A recent update for the Dead Rising Deluxe Remaster has added PS5 Pro support to the undead mall explorer, with the most notable feature being ray tracing. A new toggle in the options menu lets you activate "more realistic reflections on glass and water surfaces", of which there are many in the game. The official Dead Rising Twitter account has provided an example of the feature in action:

In addition to PS5 Pro support, the patch also adds a new Casual Mode for all users. This option is intended for "players who have problems with action games" and lets Frank level up even faster than he already does in the Deluxe Remaster. The mode doesn't disable Trophies, so this is one option to take if you are encountering any issues with the difficulty on normal mode.
Further changes brought about by the update include an adjustment to the "frequency and accuracy of the gunfire by Special Forces", the ability to save your data to any slot in Infinity Mode, and fixes to the controller settings.
In our Dead Rising Deluxe Remaster PS5 review, we awarded an 8/10 and praised its "huge visual upgrade". Now it can look even better as a PS5 Pro Enhanced game. "A substantial visual overhaul of Dead Rising is what will immediately stand out most, but where the Deluxe Remaster truly thrives is in all its gameplay touch-ups to make the classic play and feel like any other modern game," we concluded. "They all build to the definitive Dead Rising experience, where its time management feature can be properly appreciated."
Will you fire up the Dead Rising remaster to check out the new ray tracing features or Casual Mode? Let us know in the comments below.
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Comments 32
Oh nice. Need to get back to this as it got put on hold due to other games.
Same. Also I was finding it too hard so will definitely be doing it on casual 🤣
I wasn't really very interested before, the window reflection hasn't changed my mind 😜
Loving these pro articles , keep em coming! i can’t $top clicking! And that starker sheen in frank’s hair ? goodness! the pro is just profection 😭❤️😭❤️
I would like to see an article on the Pro that lists and numbers every single reflection which has been upgraded and improved. Otherwise how will I be able to know which games are worth playing???
I find the coverage about the Pro a bit odd to be honest. Most articles seem to talk about minor visual fidelity changes like this, which do exist, but aren't likely to sell a £700 console.
The FAR more important change is improved framerates imho. Almost every game I have thrown at the Pro runs smoother and FEELS better. I realise that is far harder to test and visualise to readers but it can make quite a difference especially if you have a 120Hz VRR enabled TV.
Is that worth £700? Money is always subjective but i'd still say NO. For most users, it's an unnecessary upgrade. But you can sell your PS5 to help fund it - I was also lucky getting 20% off - and after selling my PS5 it cost £265 net (without a drive), that's far more palatable.
More than anything while it's advantages are limited right now, I believe the Pro will show it's worth more and more as the generation rolls on. I didn't judge the base PS5 on day 1 games alone. We will see more games like FF7 Rebirth and Dragon's Dogma that struggle on base PS5 and in almost every other game there will be less compromises to be made. It's still a tough sell for most, but for enthusiasts like me that is worth the cost for the next 3-4 years.
I wasn't really very interested before, the window reflection has changed my mind.
Only kidding, it's the window reflection AND casual mode that might change my mind 😜
@themightyant "Is that worth £700? Money is always subjective but i'd still say NO."
As you say, it's subjective. For me the answer was yes, so I bought one. I have absolutely no issue with those that think otherwise, I completely understand why some don't see it the same way I do.
What grinds my gears is the insistence of some (here and everywhere else) that their view is somehow the only right one and that others must be wrong if they see it differently. Seems they can't stand the idea of someone being happy with something when they are not an have to bang on about every opportunity they get.
To avoid being accused of falling into the 'they keep banging on about it' category I'll say no more!
@SJBUK I don't understand the problem with all the moaning , if you're not interested in an article why click on it , read it , then comment on how not interested you are , it's weird.
@SJBUK In case my post didn't make it clear, I also bought one.
I just don't think it is a sensible upgrade for most users. Yet I'm perfectly happy with mine. Enjoy, and don't worry what other people say. We're never going to all agree, nor should we.
A couple of extra reflections here and there do nothing for me.
Updates to 30fps modes are meaningless to me.
The increased framerates (I do use 120hz VRR where the choice is given), and visual quality / increased settings in performance modes - which I easily notice, do make it worth it to me.
Ive also noticed less individual stutters / hitches which is a bonus.
(I will add a caveat to the visual quality upgrade - barring an odd exception like Horizon, ONLY normally if they have used PSSR instead of a boost to native pixels.)
But you are right, its not just patched older games I bought it for, its also for newer games - particularly as you say those that will start to struggle on base over the next 4 years.
However, I do want the information - I hope, going forwards, Pushsquare add a section to each game review giving the differences experienced for Pro (some other sites will, just like sites cover series S and X) and I do like to read up on changes to older games - i tend to have a lot of games i want to replay at some point.
These devs deserve commendation for recalibrating the difficulty settings without infringing on players’ trophy rights. This is how it’s done. Now anyone and everyone, even people with disabilities physical or otherwise, have an equal opportunity to earn all trophies no matter their skill level.
This sort of policy ought to be mandated across the board by all platform holders, for all games. Remember, people: These do not function or serve the purpose of real world trophies, and were never intended to. Only one person/team wins the gold at the Olympics, whereas trophies and achievements were inherently designed so that all players could obtain them. Or at least in theory, if they are properly designed. These are essentially collectibles tied to one’s account, a visible record of someone’s gaming journey. None should be excluded.
Oh my god the Pro whining is incessant. This is also about a new difficulty. Of course they're going to report it like literally any other game update. This is less about people highlighting something and more about people wanting everyone to know how great they are for not buying the Pro. Which isn't even aimed at them to begin with.
@Balaam_ I've always thought it strange that devs take away trophy support for say story mode , it's like they're chanting "you're sh*t and you know you are" surely you should be able to play how you want to play, with the money you've gave them, also it annoys me when they lock the difficulty to the whole game on start up.
@themightyant yeah for me the Pro is worth it for the improved image quality (not necessarily settings) and yes the framerate. Even Digital Foundry are struggling with the latter due to the nature of recording VRR and by and large they are differences you kind of have to see in person.
For anyone looking at the Pro, I'd suggest a good OLED VRR display is a must to truly take advantage of it and overall I'm very happy with the results.
Resident Evil 2 in its RT mode now locks to 60fps or 120 with it off, GT7 is glorious at 4K 120fps, TLOU2 looks razor sharp and runs around 80fps, with Spider-Man 2 around 50 odd fps (60 doesnt matter with VRR) in its fidelity Pro mode
Just in time before my XBox version arrives, if Amazon UK is finally comfortable to send off my copy.
@carlos82 ...or a mini led, just as good with higher brightness 😉
I have a pro and tried the demo with ray tracing. It definitely wasn’t a smooth 60fps so I turned it off.
Still a massive downgrade from the original game.
@Jrs1 I'm not sure I'd say just as good, OLED has better black levels and motion clarity, I've just moved from a Samsung QLED to their OLED and it looks quite a bit better.
For brightness generally yes they are brighter but new Samsung OLED is very bright and I'd say, at least as bright as my old TV
@carlos82 I got the QN95 Mini Led, the black levels are superb compared to my old Qled, im surprised Samsung jumped on the Oled train tbh they were making great strides with mini led, usually motion smearing is something associated with Oled.
@carlos82 "...For anyone looking at the Pro, I'd suggest a good OLED VRR display is a must to truly take advantage of it.."
Very good point. I have an LG OLED with VRR, must admit I'd have been less tempted to upgrade otherwise. OLED is is great but VRR gets you the most benefit, all the graphical bells and whistles at 40+fps.
I'm still hoping for good things to come with VR, that was a big part of the decision for me.
@SJBUK I might jump back on VR2 if it gets some nice updates, I've heard good things about that Kayak game and it'd be awesome if GT7 supported higher framerates, as at the moment it's just 60fps native and reprojection to 120 with very obvious ghosting.
But yeah VRR is a literal game changer, removing the need for games to hit a locked 60fps and then anything above that just improving the experience further
@carlos82 "t'd be awesome if GT7 supported higher framerates, as at the moment it's just 60fps native and reprojection to 120 with very obvious ghosting"
The ghosting doesn't bother me, it's the popin. Have to see what they can do, even if it's a choice of no reprojection or better fidelity I'd be happy.
For anyone in the UK Argos are selling the pro for 659.99 just got one.
@SJBUK Yes, the potential for VR is enormous. On flat-screen games, the benefit of the Pro can be limited in cases where the CPU is the main bottleneck. But in VR, you're almost always limited by the system's GPU. The benefits will be especially noticeable when PSSR works with VR, since many games render at a resolution that is quite a bit lower than the OLED panels'.
@SJBUK hey buddy you don't head to defend your purchasing decisions to strangers on the internet lol
It's taken casual mode for me to love this game. I tried a number of times to get into playing the original on ps4 and I couldn't get used to the saving system, the timed events and kept giving up. The DRDR version has meant I've finished my first playthrough and ended up in overtime mode. It's been a whole lot of fun to play!
@ItsAlwaysSunnyyy "hey buddy you don't head to defend your purchasing decisions to strangers on the internet lol"
lol, I wasn't aware I was, certainly don't feel the need to.
I think it's good to bring a balance of views, though, rather than just have these threads full of 'it's not worth £700' as a general statement of fact rather than personal opinion.
@Art_Vandelay "he benefits will be especially noticeable when PSSR works with VR"
Agreed, though I've been wondering how that would work and how efficient it would be if the frame for each eye was rendered separately. I'd imagine there's a catch somewhere.
@SJBUK Yep, that is probably why it doesn't work in VR yet. And there's an extra layer of challenge as, ideally, it would have to blend with DFR (dynamic foveated rendering) as well.
Casual mode is going to make platinum easier 🤔 will beat 72 hour and overtime on normal first ofc
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