Digital Foundry has just published a PS5 Pro comparison video, showing off the difference the console's AI upscaling tech in particular makes to The Last of Us Part II Remastered.
The video pretty much speaks for itself, with the unsurprising result being that the Pro's output is simply better than the regular PS5's. The game's Pro mode renders the image at 1440p before PSSR upscales it to full 4K, targeting 60 frames-per-second.
In short, it achieves its goal of marrying the old Performance and Fidelity modes, giving players the best of both worlds.

The frame rate is very nearly flawless, with only some tiny dips during transitions in cut-scenes. Meanwhile, the image quality more than measures up to the old Fidelity mode, in many cases looking better.
Again, it's not really a shock to see that PS5 Pro's beefed up hardware makes this game look and run better, but this is one of our first proper direct comparisons, which is always interesting to see.
The results will of course vary from game to game, so hopefully we get to see more comparisons like this one for other titles as we approach PS5 Pro's November launch.
What do you make of this comparison video? Go prone in the comments section below.
Comments 105
Not that impressive for a ps4 game . Hopefully it will be better once the ps4 dies
Funnily enough I was playing this very game last night on my new 55 inch Samsung OLED and all I ever thought is that it looked fantastic
People can moan about the price of the Pro as much as they want. But there is a clear benefit they’re providing here.
Ah the daily article about a slightly better system running games slightly better, what a time to be alive
Oh yes yes. So Amazing to see this ps4 game, already double dipped into a ps5 rerelease, now serving as a selling point to play it again on a modest mid gen upgrade with an absurd console price Tag. Look folks, now you can play this for a potentially 3rd time or more, but you can see background detail slightly clearer! Mic drop
The two games of this IP have become the Gta 5/Skyrim of playstation in the worst sense of that comparison.
I thought this game had an unlocked frame rate mode that ran at around 80-100fps. Why is the pro only providing a 60fps mode? 120 seems perfectly doable
I'm all for it. Can't wait to get my hands on one.
@carlos82 Yeah everyone with a high end TV will be just fine with the base ps5. My LG oled offers VRR that smoothes out alot of ps5 games and the upscaler to 4k is extremely good. 120 hz also makes possible to use the balanced game modes(if offered) to 40fps that can do miracles.
Compare the games that r only solely on PS5.....not PS4 games.....
I have a new top end Sony TV and I get your point.
They upscale so well.
I did certain settings for my Switch and the motion and upscaling make it look like Switch 1.5.
@OldGamer999 Exactly. Before anyone double dips for the pro model they need to ask if their Tv set is doing the ps5 justice.
I think when we get new games from Sony like Ghost 2 then we should see even better examples of the PS5 Pro. Well I hope so anyway.
I'm very excited. I've already clocked 200 hours on the PS5 version that came out this year and I'd love to be able to play No Return in fidelity mode with high frame rate. Behind parts of Alan Wake, this is still the most gorgeous visual design I've seen in a game. The fidelity it has is only eclipsed by Horizon Forbidden West, which just has absurd 4k detail.
There's cheaper ways to be miserable. You can get terrible diarrhea for $5.99 from any Little Caesar's. HD. 8Kays.
I did think the Pro would have started with a higher base resolution maybe 1800p then upscaled. And still be able to maintain the 60fps.
I mean this an old a game .
Maybe the new Sony games will.
@zebric21 definitely, I had a decent 4K TV before upgrading but the difference has been been huge and it also has 4K 144hz support for my PC. As for the Pro, it's something I am considering but will probably wait until after Christmas as the only new game I'm getting for the rest of the year is Silent Hill 2 and for PC anyway
@OldGamer999 for nine months.
HFW even on PS5 takes a native 1800p then checkerboard upscales and hit 60fps.
And it does look amazingly good.
Not sure why they are starting at 1440p with last of us 2.
@LikelySatan it costs $5.99 now? Back in my day, I remember $5 whole pizzas! We also used to wear an onion on our belts. Which was the style at the time.
I went with the Sony X95L 65” mini led. but considering the A95L 65”. Hopefully a price reduction this Black Friday.
I'm sure your own farts will elevate the temp.
@AgentGuapo No one has doubted it would provide that. The point of contention is whether that upgrade is consistently noticable (especially while actually gaming), and if it's worth 700+.
@Pranwell goodbye then
Another article and more people slagging it off. Don’t want it? Don’t buy it then and only then will Sony listen
@Pranwell So all of the sudden the base ps5 is an eyesore no matter what..The fomo is real i guess i had no doubt. And guess what? Nothing beats native 4k. Not even the next dlss form nvidia can avoid image errors and artifacts. So the ps5 pro is still a console trying to do 4k.
Let me buy the PS5 Pro from Target, you cowards!!!
Looks the same to me
"The frame rate is very nearly flawless, with only some tiny dips during transitions in cut-scenes."
I'm sorry, what now?
@LikelySatan Sir I'll have you know Little Caesars is delicious and is, unfortunately, no longer $5.99. Them hot and ready's are like $7 now.
@zebric21 I’ve noticed that. The Base PS5 was the greatest thing to mankind,now it’s suddenly not good enough and we MUST have a pro console.
Literally trashing the previous to make the next thing look better. I’ve seen this with PS4 as well
Said it before on here and pure Xbox.
Nothing beats native 4K.
Play a game in native 4K and it looks pristine.
But I’m told that to get native 4K @ 60fps on modern games with high LOD and flashy stuff, would make an extremely expensive PC worth thousands.
Crazy how the Pro mode looks clearer than the 4K mode and at double the frame rate
Digital Foundry previews like the one shown in the video are an indispensable resource for people who play with their nose pressed up against the screen.
@OldGamer999 Tech companies will milk the 4k 60 threshold like there's no tommorow. The TVs are there for a couple of years but consoles and gpus still can't make it. I just don't believe it. In that pace ps6 won't be able to do it as well.
The pro seems to be more for people who can tell the difference between 30 and 60fps and still want to play with the sharpest graphics. Fortunately I can’t.
I think developers could do a lot more optimisation with their games to get there.
Trouble is it takes some experience and time especially if the game is multiplatform.
I expect Sony could get the closest as they develop only for the PS5 consoles.
Unlike Xbox developers do multiplatform and PC etc. That’s why they will never get the best out of the series x console. Would love them to make a game just for series x only to see what the console can really do.
Sony isn't only not making me want a Pro they're also making me regret my PS5 purchase, just could have kept gaming on my PS4 until Switch 2 launched.
We just had a SoP with a bunch of games in it, shouldn't we be talking about the games and not just hardware seemingly all the time? 😩
@Bizzy i really was hoping you were gonna say "nose up their a..e 😃
@rjejr Im sure Push Square already have their pros "secured" due to the constant marketing for it.
I'll be honest if I didn't see which version it was on screen ,I'd struggle to see the difference , its not plainly obvious to me
To be honest, a PS4 game that already runs very well on PS5 isn't going to change my mind and make wanna buy a Pro. We're talking about a console that is costing 7K in my country (not including the detachable disc drive). Thing is, most games that are already out will run decently on PS5 Pro (at least they should, in theory). If i were to buy a PS5 Pro, my only interest would be in games that are going to be released in the future, like in 1 or 2 years from now. By 2026, PS5 Pro's CPU will be 6 years old and I'm curious to see if the 10% boost in clock speed will help CPU bound games to run at a stable 60fps, because i presume this console was made to run all future games at a stable 60fps, with resolutions equal or higher than PS5 in Quality Mode, at least until the PS6 is out (in 2027 or 2028), if not, then there's no reason for me to switch over to a Pro.
Now, if a game like Elden Ring or Dragon's Dogma 2 can't hit 60fps in Quality Mode consistently on the Pro (both games are quite demanding on the CPU), i won't be too optimistic about future games that will definitely be heavier on CPU and GPU.
Guess we'll have to wait and see. GTA VI and Crimson Desert are coming next year and both of these games seem very demanding, and since both are open world, they're definitely CPU bound.
I'd like to make it clear that this is only (((my opinion))). I'm aware of people complaining about some users that are criticizing or being skeptical about the Pro...well, if i got one for free, you can bet i wouldn't be saying any of this, but these machines cost a lot of money and i live in a 3rd world country, so it's not that easy to buy things like that. The higher the cost, the more skeptical I'll be because i care about my money lol
Its kind of funny that digital foundry has probably sold more PS5 Pro than Sony has.
@AgentGuapo No one is doubting it is better but is almost double the cost better? I understand the 60 FPS but if you are playing a game requiring lightning reactions that really benefits from the frame rate are you really stopping to look how shiny it all looks.
I'm still using my 24' Finlux TV from 2013 and I still don't feel compelled to upgrade for my gaming. And if I did I'd probably only go as high as 1440p anyway.
I'm waiting to replay boths game on the Pro after the 7th.
@Contimaloris for real 😆 I'm actually considering upgrading when I get my next bonus. 🤔
What I want to know is this: can we still install our own SSD? I would assume so, but I haven't seen it mentioned anywhere.
@Enigk $700 is nothing compared to how much a high end PC graphics card costs. All things in perspective.
Them frames are so smooth at such a higher res. Pro is looking like a very sound investment indeed 🔥. I’m sure we are going to see a vastly superior GTA6 on this thing
Sony: “Throw your money down the pssr”
Eh don't care. I only wanna play games. My ps5 not so slim will do me. I don't care about barely noticeable graphics boosts or Fps boosts to the moon and back. Gamers are like wrestling fans now, care more about statistics and numbers rather than what their watching and playing. Sad. We supposed to be gamers having fun not bean counters
Can't wait to see how this game looks on PS6
The problem is that the games are increasingly less ambitious. It’s all the exact same gameplay loops from the PS3, no matter how many grass particles there are.
@AgentGuapo "$700 is nothing compared to how much a high end PC graphics card costs. All things in perspective."'
If comparing JUST the GPU (not a whole build), that's only somewhat true. Those super expensive cards are almost certain to be much better than even PS6. The $500 cards are a little better than what's in PS5 Pro. Just for GPU of course not the rest of a build.
@OldGamer999 Yeah, and with modern "optimization" even the very best PC money currently can't buy isn't doing 4k60 for a number of modern games. Weirdly even Metaphor, which is not a graphics feast by even the farthest stretch. Modern games are not built to run on hardware that currently exists at any price point. You can't even buy your way to the performance desired. I think the "4k60" dream is dead for a good while, even on PC, if the graphics details, RT, particles are pushed as they keep doing. Turn that stuff off and you get 4k60. Keep it on, not so much.
Another reason I like VR. Everything needs to be kept minimum to max res and fps because in VR it's just a default fact that that matters more than anything else so they stop pushing all the fx and focus on raw basics.
These videos point to the obvious point that the PS5s switch is solved by the Pro. It is a kind of clever conditioning thought out from the start.
Wow, there is so much coping in the comments, and a lot of BS too. High price seems to be the only factor lol.
I dont really care which game they used, this is a good tech demo of what the Pro can achieve, probably using a limited dev time patch. Not quite as impressive as the leap in FF7 Rebirth (which looks terrible on base), but very good indeed.
@Rich33 yeah, if you want to play in fidelity mode, but in 60 fps, then the Pro is for you. Pretty simple.
I think you may have misunderstood - i was praising the results acheived on pro.
I only play in 60fps, to the point that I will not buy a game that doesnt keep to more or less locked 60fps, no matter how good the game, so yes, the pro works for me.
@Rich33 me too. Pro seems to be better than I expected.
I, for one, think this looks really good and can't wait to see... similar results in other games, hopefully.
Now that I think of it, I started a TLOU2 Remastered playthrough and only got like 70% through it, so I might as well play the rest on the Pro.
@AgentGuapo I am not disputing that but if you are travelling at 100 mph you are not really taking in the scenery around you.
If it played PS3 games natively I would be there day one but for shiner games that I won't really notice unless I pause the game doesn't really justify the outlay for me. Each to their own though..I'll wait for a PS6 and hope there is more to it than just flashier graphics and exclusives to get me on board straight away.
I need a PS5 Pro so i can catch every detail on my tiny remote play screen! For realz, ray tracying 4k enabled 30fps looks amazing on tiny phone!
@KundaliniRising333 Created an account just to update this opinion
Wow.... much greater... big win.
No thanks. The PS5 Pro announcement was the push I needed to leave console gaming and I bought a Steam Deck instead.
Will this allow me to like Gotham Knights, I mean, at all?
Digital Foundry said the pro runs at about a 4070. For the price it’s quite a good value… for people who want it but for others who are complaining about it just don’t buy it? I just got a new tv so I won’t be getting it for a while but the fact it can run fidelity at 60fps is a selling point for myself alone. On my new 65” you can clearly see the difference in performance and fidelity.
Fortunately some games have a 40fps option for people with 120hz vrr TVs. Just finished the last of us part 1 with this and it looks absolutely incredible and 40fps is almost as good as 60 and feels 10x smoother then 30. I just wish more games provided this option.
Let's be honest... Who doesn't want to see Tifa running around in full 4K with 60fps.
@SteveJaye 100% this, 40ps fidelity mode is the sweet spot. The pro really isn't improving much on this
Trying real hard, eh, PushSquare?
@SteveJaye add the money you have to spend on full price gaming "licenses" from the PS Store.
@KundaliniRising333 I rate the PS5 Pro a full 5/7!
@Pranwell lol you're fed up as well. Fine fine fine if they don't want the pro don't get it .but enough of the bitching. I'm with you...can't wait to get my pro.
There's just some mad man a Sony with a whip screaming at a group of engineers they have locked up about the The Last of Us;
Exec: It's not good enough! It has to be prettier! It has to be more real!
Engineer: sobbing We tried. Please let us go. We can't push it any further...!
Exec: MOAR! cracks whip More polygons! crack More light pathing! double crack You won't stop until I can smell the blood on Ellies hands!
Engineers: x_X
@Pranwell Congrats on an awesome TV. As a gamer, I still prefer the LG for lower input lag (10.3 versus 16.7 at 60 Hz), and at half the cost! But yeah, pure picture-wise, you have the best OLED.
@zupertramp it is a fine enough pizza-adjacent food stuff for my kids.
$7 is highway robbery, but I guess laxatives are pricier.
I can't see the difference. Should I bring a magnifying glass? You do you of course.
@Toot1st im not gonna buy the pro but if you can’t see the difference then your eyes is having a problem. It’s obviously much more detail and crisp on the pro.
Right, but I refuse to spend $850 to play a last-gen game. Especially when I already played it on the PS4, and it looked great four years ago.
Yes, thanks, I know all that. I didn’t think anyone would care about the specifics of my not being able to tell the difference. But yes, I meant in relation to movement feel. I do use 60fps because, as you say, there can sometimes be a bit less blur in some games. Not all. Depends on whether the devs reduce the horrible motion blur effect, but some don’t.
Fair enough but still have 0 interest on paying 700 for an updated console with no disc drive or stand so I can play a ps4 game on its second ps5 release better
@LikelySatan normally I’d go for Taco Bell.
@Mikey856 might get a ps6 version due to timing.
This is like a remaster of a remaster with a remasterized console.
@carlos82 @B_Lindz on a ps5 or on a pro? I was surprised couple of years ago when I hooked my PS3 (yea 3, haha) how it looked on my new Sony Bravia, which I purchased just for the sake of playing ps4 pro (and later ps5). Game was a wow on the new screen with the PlayStation 3.
PS5 Pro is truly a waste of everything.
What a miracle, since this is a PS4 game. It doesn't even look better in general on PS5.
All the resources poured into this project, just to offer a mass murder simulator to the world. What a species.
@Artois2 People are allowed to slag it off if they don't see any discernable benefit. This article is telling people how brilliant it is so a counterpoint is completely justified.
It's still a completely pointless piece of hardware from Sony. Every game released for the PS5 will need to be playable on the base model. And guess what, they will play absolutely brilliantly.
But for £700 they will be ever so slightly more shiny. 😮
For years ‘gamers’ have been saying I want fps and graphics. I want XYZ.
Sony gives them the option. ‘Gamers’ there’s no difference.
Guarantee had this been £500 everyone would be able to see the differences.
These comment sections are like a case study on inferiority complex and maladaptive coping.
<a href=""><img src="" title="made at"/></a><div><a href="">from Imgflip Meme Generator</a></div>
Ahhh just messin with you guys
What's clear cut is that the best the PS5 Pro has to offer at launch are patches for old games, and you are required to pay 800 euros for the "privilege" to replay them.
@doctommaso if he even does..
PSSR is quite impressive so far. I wish we can see more videos of new games to see how it is holding up.
Seven hundred quid for sixty frames below 4K in 2024. I think Sony are actually ribbing everybody...
@Deljo let’s hope more games add this. It’s such a big difference and I’d be fine playing everything at 40fps besides fps competitive games etc that I don’t play anyways.
I'm sorry, but a game like TLOU2 is the worst possible way to do any kind of comparison between PS5 and PRO. It's a PS4 game that is already running perfectly fine on a base PS5.
Show me Dragon's Dogma 2 in graphic mode + RT running at a locked 60fps on PRO, then we can talk...
@thebizniznizbiz Do you mean native 4K? Yeah games aren't going to run native 4K on the Pro. Neither do they on the PC, unless you have the highest GPU card. If its pure image quality, then in the video they say that in many instances it looks even better than fidelity mode.
Internal resolution isnt always a good measure for image quality now with these AI upscalers
This comments section is cracking me up. I’m old school, so upgrades were always pretty exciting “back in the day”, but the negligible increases we’re being conditioned to be excited for are great, but are they that great?
I’m probably not the target audience as I just finished Super Mario Bros. 3 this morning on the Super Nintendo on retro hardware…
I thought the game looked great, played smoothly, and I appreciated the hardware bump from NES to SNES.
My PS5? I still play on 1080p televisions. So the performance and picture is pretty great.
I have done a bit of research on viewing distances, and from where I like to sit, 4k isn’t quite worth it for me. Maybe when I want a new television…?
I guess my point is that the upgrades we’re being conditioned to purchase maybe aren’t quite as shiny as they’re trying to convince us of.
For those that want the newest and greatest, I am sure it will be worth it. For those who just want a great game and an immersive experience frame-rate can make a difference to a point. For example, I prefer the immersion of the 3DS version of Ocarina of Time over the N64 due to the better graphics, 3D (glorious 3D!), textures, and frame-rate. Yet, I find myself playing the GameCube Collector’s version more often because it’s on a television and it’s “good enough”. That said, I also own the N64 version, it’s good, but on original hardware it’s a bit of a blurry mess due to the limitations of the 64. So, I do care about upgrades, but when is good enough, good enough? I think it’s just personal opinion, and what we’re used to.
I hate the FOMO aspect of gaming performance, even though I know it can improve my enjoyment. I’d much rather play Dragon Quest XI at 60 fps than 30 fps, though I played it on PS4 all the way through at 30, and absolutely loved it.
I’ll probably just wait for PS6 - and even then probably a few years into that cycle for my next batch of upgrades. I feel like the jump/rush to 4k kind of messed a lot of things up with just enjoying video games. We’re so focused (myself included at times) with numbers, that we forget the essence of enjoying a great hobby.
40 fps mode is nothing short of wizardry.
@JDCII we are not conditioned. Each gen has seen significant improvements. People are conditioned to be as negative as possible to feel special. Nobody is winning an award for saying FOMO or saying proudly that they won't buy a Pro. Unless there's an award for spewing repetitive dross where it's no longer relevant or warranted.
@JohntheRaptor I mean…okay? Definitely not looking for a prize.
Just giving my personal take. You hopefully saw that I hope that those who buy the PS5 Pro enjoy it. I mean that. I even admit to enjoying a good FPS boost and texture upgrades, further I add that I will have probable interest in the PS6. I do think FOMO is a legit reason for a lot of these incremental upgrades. I have been guilty of it myself.
There have been a lot of improvements overall, but the exponential growth seen in the early days of video games just doesn’t seem to be happening.
I apologize if my post struck a nerve, it was meant to just share my thoughts on the situation. The contention around this whole machine is amusing. In the end, it’s just a box. A really fun and amazing box, but…a box.
If PS5 Pro is what you want, go for it. I just, personally, don’t see a need in my sphere of life. ✌️
If a Pro came out at the same time as the PS5 original, I would most likely consider the higher end, but now it's too late. With halfway through the cycle, I'll just wait for the superior PS6.
I feel insane, of course the image zoomed x3 on a stationary element is cleaner than the base PS5 but what about actual gameplay ? It's all fine and dandy but when you play, you're constantly moving the camera, your eyes are constantly scanning different part of the scenery, you're engrossed in the world and the story.
Who can confidently and for 30 hours of TLOU II definitely tell the difference by playing the game normally ?
I've changed GPU recently I have a high end RTX 4XXX card, I'm playing the TLOU Pt I Remake and even with every settings imaginable pushed to ultra, as soon as I start playing, I cannot tell you the difference between the PS5 version.
I just don't understand how you can justify a machine that cost 300-400$ more than the original that gives you check notes clearer backpack textures and grasses.
Honestly I'd be interested in doing a "blind test", take a few hundred people, make them play the game without telling them if it's PS4, PS4 Pro, PS5 or PS5 Pro (or even PC at Ultra if the port is in the works) and see how many people can definitely tell the difference without obsessing over distant background details and just playing the game like a normal human being.
Is anyone excited to pay £900 to play a game they bought 4 years ago?
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