched Hitman. Found out the issue is it needs the Oculus runtimes with the Airlink/or cable link app which I hadn't installed. So I installed that, and set up Airlink (Oculus's own connection client for streaming. Not as nice as VD, and it seems whitewashed like it's in HDR mode and shouldn't be, but some games apparently need the real drivers.) With that installed, Hitman.......says "HMD not found." Ok..... Long story short, somehow on day 3 I got Hitman working, and it looks AMAZING. People complain about the PC vr port being a bad port of PSVR1. I don't get it. It plays like a proper VR game should. That game is going to eat a lot of VR hours. It was super dark inside the game, almost impossible to play, but that might be that HDR was auto enabled for the game because Playnite is set to launch compatible games with HDR on. I need to disable that for my VR compatible games.
So then I went to the unorthodox stuff. VR injectors. Didn't try GoT yet, but tried Luke Ross mod for Elden ring. Worked easily. Yes, it's janky. Your motion sensitivity would probably NOT tolerate it. There's flicker in turning, there's black side bars, there's artifacts around the character which is because of wireless (I.E. a real wired set would fare better) I however am fine and intend to play the entire game this way. Elding Ring in VR is amazing, and I can see so much more of what's going on that way. The world is HUGE.
I didn't try any other Ross mods yet. I tried UEVR though. Like a Dragon: Ishin! OMG it looks freaking incredible. Yes, it's janky, yes it flickers, yes the camera clips walls in cutscenes, it's not built for VR, but it dosn't matter, it runs and looks great!
Then I tried Octopath 2 in UEVR. Ehhh. It's supposed to be supported well. It looks like it would be great. But the left eye works, while the right eye is filled with some kind of garbled mess. That would take some time to try to resolve. Ishin is great proof of concept though that when it works, it works.
Then VorpX. I havne't tried the latest unstable version yet, I think I will. It's very cool when it works, but that one takes a LOT of effort to get working. VorpX can do 3D injection just like UEVR, however that's not really what it does best. What it does best is created a huge cinema size virtual screen, curved, with 3D extrapolation so that it's like a giant curved, 3DTV. That way you can play games with higher settings and performance, but still on a "flat" curved (virtual) screen, large, and with actual 3D on the screen like a 3DTV would be. In theory it can play almost any game with some real 3D. In practice getting it to "attach" to a game even from the supported list can be challenging. So far I only got Assassin's Creed: Unity working. And it works really well! I tried Dragon's Dogma 2, but it wouldn't attach. Then I got it to attach and it said it couldn't find an Oculus headset. Found out I need to run the Oculus app first. Then it attached but in Airlink it never shows up in VR. In VD, it just shows but not in 3D. Tried Cyberpunk listed as supported, and it does actually work right, but then the game crashes on the title cards. Tried FFXV which is supposed to work and it couldn't attach, with an error. The executable it's looking for is ffxv_s. Mine is running ffxv_u. patch broke it maybe? IDK. So Vorpx is really cool in that you can get a lot of games, especially older games though (plus Starfield) running in 3DTV virutal mode. And it looks really good. But getting it to attach to a game properly is very time consuming and difficult, at least so far.
So, yeah, PCVR is really good for me so far, but it can be a little time consuming. Not so much if you stick with real VR games, though. The real time sinks come in when you try to use VR injectors into non-VR games, and the results vary between absolutely amazing, or spending 5 hours failing to get it working right. Which is fair, because it's hacking pancake games to run in VR....can't expect that to be a reliable process.
But, yea, I'm very happy. Even getting SOME big huge regular games into VR is amazing even if most fail. regular VR games take some more effort sometimes (and sometimes not) between the jank to get it going right. But when you can get it going it's a very nice result. And it feels seemless in the quest once it's running (except you need to bind a combo button to be menu, because the physical menu button becomes the SteamVR/VirtualDesktop overlay button and you can't use it in-game. But otherwise it feels the same as playing a native quest app, once you get done messing with desktop stuff.
Is the result worth it? I think so. But is the result worth sinking time into messing with it to get what you want from it? YMMV.
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