While very different games, Concord recently launched to a dismal response from players, and Sony pulled the plug after just two weeks. With the onset of Suicide Squad's Season 3 of live service content, nearly nine months out from launch, Warner Bros must be looking at the player count that killed Concord with some envy. Despite losing some $200 million and counting, it continues to endure.
Eurogamer has been keeping tabs on Rocksteady's unfortunate departure from its previous, excellent Arkham series. With the pivot to a live service structure clearly not going as planned, at least on PC (where such things are painfully exposed), Season 3 drew in less than 300 concurrent players at launch, down from an all-time peak of 13k back in February. Granted, it's not the weekend yet, but to that we say, why not wait a couple of days?
We don't mean to belabour the point, but there's apparently going to be a fourth season of content, which does add a character players have been looking forward to (Deathstroke) to the game. Will that be the end? The whole situation is quite illustrative of the state of the industry in 2024 and thus could conceivably change any day.
What do you think is the grand plan for Suicide Squad here? Would you like to check out the new update? Keep a stiff upper lip in the comments section below.
[source youtu.be]
Comments 63
The plan is simple: we kill the Batman...
Wait, we did that already?!
Then idk, crash this plane with no survivors I guess.
Honestly surprised they’ve made it this far. Probably to satisfy some contract clause demanding at least a year of post launch support, but still 🤣
wait, there's a Suicide Squad Game?
If you think you're throwing your money away on buying pointless things, come back to this article to read someone is funding Suicide Squad development and you'll think otherwise
@NEStalgia Any day now. We'll all open our hearts and our pockets to the GaaS gods. So just you wait, this is only a lull. I'm sure Suicide Squad will pull off a resurgence like No Man's Sky and prove us all wrong...any day now. 😅
Are they really adding new content? Or is it just a skin to play the same ***** all over again, but with different colours?
I still can't believe this game directed & written by the same guy who directed Arkham Asylum, City, and Knight. The quality not just like night and day but it's like heaven and hell.
Heck, the graphic looks far inferior compare to Knight which is a PS4 game.
I'm not sure what the hell happened to Rocksteady. But for their next game, if WB didn't closed them, they need a big home run if they want to win back their fans.
Like how the below was added in after the excellent top comment feedback on the Ragnorok article:
“Granted, it's not the weekend yet, but to that we say, why not wait a couple of days?”
Still absolutely hilarious that Rocksteady made this Suicide Squad roadmap with additional characters, and gave the audience 3 characters nobody ever wanted or asked for, and kept the only one that gained hype all the way at the very end of its dismal lifecycle (deathstroke), and once he drops the game will be shut down anyway lmao.
@Czar_Khastik suicide squaders can’t catch a break
@PuppetMaster I mentally blocked this game from my memory so hard that I legit thought rocksteady stopped making games
Those few people still playing must be spending thousands and thousands...
@Yousef- Give it time, you might just be right.
'Season 3 drew in less than 300 concurrent players..'
@Khayl Come on, you write for a living. Fewer than...
Surely this will be a PS plus game in the near future.
This cover article reads more like an op-ed piece (or column) than a news article. You guys need to stop labeling this as news.
The sad story of fantastic developers forced to make a game by managers and shareholders with absolutely no vision other than trying to hop on a money train thats already full up.
I hope this is a lesson to some of them. When the game concept is locked by the non creatives, start looking for a new job.
I practised this and left a job for exactly that reason. Doesn't mean I didnt work on games which then performed poorly, but they were games I believed in.
Call me when WB actually puts down this joke of a game.
You should watch the cutscenes, she goes on an anti-v4xx rant in her 'ending'. Throws around words like 'bodily autonomy', 'colonizer', 'wealth redistribution'. I can't believe hundreds of devs had a hand in this, and no one said 'you know, this actually isn't the epic slay we think it is'. Or they did, and got shut down by senior / third party agents.
@Rjak Don’t think Sony would cough up any money for this for PS Plus. I don’t think Concord will come to PS Plus either. I think it will just be a tax write off.
people love to say the myth that live service games shutdown quickly & right after you buy them , but then talk crap & wonder why a live service game isn’t shutdown yet 🤣
I can honestly say I've never heard of this character in my life. Just another odd choice in a game that is overflowing with odd choices.
Wasn't WB considering divesting itself of its video game business a couple years back? After seeing the microtransaction hellscape they turned Mortal Kombat into, I wouldn't shed any tears.
I bought suicide squad on sale a month ago and started playing last week. I think the game is quite fun to be honest. I can see the live service element but I am ignoring it and just enjoying the single player experience of it. I wish they would just stop this live service
It's not the same Rock steady that made the Arkham series they all left and moved on this Rock steady is a only known by name
I still can't believe they are trying to save the game or carrying on. Cut ya losses and move on.
I think I'm still in disbelief, that Rocksteady the 1 publisher who literally nailed down what it takes to put put a true superhero masterpiece, follows it up with 2 great sequels, nails down combat, nails down the atmosphere and the feeling of being the batman, with many ways to improve upon it and make great stories within that universe.
To go from that where they could do no wrong.
Release a live service game where the main. Characters are probably the most least liked group in Comics and them killing the Justice league, in which we've had 0 games about.
Nit only this put the enemies are just generic, the developers who literslly solidified decent combat in their games chose third person bog standard shooting as the main mechanic and the game itself plays like a ps3 style game with no modern takes with its story telling. Yes cut scenes are great but the adventure in-between feels like old standards.
They have done exactly what WB did with it's DCU.
Made great origin story for 1 person and then rushed the rest of the films.
Is it playable in offline? I still want to give it a go (I enjoyed arkham knights)
If it's not playable offline, it would mean I need to get it QuickTime before it disappeaes
I enjoyed the game play of this. It was very fluid and quite fun once you got the hang of it.
@TheFakulty online only at the moment
Wow.... who in their right mind approved that? Concord levels of smugness is the only way to explain it
@Golem25 I couldn't believe my eyes and ears when Lawless at one point said "I Columbus'd some of Catwoman's merchandise".
It made me want to puke.
This makes me miss the Avengers game. At least that campaign was decent.
I hope this team never finds work.
@Golem25 I have no doubt there is toxic positivity infesting the team; add to that a desire to take all the DEI funding you can and it’s a recipe for creating another game trying to spread (and I can’t stand this term) “the message.” When you have people make a game who have swallowed the belief that politics belongs in everything, you get a game like this. Look around the whole industry and it’s more prevalent than you would think. They think Gen Z cares about this messaging, but I work with them and they don’t even see it.
@ErrantRob Toxic positivity is definitely the issue here. Awful ideas are not criticised for fear of being labeled the usual ist or phobe words. Probably 95% of the devs knew this whole thing was an awful idea but were too afraid to speak out. What kind of world are we living in
@Blaze215 I currently playing Space Marine 2 and it’s awesome, no message getting pushed, just a good old fashioned game that’s fun. We need more of those
With how the Concord situation played out, I’m genuinely surprised WB hasn’t pulled the plug yet on Suicide Squad.
Like Concord another woke games as a service failure that no one asked for and by the numbers no one wanted. All the resources wasted that could have been put into a new Arkham game from Rock Steady and a new Sly and Jak game from Sony.
@Yousef- Yeah i'm with you. Let's just think Rocksteady has been in long hiatus after Arkham Knight. Hopefully someday they'll comeback with a banger.
The skeleton crew of Suicide Squad is probably where WB put the devs they don't want on other projects at this point: "Just do whatever you want, guys!"
Triple down on failure. Yeah that's always a good idea...
@LordFunkalot haven't purchased that yet but will definitely get to it. Have been playing my ps3 for the last few months need to cleanse my pallet of AAA modern slop 😂
I still can't believe how badly this did. Truly beyond redemption.
I love watching companies I used to LOVE go down in the dumbest ways possible.
I got this free on PC (thanks, Epic) and look forward to giving it an hour or two like I gave Gotham Knights before realizing it was utterly awful and barely worth the download.
WB will be lucky if Rocksteady can ever recover the lost good will with the Arkham IP. They've absolutely slaughtered it.
Maybe what they need is a game in the same style or with the same mechanics, but with a tweak to the story or something. Not totally devoid of Batman, but more like Batman Beyond or an adaptation of a specific storyline like Long Halloween.
No clue. But I hope they can get it together. The Arkham gameplay is still top notch in my book.
@Nakatomi_Uk No, the original Rocksteady did make this game. The veterans just left the company in 2022 after the game's first delay because they realized they made an awful game and wanted to save their reputations. They realized gamers will think a developer had nothing to do with a finished product if they aren't part of the company when it launches, despite working on the game for 5+ years. Jason Schreier released a really in depth article about how Sefton Hill and other veteran Rocksteady devs were absolutely awful during the game's development. Moral of the story don't buy anything from their new studio Hundred Star Games as they are con artists.
@Blaze215 I’m of the exact same opinion, I totally recommend space marine 2, I’ve not played a game like this in years. No message or politics. Has a single player, co-op PvE mode and a decent PvP multiplayer. A deep unlock system and the artwork/graphics are awesome. Gory and violent. It’s like playing a game from 2005-2010 but in the best possible way. I feel like I’m playing Gears Of War for the first time again, totally worth a look. I’ve never been interested in Warhammer before either
@Petrecis24 yeah Lego DC Villains. Unironically a much better SS game.
How much content did they promise? Once that is fulfilled bye bye Rocksteady
@LuXifer Any Day Now. Is that a new GaSS that crashed and burned? Hadn't heard about that one.
That was Twisted Metal 2 ending animation
I don’t even think the game looks bad, I just have minimal interest in online games. I don’t have the time nor the inclination to keep up with every kid who grinds a game 8 hours a day.
the season also features the lamest character added yet: a gen-Z Deadshot variant. It's not exactly the season to bring some life into the game
I still want to try this game. Just waiting on a definite edition.
@Petrecis24 It's a Suicide game literally.
It will have to remain "live" for that to happen.
Ironically, the live service aspect of the game could end up costing them a substantial amount, they'll either need to keep the games online if they want that ps+/gamepass money or they'll miss out on it altogether by closing the game.
They should just release it as a PS Plus freebie; and then bank on microtransanctions while cutting their losses.
I’m guessing the only reason this game is still getting content is because it involves an IP and probably had some contract guaranteeing a year of extra content? Just a little surprising to see it still going when Concord was killed immediately, but I guess Concord was an original IP so they weren’t beholden to anyone else.
Also, the character choices are just bonkers. Joker and the yet-to-be-released Deathstroke make sense, but Mrs. Freeze and Deadshot’s daughter? Who wanted that lol.
Plenty of actual female supervillains they could’ve added like Killer Frost or Cheetah. But the characters they chose just aren’t going to excite anyone or get people to buy the game.
@LuXifer Gamers already do. Which is how Fortnite alone keeps the lights at epic on.
I have never met anyone irl saying something along the lines of "D@mn, it would be really cool to play as a female version of Mr. Freeze or as the daughter of that character played by Will Smith in 2016´s Suicide Squad"
@Dr_Rocanlover If done well it could be interesting. But this last character is like doubling down on everything that is wrong. The daughter of Deadshot is the worst in every kind of way possible.
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