Deliver At All Costs looks incredible. The upcoming isometric courier game, developed by Far Out and published by Konami, has been inspired by 1950s Americana – and sees you assume the wheel of a period appropriate whip, where you’ll be tasked with delivering unconventional cargo. It adopts a classic GTA-style isometric perspective, but there’s loads going on in the above gameplay video.
The press release reads: “The year is 1959. A time of rock ‘n’ roll, polka dot dresses, and the ever-looming dread of nuclear annihilation. Step into the shoes of Winston Green – a down-on-his-luck courier with a fiery temper and a mysterious past – as he delivers highly unconventional cargo, leaving a trail of havoc and chaos behind him, ensuring he does what it takes to Deliver At All Costs.”

It sounds like each delivery mission will have its own unique set-pieces and gimmicks, meaning no two tasks will play the same. If you watch the trailer, you can see one mission where a bunch of helium balloons allow you to defy physics – while another sees you weaving in and out of traffic and a landslide. Fun stuff!
The developer says the environments are “semi-open”, so it looks like you’ll have the opportunity to explore off the beaten road. You’ll also be able to get out of your car and travel on foot at times, allowing you to soak up even more of the lavish scenery. Sadly, there’s no release date attached to this title just yet, but we reckon it looks great.
Comments 33
We're probably not talking about this game because no one on reddit has said anything sensational to tempt websites into reporting on it.
It's to your credit that you have. I knew nothing of this game, but now I do, so thanks. I like curious indie games like this.
Looks good , thanks for heads up.
Perfect game for Extra.
I think this looks great. Definitely potential here!
Looks fun, but the isometric view kills it for me.
@NoCode23 I have a lot of nostalgia for that viewpoint from classic GTA. I know it's slightly different here, but invokes similar memories.
Wow, where did that come from. Good job to put our attention to it. Looks awesome.
This looks amazing. If this is as much fun as it looks then I'll be a day one customer.
People are all over it on YouTube. I liked it on all three channels I watched it on haha. Even made the wife come watch it
Isometric view sometimes has you raising your head, pushing down the right stick hoping to see what's above...sigh. Game looks good though.
Everybody’s too busy celebrating the death of Concord.
Game looks great, but I'll wait until I see game play.
Looks interesting. Never heard of it before I saw the trailer pop up today on the PlayStation Youtube channel.
This looks awesome. Love dumb fun like this.
I love the way this game looks, I'm interested in checking it out at release.
Looks great, let's hope it plays as great as it looks!
Not sure I'd ever heard of this but now added to the buy list.
Why would people talk about sub-AAAA games?
But are the character models something you could find on PornHub? The important questions aren't being answered here!
This looks fun. Another one for the long wishlist.
Physical release?!
I hate isometric viewpoints especially when driving which is why I can't go back to the pre-3D GTA games. Navigating around is such a pain in the ass in them.
Looks like a great ol' time
I like what I see! Thanks for the heads up
Looks good, also waiting for Parcel Corps. I always felt indies get a rough ride on playstation compared to other platforms for example every week on "what are you playing" it all seems to be folk playing the big AAA stuff. Any time on youtube on the playstation channel with indies you always get the knuckle dragger comments "is this a mobile game". I dont hear from pc gamers with £2000 rigs complaining about indies.
Looks interesting, I do love driving games, especially if they good music and the trailer here sounded awesome
Hadn't heard of it. Looks surprisingly well-made and like it has quite the potential to be fun!
The trailer had me at the 🦈 - this looks like it’ll be a lot of fun and fun-frustration
Day 1 Konami buy? What is this madness?
Deliver fun games and people will buy them? Wow crazy
Looks good fun. Graphics look great. Love isometric games. Just will be a bit gutted if Konami have destroyed PES just to make this. God I miss PES!
Was GTA isometric? I seem to remember top down. This doesn’t seem isometric either, although it’s a bit hard to tell as I’m not sure what’s gameplay and what’s cinematic a lot of the time. As is, it looks like the camera transitions might be a bit awkward. I’m sure it will play well though. Nice to highlight it as I’d never heard of it before.
Originally, GTA was going to have an isometric view, but in the end they decided on the famous eagle view (top down) that we know.
By the way, the only GTA game that does have an "isometric" view is Chinatown Wars.
I really like the look of this. Fresh ideas for a game which is a nice blast of fresh air at the minute.
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